bathroom design center
hello and welcome to the name is philip and i'll be presenting for you today,and in this demonstration we're going to be doing a bathroom design using chiefarchitect software. we have two versions of our software, chief architect premierand chief architect interiors. chief architect premier is for fullresidential and light commercial design, whereas chief architect interiors willfocus specifically on kitchen, bath and interior design. we're going to be usingchief architect premier today, but everything we do in today'sdemonstration you can do in chief architect interiors and if you haven'tused chief architect yet or you're using
an older version of the software, you can download a free trial at we're going to getstarted by drawing out our initial floor plan and then vaulting the ceilingand then we're going to adjust some of our materials of the structure. nextwe're going to design our cabinetry and create some wall elevations, thencomplete a glass shower, design our electrical plan, go through the 3drendering options in the software, and then go through creating schedules andlayout sheets for the plan. so let's get started. so here's a picture of what ourfinal design is going to look like. as
mentioned earlier, we're going to havethat master bathroom with the ceiling vaulted and we're gonna have somehis-and-her cabinetry on either side of the floor plan,with the tub towards the back and a little alcove area. we're alsogoing to have a glass shower leading to our master bedroom. in chiefarchitect at the top of your screen you'll have your common architecturaltools and these are going to be tools like your walls, doors, windows, and soforth. these same options are available through the menus at the topof the screen. additionally, on the right-hand side of the screen you'llhave your library browser which will
contain over a hundred thousanddifferent items and materials to use throughout your design. i'm going to goahead and close our library browser and then we're just going to draw theinitial shape of our structure. so i'm going to go over to our wall tools andthere's a lot of different options: an exterior wall, interior wall, foundationsand so forth and if you're an existing chief architect user you'll notice these two new options in x11 for a glass wall whichwill be for a shower, and a glass pony wall. i'm going to go ahead and use ourstraight interior wall and i'm just going to click and drag the generalshape of our floorplan. you'll notice
that as i drag my walls i get that temporary dimension letting us know how big our walls we're drawing are. you'llnotice that they're currently in feet and inches. at the top of the screenyou'll have this drop down for your dimension defaults, and i'm going toswitch it over to our nkba dimension defaults which will be more appropriatefor a bathroom or kitchen project. there's lots of different dimensiondefaults and these will be pre saved defaults that will pick up things like awall surface such as drywall, versus a framing layer or will ignore thingslike electrical items or pick up cabinetry. so for our bath projectthe nkba dimension defaults will be
most appropriate. i'm going to keepdragging and you'll notice how that dimension is now changed to inches andi'm not trying to be really precise with our dimensions right now because we'llcome back in a second and touch those up. so now that i've got the general shapeof our floorplan let's go ahead and take a 3d view. i can do this by going tothe camera tool on our toolbar and you'll notice that we have a couple ofdifferent tools in chief architect: a full camera which will be more of afirst-person point of view, a full overview which will be good if you have aroof and want to see a full design, a floor overview which is what we're going to beusing which will remove the ceiling
from your design, or a framing overview.for a kitchen/bath project our floor overview and our full camera workpretty well. so i'm going to use our floor overview, and you can see how weinstantly enter a 3d view. you can navigate through this view just usingyour mouse, and zoom in and out using the scroll wheel. you can work in 2d and 3din chief architect, so to do that i'm just going to grab my tab here at thetop and then drag it over to the side. you could have also done that bygoing to window and then tile vertically, or by pressing shift f6 on your of the major advantages of working in both 2d and 3d is that you can seeyour changes instantly occur in the plan,
and to help ensure your accuracy andavoid mistake. so next let's go ahead and dimension out our floorplan, and soto do that we first need to get some dimensions. i'm going to press the space bar which will bring up our select objects and then just click once in this room. in the bottom toolbar there's a new option for auto interior dimensions. ifyou're an existing chief architect user, this tool was previously up in themenu at the top, but has since moved to the bottom toolbar. so clicking once willget interior dimensions going from the drywall surfaces in our plan. so next i'mgoing to start dimensioning our walls. the first wall i want to dimensionis this one that currently reads as 50
inches. so in order for this wall toresize, either the wall on the left or the wall on the right is going to haveto change its position to account for this wall's change in size. i'm going toselect the wall on the right and then select our dimension, and then type inour new desired dimension and press enter. you can see how that instantlyupdates in both our 3d and our 2d view. the next wall i want to resize is thiswall i have dimensioned, which currently reads as 41 inches. so using that sametechnique i'm going to select the wall on the top, select our dimension, type inour new dimension and press enter and we can see those changes occur. i'm justgoing to continue doing this going in a
clockwise direction throughout our floorplan. going in the same direction as you dimension in your floor plan will helpensure your accuracy. the last dimension we need for this floor plan isgoing to be the dimension of this wall, which is going to be a 176 inches, and press enter. then i can click on this room, click on the auto interior dimensions to refresh our dimensions, and there we have our floorplan dimensioned. so next, let's go ahead and add that barn door that you seetowards the backside of the plan. let's do this by working in our 3d view.i'm going to make our 3d view our full screen by just grabbing the tab andbringing it in to the center of the plan.
