boys bedroom paint colors

keep in mind for our children's mural we arereducing our colors down to their most basic components. so case in point, in the zebrawe are going to be using a nice cream and also a black color paint. i recommend startingfirst with the white, starting here on the snout, now you can see this in not an outand out white. just because i am reducing it down, simplifying it does not mean everythinghas to be like you know ultra white then super dark black. now this is more of a light creamcolor but you will notice it is light enough to make a nice contrast with the backgroundsavanna. so really keep in mind here where you have your stripes, it is very easy toget confused and then to accidentally paint over your stripes and then forget exactlywhat spot's supposed to be bare and what spot
is not. so i am leaving some markers for myselffor when i come back in here with the black. also if there is ever a shape i do not quitelike, you know i feel the freedom to kind of go over it and alter it a little bit. atthis point you can do that and again as i have already said, as you go closer to theedges make sure that you go down to a smaller brush so that you can get some more we are going to keep doing this white back over the head and the rest of the bodyfrom head to toe. next i will demonstrate the black, but in general you should waitfor the white to dry up to a day before painting in the black. now let us move onto the black,for the black i am going to be using a nice foam brush, which i also like especially dealingwith contrasts and still getting some nice
sharp edges. so let us go in here, now younotice i have not actually painted in the cream in here yet, that is fine, normallyyou are going to do that, but i just want to demonstrate putting a stripe on here forus. as i get towards the edges i pull up on the back edge to not have any shall we sayunfortunate errors. foam brush is really good to glide and to get a nice thick coat on can also kind of ripple outwards at the edges, does not have to be a nice straightline, see that is more of a flowy organic feel. now as you start noticing any thin spotsshowing up in your black, it is time to go back to the paint can and grab some more.just make sure to keep re-dipping your foam paint brush but these do hold a lot of paint,it can be deceptive. you can also dab like
i am doing which is another nice edging, youcan see like we have some nice really strong edges over in here and we are going to continuedoing this up and down all the stripes until our zebra is filled in.
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