dining room table sets walmart

we've been kicked out and that's okayi'm used to it you that i believe the brophy out we'reoutside though we care a lot property where's not that we're still on theproperty.. james charles.. sorry.. look me up! t they'll know okay i was excited we're at all apartand be kicked out of the parking lot at the walmart oh sorryact natural nachos i'm intrigued i'm actually intrigued though i don'tunderstand why do they have nachos very confused why it's all in dirt sorry thisis in a natural review channel it's
makeup channel so while i waited forjeffrey i thought i'd give you guys a hat it's a toilet seat cover now you canactually use it to dry off whales and sweat ladies take now i destroyed this since shane got kickedout and christmas we're gonna put these in the trunk so what was the actualtotal oh my god it wasn't bad you guys so for everything combined it was twohundred fifty nine dollars and sixty-five cents i'm like for all themdamn clothes that is not bad bitch yeah this is a lot of stuff okay now herewe'll bring that we'll bring the receipt and show change and this is his juicework all right let's go to olive garden
okay so shane's already inside chris nookay i'm actually starving we picked my palm okay we made it oh mygod house i think as i've been using toilet seat coversit's a half ryland shane you got a farm like a like a buzzfeed so i haven't touched up once todayactually we love a long wearing foundation okay you wanna see how muchwe spent gasps did you get the sunny delight yeah of course we did this justlike a us a moment he's an astronaut i'm a guessing it's he's a katstra not i gotanother graphic tee just as an option $400 a whopping two hundred and fortynine dollars and sixty-five cents that's
not even one of your articles ofclothing on you know anyway no i get why tanner shops there but wait i'm actuallynervous about everything that just happenedare we gonna be on messi monday is there going to be a tea spell like are wegonna be been forever what if i can never go back thank god post mates if weneed anything there's always wigs and disguises will get me wing girl shane come with me what this girl nextto us is a fan of meeting you and it's her birthday where's the bill it's our treat is yourbirthday please we've got you girl give
us give us a surfer girl okay bam oh i'mhere the lighting is a little rough oh my god we the same phone case wowbut what do i do the plan i need a bathroom okay againso jeffrey needed gas and he's never pumped gas before so i love that i got really frazzledit's so hot so he's learning ah baby you're doing good sweetie yougot this okay so the rolls-royce takes a lot of fucking gas girl bring coffee togo today no thank you sir okay sometimes natepumps the gas for me but robyn pumping gas since i was 16 i've had my licenseforever i don't give up but i know some
people think i don't put my own gas buti do i think we have the necessities oh the shoes why did we get so muchunderwear i think the phones the best option that's aggressive i feel like weneed i'll get this sorry okay yes by should i lay them out on thetrack record bubastis still pumping i think there's enough clothes for me tohave a makeover to we are already walmart we don't needyour right agloe down oh no this is not oh oh and these are so good to rheinlandthat's my candy i order this is that's what happens just squirt it suck itright up i've been doing that my whole
life okayrazor oh my god this is actually bad like i can't eat thisyou can't even refreeze that there's a bathroom right there yeah so look at howmany roaches are clean gas station i'm shocked i think that we need to buysomething like a water so they give us the key to get in there okay i got thewater okay i was just getting fruit and water because i'm healthy oh therewe go i got the backpack oh that's a let's look at an illegalnightstick hi ma'am how many people you think of touch this now this is gonna bea little different than your normal
closet set so we i'm excited i was sowhile does it or any other side sim can come in here i love that come inwait wait there's come on the mirror you knowsome of my favorite youtube channels are reviewing public bathrooms they do thatto be fucking serious yeah so i guess what i'll do what noshame there has to be like a decorative image you know there is that should ikeep your coochie like safe on my life what does have the rear silicon has beenall i'm changing i love boyar ism i think so you know changing or whateverdo you need help no i think you should give us a review okay music i'm a quickchanger all the heat blocks it up hold
the key here yeah i'll go give that back i just got gangbanged i love that he tells strangers that wejust had a gangbang in a gas station bathroom samei don't know if i can do this hold on exercise you're humbling bringing youdown to earth gucchi we don't care about her trashwhy are you doing wait there's money another way no it looks good but thati'm reviewing bitch that's kind of everythingi'm so sad it's not the fourth of july
you'd have killed it heylia stylist whyam i so good at it what's up dawg how are you doing bro you look really nice fuck i arrived girl other thing you guysleft my redbull on the floor he threw my clothes on the floor now i get to drinkoff the floor we left her this was work yes mommyyes we love her so where do we go for real trying tothink of something somewhere we won't get kicked out of i smell hand sanitizerand ryland didn't offer me here you go i got it this isn't everyday for you righti use it after i touch it i wasn't expecting the track but i appreciate itokay sorry we have to carry this no no
no no open your trunkthis has the key to my car okay okay oh oh my god okay let's just put like mycredit card in the kanaky okay will you get my keys yes okay i don't know wherewe're going we're at the mall there's target home depot this key has wi-fisorry why i think um bluetooth um okay so i don't know where we're going i'mscared but shane dad where are you taking uswell i was thinking you know geoffrey's used to luigi makeupand like over trying $500,000,000 foundation and stuff that i don'tunderstand so i was trying to think like what's like a normal makeup place so farright what that's like a normal range i