then i'm going to use our mouse orbitcamera to rotate to about the position in the plan that i want to place thatsliding barn door. i'm just going to go up to our door toolsand go down to our barn door. if you're an existing chief architect user,you'll notice 3 new door types for a fixed door which will be like asidelight, a barn door and then a glass shower door. i'm just going to select ourbarn door and you can see that little preview i get in the wall as to whereit's going to be displayed. when i click once it will instantly be added tothe model. in our picture of the design you can see that we have the hardwaregoing the other way, so let's make this
adjustment real quick. so i'm going toselect the door, and then in the bottom toolbar we have this option to changethe opening hinge side, and there our hardware has gone to the other side. then i just want to make sure that this door is centered on a room by using thecenter object tool. you can see how we get that gray, dashed line showing uswhere it will be centered on, and there we've readjusted that door in our room.let's take a look at this in our floorplan view. so i'm going to go backto our floorplan view tab and then just navigate down to where it's at, and youcan see that chief architect has automatically put a door label on thedoor and you can see where that barn
door is sliding. if you zoom in closeyou'll notice that you have handles where you can adjust how much that barndoor will be open in your view. if we go back to our 3d view, select the doorand select show door open in 3d, we can now see that barn door open and 3d. that's all the work we need to do on this door for this plan, so next let's go ahead and add some windows to our structure. our windows are going tobe located in the little bath alcove that we have. so next let's go ahead and addthese. i'm going to select the mouse orbit camera and just rotate our 3d viewover into our little alcove. to add a window i'm just going to go up toour window tool, select window and then
come over to the wall that i want toplace it in and you can see that little 3d outline as to where it's going toplace. click once and place it, and then next we need to edit the size and styleof this window so i'm going to double click on the window. here you canedit a lot of information about this object. currently we're on the generalpanel where we can change the window type, size and position in the plan andyou can also change other options for it, change the casing going aroundthe window, add a lintel, add a sill, sash, frame, lites, change the shape, archtreatments and so forth. so there's a lot of things that you can do to customizethe window to your specific needs. for
this design, we're going to go back toour general panel and change the window type to be a fixed glass window. we're also going to change the window width to be 27 inches, and then we'regonna leave the height the same but we're going to change the floor to topto be 72 inches. when you press tab it will update these fields, and you cansee those changes reflect in your little 3d preview on the right hand side. once you're happy with how your window is shaping up you can go ahead and press ok. next, if you take a look at a photo of our alcove area we have anexact copy of this window on the other side. if we select the window in thebottom toolbar we can press copy and now
my mouse changes and when i click once ican place a copy anywhere i want in the wall, but we also have another toolcalled reflect about object, and when i select this tool i get a gray, dashedline showing objects i can reflect this window about. i'm gonna go aheadand reflect it about the back of our alcove and there we've got an exact copyof our window positioned exactly the same in this back wall. i justneed to add one more larger window in the very back, so what i'm going to do iswith our window selected go ahead and copy it and then just click once toplace it in the back and then go ahead and open it up and then make it a littlebit wider. we're going to change this
value to be 48 inches and press tab, andyou can see how that updates in our 3d preview and then just click ok. thenwe just want to verify that we have this window centered in our plan, so in thebottom toolbar we'll select the center object tool and then just come into ourplan and you can see that grey, dashed line showing where we're centered in the room,and then you can see that was adjustments take place. that's going to be all the work that we're going to do on our windows. next in our project, we're ready to vault our ceilings. currently we have a flat ceiling in our
plan but the final design is going toremove the flat ceiling and replace it with a vaulted ceiling. so let's go aheadand make this change. i'm gonna go ahead and close this 3d view. toremove the flat ceiling on our current plan we need to double click in the room. this will bring up the room specification dialog box where you canchange information about this room. here you can change the room type, livingarea information, change information about the structure, if you're usingchief architect premier change information about decks, add roommoldings, wall coverings, the fill style and materials about rooms. the firstthing we're going to do with this dialog
box is go to our general panel and we'regonna specify this room type to be a master bathroom. doing this isimportant because it's going to add a room label into our room so when wecreate a schedule with our cabinets later we can see what room those arepresent in. additionally, specifying a room type will adjust any materials thathave been predefined for specific room types in your default settings. nextlet's go to our structure panel and here you can change information about theceiling heights in this room. you can see that our current ceiling height is107 5/8 for our finished ceiling, which will be from our finished floormaterial to our finished ceiling. if
you're an existing chief architect user,you'll notice that this dialog box on the right-hand side has been updated tomake it more interactive. as i hover over different values in the plan you cansee where these are located in the preview. if you need relative heightsinformation to include more information about your ceiling, you may consideradjusting your rough ceiling. for this project we're just going to bedealing with our finished ceiling value. we're going to go ahead and changethis to a custom ceiling value of 80 inches from the floor to the ceiling, andthen the next thing we're going to do is remove the flat ceiling over this roomso that we can vault it. so i'm just
going to uncheck this option and you cansee how that now looks in our little preview. i'm just going to click okand now that we've specified this room as a master bath you can see that roomlabel we've got. let's also take a backclippedcross-section view and see how this is impacting our ceiling. so i'm going to goup to our camera tools and i'm going to select backclipped cross-section.i'm just going to click and drag and we're going to create a static, 2delevation view just through those two points that i've drug our mouse out towards. you can see that our plan currently does not have a ceiling over it. iactually want to work with both our
elevation and a floor plan viewside-by-side. next i'm ready to add that vaultedceiling onto our design. there's two ways we can add a vaulted ceiling. thefirst way is if you go up to build, roof you can see that you have a ceilingplane tool that you can use to click and drag and draw new ceiling planes andyou can adjust the pitch of these individual ceiling planes and howthey'll build in the plan. so that's the first way you can add a custom ceilinginto your design. the second way is you can generate it by having the ceiling followthe underside of the roof. so i'm going to select this build roof option at thetop. here there's a lot of
different information that you canchange about your roof. if you're using chief architect premier you mighthave some of these options available that are not available inchief architect interiors; but for this project we're going to tell our programto auto rebuild roofs. we're also going to change the pitch of ourroof to be a 6 and 12 pitch and when we do this chief architect is going tobuild our ceiling by following our roof plane. let's click ok and see whathappens. you can see in our cross section viewhow we now have a roof over our design and in our floorplan view you can seethese green, dashed lines where our roof
