dining room molding

dining room molding

hello everyone in cyber world welcome toanother project by poor man. it has been a while since i have hosted a video but my assistant has been under the weather for some time so i will take over and lethim rest. today's project is installing crown molding but we are going to do itwith a little twist and we will get into that later on so let's get right into itif you watched our last video on baseboards you will have seen how weinstalled two layers of baseboards to give a higher-end look we did a similarthing with the crown molding but it

wasn't entirely for the looks we startedoff by installing plain bars on the walls instead of mounting them towardsthe top we installed them six inches from the top my assistant cut a couple six inch pieces to use as guides to properly spaced thebars from the ceiling he also located the studs in order to secure the bars tothe wall next he nailed only the upper portion of the bar because it wouldeventually be covered and we would not have to patch all the nail holes it was a matter of using this same method

around the entire living room diningroom and kitchen now came time to install the crown molding itself in our case we had a couple issues to contend with normally crown molding is nailed tothe wall in the ceiling and becomes very securely attached in our case we onlysecured the bottom of the crown molding we also decided exactly how much of thebottom bar we wanted to expose before adding the actual crown molding once wedetermined the spacing we wanted my assistant made a little jig that isfaced as we decided and whose that as a guide to lay the moaning on to beforenailing it the jig ensured the crown molding was placed at the proper spacingfor the whole project at the ends of

at the ends of the walls we cut small pieces called returns to create a clean look at the end my assistant got too aggressive withthe nail gun and split the crown molding and ran out of molding so we had topatch it instead of installing a newly cut molding in the end the damage is noteven noticeable so all good after installing the crown molding itwas time to patch all the nail holes i used a fun wood filler that is pinkbut as it dries it changes to a natural wood color i have to admit pretty coolonce the filler dried we sanded then painted the crown molding and now forthe final piece which explains why we installed the molding as we did weinstalled led rope lights the led lights

are not intended to light up the roombut only to serve as accents we had to run the power cords through the kitchencabinets my assistant got too impatient and could not wait to install the finaltouches before the paint on it even drive don't worry i made him fix thefingerprint smears he caused and there you have it our version of crown moldingusing led lights although we found several people had already built this intheir homes we give credit of this idea to toyoko in hotels as their hallwaysall use a similar concept with led lights after our last visit to japan weknew it was something we wanted for our home and just needed to figure out howto go about accomplishing it we have

many more projects already completed orin the works right now so he will have more videos soon so until then bye bye

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