dining room table lighting fixtures

hi, this is jon and in this clip we will beconnecting our wires. before touching any of my wires, i always recommend testing yourwires with some type of a circuit tester, just to verify that there is no power runningto them. coming out of our box, we have three wires. there is a black wire, a white wire,and a bare wire. the black wire is the hot wire, the white wire is the neutral wire,and the bare wire is the ground wire. on our fixture, we also have a white and a blackwire and we have a bare wire. additionally, included with our fixture, were wire nuts.now, when you're wiring up your fixture, you want to make sure that the white wire is connectedto the white wire, the black wire is connected to the black wire, and the ground wire isconnected to the ground wire. if there is
a grounding screw, make sure you use thatgrounding screw. after you wire it, go ahead and give the wire nuts a little tug, justto make sure they're not going to come off and that they are securely on there.
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