plans are running. let's go ahead andtake a 3d view of the inside our bathroom by going up to our 3d cameratools, selecting full camera and then just click and drag to take a 3d view. we can see how we have our ceiling planes generating but with our roofautomatically generating as a hip-style roof, it looks a little bit odd so let'sgo ahead and tell the program that we need to have a gable roof over thedesign. i'm going to go back to our floorplan view and then i'm going tohold ctrl on my keyboard and select the walls that i want to change to a gableend, so i'm gonna select this wall at the bottom, these two walls on the side andthen the wall at the top. in the bottom
toolbar there is a shortcut to create agable roof and when i click it with auto rebuild roofs turned on, you can see howwe've now built a gable roof over our structure. now that our roof plans areproperly vaulted, our ceiling plans are also properly vaulted because they'reset to follow the roof. next if you take a look at a photo of our final design, inthe back of our little alcove area we actually have a ceiling present. so let'sgo ahead and separate this room from the remaining room in the structure and thenspecify that we will have a flat ceiling over this room. to separate thislittle area of our plan from the remainder of our plan, i'm going to go upto our wall tools and i'm going to
select our tool called our room divider,which will act as a visible wall and allow us to separate areas within ourplan. i'm just going to click and drag it across, press space bar and thennow you can see how i can click on these two areas independently of each other.we actually have another room label present. i'm going to go ahead andopen up this little room, go to structure and then check the option for flatceiling over this room and click ok. if we go back to our 3d view you can nowsee how we have our ceiling vaulted in the main body of our plan and our littlealcove area for our bathtub is not vaulted. now that our ceiling iscomplete, i'm going to go ahead and close
our cross section elevation. let's go back to our floorplan view real quick and you'll notice that we now havea lot of information being displayed. we have our walls, or dimensions, our roofplanes, labels and this might be too much information for what we're trying to doright now. we can turn off the display of this type of informationtemporarily through the use of layers. i'm gonna turn on our active layerdisplay options, which is available in the toolbar right, here or you can go toview and then active layer display options and that will pop up a dialog onthe right-hand side of the screen. then, you can just select on objects inyour plan, see the layer that's
affiliated with them, and then uncheckthe display of them. so we're going to turn off the display of our roof planes,and then this room label, and then these automatic dimensions. let's go ahead andturn off this invisible wall and then our window and door labels. so by just taking a few seconds there,we've dramatically cleaned up our floorplan and are ready to work on the nextpart in our design, which is going to be changing the floor and wall materialslike you see in the photo. let's go ahead and do this. to do this i'mgoing to get back into our 3d view, and i'm going to go ahead and open ourlibrary browser which is where our
materials are going to be stored, alongwith objects that you can use in your design.the library browser lookslike these few books in your toolbar and you can also get there by going up toview and then library browser. then i'm going to come over to our bonuscatalogs, which you can download from the chief architect 3d library on ourwebsite. i already know that i have a material that is a tile that i want touse for our walls, so it's going to be under our materials tile folder and thena strip textured tile. i'm just going to select the material and you can seenow how my mouse changes to a spray can and just by clicking on surfaces we canchange the material in our plan.
this is going to be an automaticallygenerated attic wall and we're gonna select yes that we want to change thismaterial. then we're going to come to the back side of our plan and thenchange these walls as well. the next material i want to change isgoing to be our flooring material and we have this specific tile materialcurrently because when we defined our room type as a master bathroom, thedefault settings for the master bath have this tile type associated with it. i have a custom material in my user catalog, which is where you can storecustom items that you've created or picked out or made to be used frequentlyin your designs. i'm going to go to my
user catalog and then just go to mymaterials folder and select the desired material that i already have for ourflooring, and then just click once. then let's make sure we got it in ourlittle alcove area, and then we've got the materials updated for the structureof our plan. next we're ready to design our cabinetry and we're going toactually be designing our cabinetry around our dura supreme manufacturer.we're going to start by picking a specific door style that they offer, andthen create a custom texture using a material that dura supreme offers andapply it to our cabinet. our cabinets are going to be floating cabinets andwe're going to pick out specific
hardware, and design them's a photo of a door style taken from dura supreme's website, and it'sgonna be the soho door style.we're gonna be using the macchiato gloss and avertical strain. let's go ahead and move our photo off to the side, andadjust our camera view slightly. we're actually going to start off bycreating one cabinet and then save that cabinet as our default so that anytimewe add any new cabinets into our plan it's based off of that initial the first thing i need to do is place the base cabinet, and to do this i can goup to our cabinet tools in the toolbar and you can also access the same optionby going to build and then down to
cabinet, and then you'll have a lot ofdifferent cabinet options: wall cabinet, full height, a soffit, shelf,partition, countertop and backsplash. we're gonna select the base cabinet andyou can see in our plan how we get a little preview as to where we're placingit. i'm just going to click once to place that cabinet. how manufacturercabinets work in chief architect is you download their catalogfrom our website, and then you apply their offerings on to the cabinet. so i'mgoing to get into our manufacturer catalogs where i've already downloadedour dura supreme catalog. i'm going to open it up and i know that the sohodoor style is under the bria option.
i'm just going to scroll down to where it'slocated, and you can see that we have a soho-h and voption and this is just for how the texture will apply whether you want itto apply horizontally or vertically. i'm going to select the soho-v door andthen just come into our plan and you'll notice how our mouse cursor changes oncewe get over our cabinet. i'm going to do the same thing with thedrawer. there we've applied the dura supreme soho door and drawer to ourcabinet. so next if you wanted to use a cabinet material that is already in thecatalogs, you can. you can see that in the dura supreme catalog that there's afolder for wood species and you could
just select an acrylic or finish, or agloss from here if you wanted to. for the purpose of the demonstration iwanted to show how you can take a photo from a texture on the website and createa custom material in chief architect with it. so what i've done with thatphoto on dura supreme's website is i've cropped it down a little bit so that allwe have is the photo of the door. there's the finished photo we're going to beimporting into chief architect. i'm going to go down to my user catalog and undermy materials folder i'm going to right click, select new and then selectmaterial. then i'm just going to give this material a name.
