traditional pakistani home decor

traditional pakistani home decor

add style and personality to any room in yourhome with these tips on how to decorate a wall with artwork. before you start, keepthese arranging and hanging lessons in mind. most people hang artwork too high. at theright height, the center of your image should hang at eye level between 60 and 66 inches.size also matters when choosing how to hang your art. a large piece isn't always the mostcommanding visual. if you have smaller pieces, try grouping them into an arrangement thatwill read as a large piece of art on the wall. with these tips in mind, plan your arrangement.start by arranging your items on the floor. this can be a bit of a puzzle, but keep tryinguntil you're happy with how the items work as a group. consider a symmetrical art arrangementwhich looks orderly and as easy to achieve.

draw an imaginary vertical line in the centerand mirror the arrangement on each side of the line. a salon style arrangement is anotherway to decorate your walls. start by positioning the most prominent piece at eye level in thecenter and work outward. a mix of dimensional pieces such as plates and frames in differentshapes and colors keep the arrangement lively and interesting. once you've planned yourarrangement, cut out shapes of craft paper equal to the size of the items you want tohang, then use painter's tape to hang each paper shape on the wall in the same arrangementyou created on the floor. the tape won't damage the wall and lets you double check your designbefore you put nails on the wall. mark each paper template at the place where your nailwill be needed to hang the corresponding item.

pound nails into the wall through the papertemplates at the marked spot, hang your artwork and enjoy.

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