don't know that much but i know thatbefore it's like reasonably priced that's also everything no because thepeople that work at sephora are likely to know who he is and what he feels andi'm seeing him dressed like this they're gonna think that you fell off or thatyou had a scandal he barked my old manager was this song glen : that'scrazy work i'm wearing vintage chanel i love ityour tumblr nice to meet you shan is my stylist for the day so idon't need to come in here look so good walmart letting her wearsocks oh my god louis vuitton was closing they denied mean act the 90 access girl did not say
thatbut they were already closing so i love that they can just decide to close earlylike you know good babysitter's okay shea gue geez up looking like this i'mnot wanted in there this is a really nice story i thoughtit'd be like this expensive i thought it was like a reasonable no one will helpme cuz that look like this is it an airbrusher what is that i don'tknow this is what i look like what you guys know that i didn't reallyget a good mirror in there it was like it hovered in that weirdso tonight and i've never let me get a curse of myself
wow big reveal don't cry you're gonna beokay do you feel like people aren'tapproaching you cuz you're not in gucci yeah there's no one cares about me ilove it are we buying something here i use thisdeals i'm just kidding highest vib rouge member thank you okayso shane over here so shane walmart for the day so can we all critique my lookit's a jeffree star fruit awesome what highlight are you wearingbeautiful like bam we saw the highlight did you say you were sweating in herei'm so hot girl oh my god thank you brian's ruining the most expensiveskincare do you have a good moisturizer
at home no james is telling me that thetalk shows where i need to go i'm getting the water cream i just used thati am going to get you a luminous dewy i love saliva shan it's really great forluke when you're out but hold this dentistry are you in a sense main careyou don't care oh no i love sunscreen great yeah look we didn't make a wish socool yeah we do clarence's baby wait i thought this was this is a fancy storewhat about there man we good okay so we she said a roller would begood on my budget so parata candy smells amazing rub your wrist together get some of thatoh should we get all of our amazing
stuffoh yeah i'll get my own i'll get my old clothes all that trash i'm sorry look at all that underwear this thoughti couldn't flop at the underwear doesn't eat know that you're no no no he doesthat okay so you guys right there deliciousall right i've spent all of our oh all right shane don't look at shane iwanted to bring geoffrey down to earth a little bit because these are the starsand we want him down here a little bit and where you from in a little suburb inmichigan from wyoming exactly that i mean i used to shovel walmart come on oh
those camo shorts huh babyi mean you look very american yes shane bought me a chanel no way oh yeahoh yeah how are we feeling babe these cargo oh this belt i actually owned thissame belt shut up on your belt these are actually your clothes oh you still loveme yeah baby literally the g versus walmart oh my godrylan suing i don't know what these are yeah actually i don't know yeahmyrcella's are like blah come on you're gonna know are you kidding me honey sohow do you feel honestly um okay i feel really comfy like i almost knowkind of depressing kind of important i told you that's what i said i'm like youhave to because it's so comfortable
you're free and you can be yourself youdon't have to be a bitch eat out all the timehmm oh yeah i'm actually gonna wear these later so see you got to cheerclothes mm-hmm and this outfit in toto is probably less than $30 i think itworks if we're gonna be friends we need to be on the same level you know what imean next time you're driving my jeep at least save the outfit for when we comeover thank you so much walmart uh-huh oh they kicked out oh my god nate doesn'tknow how i've had a rough day i change at a gas station shane threwthe clothes on the actual ground i know i knowmommy will take it off shortly i'm so
sorry okay david until the morning noone's gonna be able to sleep tonight oh my god hi journey what a day what umplease fill me up sir i just want to say i had so much fun today almost gettingrested almost dying it was a very eventful i think every time we'retogether it's like the plants can't handle it it's a little warm fromrotting in the trunk but i don't mind it me too has a bite to it oh i feel likethis was a perfect introduction to your new lifestyleokay have you know riches-to-rags okay but seriously if you aren't gonna wearthese clothes i'll take them cuz i all probably fit inthem but it's fine this sure i want it i
really want this i'm not getting likethis could be a cute shirt to sleep in nate wears it once it smells like him iwear it when he's not here yeah you should do a giveaway zero comments thisis an interesting experience hi i didn't know what to expect today ithought you were gonna paint me but i think this was life-changingi loved that i did this i'm proud of you were surviving it and i'm proud of yourbathroom for handling my olive garden aftermath oh my god honestly i mean noi'm not gonna be late for the plumbing bill that would be rude you know what'sreally weird for some reason i'm like turned on by your foreheads well like ifyou weren't if you were single rylan i
was like so white woah this sweat andlick it off i don't want to i know rylan does that so i don't wantto take his turn oh we lovers yeah nate shows me sometimes on the road link inthe description for my makeup stop it oh my god you taste kind of wealthy thankyou yeah i'm it's okay okay me take themoney's not from adsense okay yeah it's not bad it's cute it almost tastes likethe seasoning on those lasagna fritters omar you guys thank you so much forwatching another amazing video our series is coming i promise shane didn'tdelete the footage i actually showed up i'm not tana it's all there it's comingand we're really excited i'm i'm proud
of it i'm part of everything that we'vedone so just put your seatbelt on it's coming in august and yeah this was acrazy journey today i never knew i would go and to walmart and buy a full outfiton the real i never thought of doing that i knew you could yeah youyou know i could take it thank you guys so much for watching of course if you'renot already subscribed to shane everything is linked down below and umthat was it man i i want more sweat love you guys mwahbye
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