then i'm going to go down to thetexture folder, and then under texture source is where you're going to uploadthe image of the material that you want to bring in to chief architect. remember, we're going to bring in this image, and how we went from having thisimage down to just a photo of the door, down to just a photo of the material, isby using a third-party photo editing program such as the microsoft snippingand paint tools. so i'm going to find that photo on my computer labeled glossfoil, click on open and there you can see it applied to this teapot preview off tothe right hand side. you can change the shape of this preview using thebuttons towards the top right hand
corner so, there is a box which might bea little bit more appropriate for a cabinet. you can actually see if youzoom in close where this material is repeating itself, so we're going to clickon the stretch to fit option to have it fit over the entire box. with thatmaterial how we like it, i'm going to go ahead and click on ok and there you cansee it in my user catalog. if you right click on it and click on open object, youcan continue to edit this material if you wanted to, but if you're happy withthis material how it is you can go ahead and just leave it. then with our materialselected, just come into your plan and you'll see how your mouse changes to aspray can. you'll notice in the
bottom left hand corner we have somescoping modes and we're currently in component mode, meaning we'll only changeone component of this object, but since we want to change the entire objectlet's go ahead and switch on over to object. then just click once on thecabinet, and then we've applied that material to our cabinet. so now that wehave the design of this cabinet started i'm going to go ahead and open it up andchange the size of this cabinet so that it is floating off the floor.we're also going to change some of our hardware options and then the countertopmaterial. so i'm going to go ahead and press space bar and then select on thecabinet, and then click on open object
and here you can change a lot ofinformation about how you can edit this cabinet. we're currently on the generalpanel where we can change sizing information, information about theautomatically generated countertops which we'll show how to use the customcountertop tool here in a little bit, information about the automaticallygenerated backsplash ,if you wanted to change the box construction that it'sframed or frameless, or the overlay you can. change the face of the cabinetin regards to how the doors and drawers are arranged, and we'll edit this alittle bit more here in a second. change your door or drawer style or the handlestyles cabinet wide. you can see how
we have that soho-v door & drawerautomatically applied to this cabinet. if you wanted to change your door ordrawer style on an individual face basis you can do that and we'll show you howto in a little bit. you can add accessories to the cabinet, change the molding, changethe layer it's on, change the fill material, change materials on thiscabinet, edit the label from the automatically generated label, changecomponents for how they should display in the materials list and add objectinformation. we're going to go through some of these panels here in alittle bit. off to the right hand side we have that 3d preview and on the righthand side above that you can change the
rendering technique. we're currently inour vector view, but you can change it to a standard rendering technique if you'dprefer or a glass house view so that you can see inside of it, or you can see howit looks in your plan view. i'm going to go ahead and leave it as our vector view,but next let's go ahead and go over to our general panel. the first thingwe're going to do is change the height of our cabinet, so we're gonna change theheight to be 27 inches and the depth to be 21 inches. then we're gonna changethe floor to bottom value to be 9 inches above the floor so that we maintain alevel 36 inches from the finished floor to the top of the cabinet. next i'm finewith our countertop and backsplash
information how it is, but i do want toremove the toe kick, so i'm just going to type in 0 for our values there and theni'm fine with how our box is being constructed for this project so i'm justgoing to leave it how it is. as we go through and edit our individual cabinetslater we'll be editing the face of the cabinet, so i'm just going to leave thishow it is. we do want to change our door handle style to have a more traditionalbar pull so i'm just going to click on the library browser and then go throughthe core catalogs to a bar pull i want to use for this cabinet. we'll select this one with the label cpo1v bar pull
and then for the drawerhandle... actually before we do that let's move it so that it's coming down from thetop 9 inches and resting on our door. then for the drawer handle we're gonnapress on the library and instead of searching through the folders we'regoing to type in the code of cp01 to pull it up. select it and then click ok,and you can see how that's looking in our little preview off to the right-handside. then the next thing i want to change is going to be our countertopmaterial that you see being displayed. so let's go ahead and edit that. to do this,i'm going to go down to the materials panel, click on countertop, click onselect material and then here you can go
through our library browser to find amaterial for the countertop that you want to use. if you're using amanufacturer material such as cambria, you could go down in the material andfind one that you want to use but i'm going to go ahead and type in the nameof the material that i know i want to use. select it and click ok and thenchief architect will automatically generate a label with your cabinet to bebased off common industry nomenclature but if you wanted to change it to bevery specific you can do that and you can also use macros so that theyautomatically change their label when you resize and edit cabinets. usingmacros is covered in additional training
resources on our website. thenext thing i want to change is going to be the object information. i'm going togo ahead and add our manufacturer of dura supreme, and the reason we're addingobject information is so that when we use a schedule later we can clearly seehow our cabinets are labeled and use it for ordering. i'm also going toadd some custom fields. when i create a field for the line, add soho, and thencreate a field for finish, and then add our gloss. once you're fine with this cabinet how it is you can go ahead and click on ok. you can see how this cabinet is being
generated within our plan now. if we go up to our cabinet tools andthen just click to add another cabinet into our design, you can see that it'sdifferent than the cabinet we just designed, and that's because this cabineton the right is based off of our default settings, and this is a custom cabinet wejust created. so what we need to do is set this cabinet as our default. i'mgoing to go ahead and delete that other cabinet that we don't need, select thecabinet that we just designed, and in the bottom toolbar there's an icon thatlooks like a little wrench icon that says set as default and when you clickthat you're gonna get a message letting
you know that your cabinet defaultsettings have been updated. now whenever you add a cabinet to yourdesign it's going to be based off of those default settings that we just set. if you know that this is a cabinet you might use again in future plans you canselect it and then click on the button to add to user library, and now thiscabinet is in your user library and whenever you create new plans you canselect it and just quickly drop it into the plan. so that's one way chief architectcan be a real time-saver and that you can create objects, save them and thenuse them in future plans. so now that we have our cabinet defaults setup justhow we want them let's go ahead and add
