bathroom design ideas walk in shower

for sure you have heard of walk-in glass showerenclosures since they are all over home improvement magazines and television shows. a more exciting version has emerged calledframeless glass shower enclosures which are supposedly better in structure and style. there are basically four types of framelessglass shower enclosures: 1. the inline shower enclosure of which onlyone side is made of glass and the other side is usually made of nice stone. this is the most basic among the four andit is the most affordable.
it does the trick for minimalistic type bathroomsthat you want to redefine. 2. the right angle enclosure- both sides aremade of glass and it is more open which accommodates more light. this is perfect for bathrooms which have darktiles because it can liven up the space significantly. 3. the custom made enclosure- this one can bepretty much anything and everything you want it to be. if you are not quite satisfied with the designof the first two, this is the perfect option
for you. the enclosure can be square, rectangular,curved or straight or the combination of both. this will give you the liberty to decide exactlywhat kind of shower enclosure you want to have in the bathroom. 4.the neo angle enclosure- has three sidesmade of glass and it is often designed in unorthodox geometric shape. this one is for the more adventurous typeswho could not quite think of their own style. most of the homes featured on tv or printmedia have frameless glass shower enclosures and they also happen to be homes of famouspeople like celebrities, big shot athletes,
and many others. should you want your home to look like anengineering paradise, these enclosures will seal the deal. the cost of getting this type of shower enclosurecan be big but it will be worth it when you see just how perfect it will turn out. most people who have had their bathrooms redoneand installed with frameless enclosures are extremely satisfied with the result and evendeclare that they almost would not want to use the shower because it is just lookingdivine.
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