the rest of our cabinetry. i'm gonnaclose our library browser and then just delete these cabinets that weno longer need, re position our 3d view slightly against the wall that we wantand then start to add our cabinets. the first cabinet we're gonna have isgoing to be a cabinet with some shelving, so i'm going to come up to ourcabinet tools, select base cabinet and then come along this wall, and notice how if i push the cabinet into the corner there it becomes a corner cabinet,which is nice for when you're working on kitchen projects. with that cabinetselected i'm now going to resize it to my desired dimensions. so i'm going toclick on it, and you can see that the
width is 24 inches and i can just usethese little handles on the sides of the cabinet to resize it. so i'm going toselect it and move it in, and notice that it bumps in 3 inch increments,which is a setting you can change within the default settings of the program. now we're ready to edit the face of the cabinet, so that it's going to be openshelving. so i'm going to double click on it, and then i'm just going to click on the door that we see in our preview. notice how that brings us to our front sides back panel and if you wanted tochange this door to be any other common item face, you can do so by changing theitem type right here. so if you want to
change it to a drawer or an opening oranything else you can, and because this is going to be open shelving it willeventually be just an opening. if you want to change the item height you coulddo so here, if you wanted to specify the shelves inside of it you can change itfrom the automatic shelf behavior to have a manual amount of shelves, or youcan insert library items in the cabinet such as a rev-a-shelf accessory. next ifyou wanted to insert an appliance into the cabinet you could do so here, or ifyou wanted to change the door style on an individual component basis, or thedoor handle you can do so here. we're going to go ahead and leave the makeupof this cabinet how it is, but what we're
going to do is delete the door and thedrawers so that we have some open shelves. so in our little face items boxwhere we can edit how this cabinet is composed, i'm just going to delete thedoor and you can see how we have an opening right here. then i'm justgoing to select on the drawer and you can see that over in the face itemsbox, delete it and now we have just one big opening for the cabinetshelves. i'm gonna go ahead and click on ok. now that cabinet is just how i like itwithin our 3d view. if you go back to our floorplan view, you can see how thenomenclature on it has already been updated. i'm going to continuedesigning within our 3d view and i'm
gonna add another base cabinet. our second base cabinet is going to have three drawers and the top two are goingto be the same size and the bottom one is going to be a larger size. they'regoing to be split up so that the bottom one takes up half and then these twotake up the other half. so let's go ahead and make this change. i'm going to double-clickon the cabinet, click on the door go ahead and delete it. you can seehow that's now an opening, and i'm going to delete this opening so that now wejust have one giant drawer instead. with that drawer selected, i'm going to go toour next option which is to split it horizontally, and now we have twoseparate drawer items in this cabinet.
i'm going to go ahead and split this topone horizontally again so that we have two small drawers, and then one largerdrawer. if you wanted this to be three drawers all the same size you can clickat the top up here and then click on equalize and it will make them all the samesize. so that's just a nice, quick and easy tool to quickly equalize the faceof your drawer items. i'm going to go ahead and click on ok and now our secondcabinet is complete. so next let's go ahead and place our center cabinet thatwill hold our sink. i'm just going to resize it to 36 inches and then i'mgoing to go ahead and double click on it to open it up. all i'm going to do isremove the false drawer, just as a matter
of personal preference click on ok andthen next add a sink into the cabinet by going back to our user library. i'm just going to type in themodel number for the sink, which is a sink from our kohler manufacturer brand.i'm going to click on it and then right click, and then select show inbrowser. if we scroll up a little bit, you can see how it's coming from ourkohler catalog, the bathroom, sinks and then it's from their archer line. i'mjust going to come over to our cabinet and click once to place, it and then if igo back down to my user library i already have a set of faucets that iwant to use with it. so i'm going to come
in and just click once to place it andthere we go and that's going to complete all the cabinetry we're going to designin this project. so next if you'll take a look at the photo of the final cabinetrydesign we have a copy of these cabinets on the other side so what we're going todo is once again use that copy and reflect about tool to place thosecabinets. so i'm going to select the two cabinets holding ctrl, press copyreflect about object and then just reflect them to the other side. thenwe've completed designing the cabinetry on the side of the wall. next we're goingto add a few more items on the side. at this point we're going to go ahead andadd our sconces, a back-lit mirror, a towel
holder and then an under-cabinet ropelight which is a new feature in x11. i'm gonna go ahead and go back to ouruser library and then i'm going to go ahead and select the sconce that i want,just place it into the design. then i also have a back-lit mirror that i'vealready created and then i'm just going to rotate it in on my floor plan view, center it over our sink and then justback it up so it's against the wall. there our back-lit mirror is in place. so then i'm just going to place a copy of this sconce on the other side of themirror by selecting it, copy reflect about. then i'm going to add ourtowel holder. the last thing i'm
going to do is use our new rope lightingtool to add some light underneath the cabinet,so i'm going to go ahead and close our library browser, go back to our floorplanview and then you can see how we're starting to get layers for the newobjects that we've added into the plan. our new rope light tool is going tobe underneath our electrical objects. i'm just going to click and drag where iwant this rope light to be... about there's fine. then i'm going to select it,once again center it up along the cabinet, and maybe move it more to thefront. then if you want to open it up we can specify the height off thefinished floor, it should be 9 inches so
that it's sitting just on the bottomside of that cabinet. you can increase or decrease the amount oflights you have, the light display and then change the light data so thatthey're brighter if you would prefer. we're gonna go ahead and leave this howit is and just click ok. next if you take a look at the completed designyou'll notice that we have the his and her cabinetry on either side of the plan. so once again we're just going to use that copy and reflect about tool toget that to the other side. so we're gonna zoom a little bit and then justpressing space bar, and then we're keying over the items in our plan. once we havethem selected we're gonna press copy
reflect about, to reflect them about theroom. then we've got them on the other side. if we go back to our3d view and then just zoom back, you can see how we now have the cabinetry designcomplete in our plan. we've been working in our standard rendering technique upto this point, but we also have different rendering techniques. we previewedthe vector view rendering technique when we were designing our cabinetry. in yourtoolbar at the top right here you can select different rendering techniques. sothere's our standard technique, you can switch to a vector view, a glass houseview, duotone, a technical illustration, a painting, watercolor, line drawing andphysically based rendering which is
close to ray tracing. let's go ahead andswitch back to our standard rendering technique. next we're going to go aheadand add a toilet and then create a wall elevation like you see here foruse on our layout sheet that we will create later on. so let's go ahead andclose our 3d view. now we're back in our floorplan view and to add our toiletlet's go ahead and open up our library browser and i've already got a toiletsaved in our user catalog. i'm just going to click and drop it in, and thento create a wall elevation you just go up to your elevation cameras, select wallelevation and then click and point the camera at the wall you want to take a wall elevation of and release.
then we've got a wall elevation get dimensions like you see in that final layout sheet where you canget center lines, sizes of your cabinets, going to specific objects, it's very easyin chief architect. underneath our dimension tools we have an option fornkba automatic elevation dimensions. if you click this once it's automatically goingto place dimensions around your plan where you will commonly need them. youcan edit these dimensions and delete them. for example, if we click on thestring on the right you see we get a little diamond handle come up and youcan click it to drag new points, you can delete points, you can delete thesestrings all together, and you can move
objects. for example, if we wanted thistoilet to be 36 inches away from the wall on the centerline, we can select thetoilet select the dimension and then type in our new dimension. so you can seehow this efficiency feature with the nkba auto elevation dimensions is a really powerful for quickly creating wallelevations and dimensioning them. once you're happy with how yourelevation looks, you can go ahead and save it by pressing the save camerabutton in the top toolbar and then close it. then you get that little cameramarker in your plan where it's saved. later on we'll reuse thatelevation again for use in our layout
sheet. next let's go ahead and add ourbathtub in this little alcove area towards the back. we're going to builda little half wall with a countertop on top to hold our sink faucet. we're goingto place the bathtub, change our materials, and then addsome lights. let's work in both our 2d and 3d view at the same time. so i'mgoing to go up to our camera tools, and i'm going to use the full camera andjust click and point it in that area that we need to see, and position it down. once again, to work in both 2d and 3d i'm just going to grab this tabat the top and pull it over to the side of the screen, and then zoom in close. there's several ways you can create that
little half wall in the back and chiefarchitect. i'm going to be using a tool called the soffit tool which is a niceoption because it'll automatically wrap our base molding around i. so i'm goingto go up to our cabinet tools, click soffit, and then just click and place itin the design and you can see where it comes up in our 3d view but we'll bringthat down to the floor here in a second. for now, i'm just going to select itand you can see we get our size so i'm going to just type in my new desiredsize, 4.5 inches, and then drag it to the wall on the other side. then i'mgoing to double click to open it up and then i'm going to change the height ofit to be 19 inches, press tab and then
our floor to bottom value i'm going tochange to be 0 inches, press tab and then just click ok. you can see in our3d view how that's updated and how we have the base molding wrapping aroundthe soffit . to change the material i'm just going to go to our 3dview and i'm going to select the material eyedropper, which will allow youto then select a material off a surface, and notice how my mouse there changes to a spray can, and then when i come over to my soffit and click on it, it will apply ourmaterial to the soffit. so next i need to get a little cap on it like you see inthe photo of our design. to do this i'm going to use the custom countertoptool, which is available underneath your
cabinet options. this is a great toolfor just freehand drawing countertops or countertops with overhangs. so i'm justgoing to come in and click and drag approximately where i want it, we'll comeback and tune in the sizing of it here a bit. you can see where it's comingin in our 3d view, but i'm going to select it and then resize it to 5 inchesso that we have a 1/2 inch overhang. then we're going to open it up andreposition its height above the ground. we're gonna uncheck this option for setheight from cabinet and instead we're going to specify the finished floor tobottom to be 19 inches, so that it's going to sit right on top of that soffitand click ok. there we've got that in
place. next, in the photo of thefinal design you'll see we have a rock stone material instead of the currentmaterial. to add this, what i'm going to do is i'm going to elect to use thecustom backsplash tool to show you how that works. so to get to that tool you goup to your cabinet options and select custom backsplash. then come over tothe wall you want to apply it on and then just click once, and you can see howthat applied in our view. notice that it didn't cut a hole through the window,that's because this is a smart tool that knows to cut around openings. then tochange the material on our backsplash, you just go up to the library browser, goto that materials folder that i have,
select our material, and then just applyit. then let's go ahead and drop in our bathtub while we're here. i'm gonna do this withinour floorplan view. select our bath faucet trim and just click once to place,it and you see where it's coming in our 3d view so let's bring it up off thefloor by double clicking on it to open it up.we know our soffit is 19inches off the ground, and our countertop is an inch and a half thick, so we need ourfinished floor to bottom to be 20 1/2 inches and press enter and you cansee how that updated. then let's center it more on our soffit. that'slooking better. then next we need to
drop in the bathtub which i already havepicked out in our user library. just click once to place it, andthen if you want to center it in that area you can select it and then onceagain use that center object tool to center it. the last thing i wantto do in this area of the plan is add our lights. so i'm going to go back to ourcatalog where i've already got the light picked out that i want to use, and theni'm just going to come into our plan and click once to place it. you can seehow that was added in our 3d view. next, let's go ahead and close our librarybrowser and the next part of our project that i want to work on is going to bethe glass shower. so we're going to
transition back to over by that slidingdoor. we're just going to use our new glass shower pony wall tool to draw inour glass shower, go ahead and add our hardware from our user library. you can change your materials if you desire, and then add our glass shower door. so let'sgo ahead and shift our focus. we're going to turn around to the side of the plan. then to add the glass shower i'mgoing to go up to our wall tools, select straight glass pony wall, and then justclick and drag approximately where we want that glass shower to be, we'll fine tune the positioning of it here in a second. we might want to bump it up alittle bit closer to the cabinet.
if you wanted to dialin these dimensions you could dial these in. now let's come over to our 3d viewand adjust our materials. so i'm going to go to our library browser and then picka tile that i've already got selected and apply it to our walls. on thepony wall, zoom in to the inside of the shower and make sure we get both ofthese walls. while i'm in the shower you'll notice that we have a basemolding inside which we don't want. to remove that is easy, we'll justdouble click in the shower room and that's going to pop up our roomspecification dialog box and if we wanted to give this a new room type wecould, maybe we would type in
master shower here, but to remove thatroom molding we just go down in the moldings panel, uncheck use floor default. if you wanted to add a new room molding or add like a crown molding youcould do so here but for this project we just want to delete this molding in theshower. then click ok. that got rid of our molding. thenlet's go ahead and change our countertop material to match what we've been using. i'm going to use that material eyedropper tool again, select thematerial and then just click to apply it on the ledge. you'll also noticein the final rendering that that's the same material we have present in theshower, so let's go ahead and go back
into the shower to pick up thatmaterial one more time and then just click to apply it to these walls. you cansee how it's starting to come together. next let's go ahead and add ourhardware and i already have this saved off in our user catalog. let'sactually add this from within our floorplan view. so i'm going to go downto the catalog and then just click once in the shower and then just rotate itinto position, and then i'm going to make sure we have it snug in the corner downhere, there we've got our shower hardware. next we need to go ahead andadd the door for the shower so to do that we'll go back to our 3d camera. we could have done that in a floorplan
view. i'm just going to go up to ourdoor tools and as mentioned earlier we have a new glass shower doorin version x11, so i'm going to select the tool. then you can see i get thatoutline as to where it's going to be placed. if i click once i can placeit, and there we've got that door added. if we go back to our floorplan viewyou can see that it's swinging the wrong direction, so let's go ahead and make afew adjustments to that. we actually want it to swing both ways soif we double click on it to open it up, and then go down to the options panel,and then check this box for swings both directions, we'll get an indicator lettingus know that this door swings both
directions. then next i need to addour hardware to it, so i'm going to go down to the hardware option and thenunder interior handle i'm going to select the library and then just type inthe name of the handle that i know i want to use. you can see that brings up alot of options, and this is the handle i want. if i right click andselect show in browser, you can see comes from our architectural corecatalogs, hardware, door hardware and then under commercial hardware. i'm going todo the same thing for the exterior side and you see how that door has come togetherin our little 3d preview. next, we need to add some hinges for thisshower door and i'm going to click on
library and then go to our bonuscatalogs where we have a shower hardware catalog. this is one of thosecatalogs you'll need to download from our ok and then let's go ahead and add a third hinge. there you can see allof those hinges added and then if we go back to our 3d view, that's going tonearly complete our shower. one other nice tool that we have in chiefarchitect is an automatic wall niche tool. if we go back to our floorplan view, andthen go under the window tools we have a wall niche. if you go overto this wall you can see where it's going to be placed within our floorplanview, and then in our 3d view you can see
it added. once again we just usethat material eyedropper to pick up the material off the wall and apply it tothe backing of that wall niche. next let's work on our electrical plan alittle bit. you can see that we already got some electrical items started withour rope light and our wall sconces, but let's add a few can lights and then justshow how you can connect them in chief architect. so i'm going to go ahead andclose this 3d view, close our library browser, and then zoomout a little bit. since we're working with electrical objects now, i'mgoing to switch from our working plan view to our electrical plan view. plan views essentially isolate your
tools and features to the area of theplan that you want to work on in that particular point in time. so i'm going toswitch over to our electrical plan view, which will optimize the program forworking with our electrical objects. click yes, to save our workingplan view and you can see how that cleaned up our floorplan really quickly. then to add some can lights i'm just gonna go up to our electrical tools,select light and then i'm just going to place a few for the purposes of thisexample. so if i wanted a few can lights on each side i could go through manually,place the lights and then manually make copies and dimension them andplace them around, but we have a really
fast and efficient tool and chiefarchitect called multiple copy. the way this tool works is you select theobject and then select intervals that you wantto place copies of this object. so with our first can light in our plan i'mgoing to select the light, go down to the multiple copy tool in the bottom toolbarand then select the set interval. here you can say we want to evenlydistribute copies of this object when dragging, or we can specify a specificinterval of this copy. for example, on the top, that would mean every 36inches i click and drag my mouse we've placed one, or if we do evenly distributecopies we'll evenly distribute a
specified amount of copies. so i'm goingto select this option and i'm going to select our primary number to be 1 andthen our second number to be 2. what this means is we're gonna place onecopy in this direction and then two copies of the set going down in ourplan. so with that specified, i'm going to press ok. then as i bring my mouse into theplan, when i hover over the electrical object see how our mouse changes there. when i right click and drag i've got one copy coming out, and then when irelease and then drag down you can see how i have two more copies, and then wheni left click it will place them. so it's a really quick way you can placeelectrical objects and chief architect.
to connect those lights i'mjust going to go up to our electrical tools, select a switch and then our spaceis getting a little bit tight but i'm just going to place a switch there andthen you can go back up to your electrical tools, select connectelectrical. then just drag from the switch to the light to indicate thatthose objects are being connected. there we've got our electrical planstarted. if we go back to our electrical tools, one more tool i want toshow you is our auto place outlets. because we had defined this room as abathroom it's going to place gfci outlets approximately where you wouldneed them. i'm just going to click
once and you can see where it placedthem. also, the auto place outlets will give you a light over your sink, butin this case we don't need them so we can just justdelete those extra lights. let's go ahead and take a 3d view real quick tosee what we've got. so you can see how this plan is starting to come together. we mentioned our 3d rendering techniquesearlier but want to go through them again. we have the vector view, theglasshouse view, duotone, technical illustration, painting, watercolor isn't onewe demoed earlier. this is one that adds a lot of character to yourdesigns in my opinion, and you can also
specify it have a line drawing on top ofit. so this is going to be more of anartistic view that your clients might like. we also have physicallybased rendering (pbr) which is going to be close to the photo realism, and then ifyou wanted to create a photo-realistic render you can use the ray tracingfeature in the software. here's just a quick example of a ray trace on ourfinal construction document that was created within the software. so nextlet's go ahead and create a schedule for our cabinets. i'm going to go ahead andclose this 3d view. to create a schedule you go up to your cad optionsand then go to cad detail management.
the cad detail management is generallywhere you'll store your schedules in chief architect. so i'm gonna select theschedules detail and then open it up. this is essentially a blank canvasswhere you can draw any cad work or edit cad work if you would like to. but toadd a schedule you'll go up to tools, schedules, cabinet schedule and then justclick once to place it. then here's our basic cabinet schedule and we canedit what columns and information we see. so let's go ahead and double click on itand let's go ahead and add a 3d elevation view in our columns to include,and then let's also add information about our line and finish that we addedearlier. so i'm going to go down to
finish and add it, and then down to lineand add our line, and then i'm going to go ahead and remove our comments and our code since we aren't using those columns. click ok. and you can see how that schedule isstarting to come together. you'll notice that we have a number availableon our schedule, and it will replace the traditional label that we saw within ourfloorplan. so if we go back to our plan and then let's switch our plan view realquick to be our kitchen and bath plan view. we now have those call-outs instead of
those labels. if you prefer to seethe cabinet label instead of the cabinet call-out number that was generated fromthe cabinet schedule, in your cabinet schedule there's a setting that you cancheck to see the cabinet label instead of the cabinet call-out. so next let'stransition to creating a layout sheet that you might pass off to your localbuilding department or a contractor. to create a layout sheet you can go upto file, new layout. i've already got a layout sheet started that we're going tobe using. here on this layout sheet you can put your company's informationyour company's logo and address, if you want to put a client's address orinformation you can. in this case we've
opted to have the name of our differentsheets. you can put other information about the project in it as well. so herewe have a cover page and if we wanted to include a 3d render like we see in ourswe could do that. you can also use the text tools in the program to add textonto the plan, but for this example let's go ahead and add a general floor planonto the layout sheet. so i'm going to go back to our floorplan view. i'm going tozoom out a little bit and then you'll want to turn on and off individuallayers that you want to send over to your floor plan view. so for example, ifwe think that our own labels are getting a little cluttered we might turn thoseoff. so i'm going to turn on our active
layer display options, select our roomlabels and then just go ahead and turn those off. then on our elevationcamera we don't need that name of it, so we'll go ahead and remove the label, andthen we'll go ahead and remove the door and window labels as well since theyaren't necessary. okay so that cleaned up our floorplanview a little bit. if you're happy with how this is displayed and you'reready to send it to layout, you click this button in your top toolbar forsend to layout, and then you can specify a lot of information about how you wouldwant to send it over to your layout. the most important piece is going to bethe scale. i'm going to do a half-inch
scale and click ok. there we've gotour floorplan on our layout sheet and if you wanted to resize this box youcould go ahead and do that. i'm holding the ctrl button and i'm justgoing to move it on into the corner. if you wanted to create any notes or a3d view you can do that, in this completed layout sheet we've opted tohave a dollhouse view, and send that on over to our layout sheet as well. next let's send a wall elevation that we created earlier over. so i'mgoing to go to my desired layout sheet, go back to our floorplan, double-clickto open this wall elevation, and there we can see that wall elevation and ifyou're happy with how it's being
displayed go ahead and send it on overto your layout sheet. you can specify whether you want it to update on demandor update always, click ok. you can see that we have quite a bit of spaceleft on this layout sheet, so let's go ahead and resize it by selecting it andthen in the bottom toolbar there's an option that looks like a little rulerthat you can use to rescale the layout view. let's change that to a half-inchand click ok. then you can just reposition this on the layout sheetwhere you wanted to. then if you wanted to send over your schedule withthe cabinet's you would just go back to your schedule and then send that on overto your layout,
and specify the scale here as well. and then continue sending any otherpieces of information on over to your layout sheet. maybe a 3d view, maybedifferent floorplan views, such as that electrical plan that we just created. that's going to conclude today's demonstration.
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