burgundy bedroom color schemes
hi everyone it's april with hair 101i'm going to show you another color technique that i do it's called a paint betweenit's really good to do on anyonethis is a good way to get all of the hair coloredmaybe they want to have their browns a little more rich than their natural hair colorand then still have some highlights it's pretty much doing an all over hair color with two colors so there are no hairs that are left out that are natural.so it's a real good option for someone going grey because it covers all of
the grey hair with either the light or the dark color and it's really funso i'm going to show you how to do that i'm going to ask her real quickfrom what we did last time if she wants to change anythingso you want to do a little bit more blond?? this time?? yeah probably like 2/3rds blond and 1/3rd brownokay that sounds good i can't remember we'll lighten this up a little bit moreand for her color i usually do like a 6n
for her brown and then the light i'm going to use the framesi bleach cream when you mix the framesi you are doing you're doing 20 grams of the color which is about 4 strips on the bowl to every 40 ml of developer so that's the ration to mix itand if you buy this color it tells you on the little paper in the package how to mix it up i'm using the 6nn
they are the double pigments in the redkin line the color fusionthey're really good for greys it colors really well on grey hair but it gives a really pretty colorand i'm out of my regular level 6 and this is really good tooso it works i use what i have so i have a fourth of a tube of thatand i'm using using 10 developer because she doesn't really have a lot of greysif she did have a lot of greys i would use 20
so the very first time you do this technique if they have virgin hair and you were doing this technique you would be pulling the blondes out and sticking the lightener on the entire section of that blond so that would be really easy to keep all of the ends protected from the paint between that you are going to do because her hair has already been lightenedwhen i take these blond pieces out you have to make sure that all of the ends stay inside of the foil so in order to keep all these ends safe from the other colori take
a bunch of conditioner and put it in a bowl and use it like color and i'm going to paint those onto her blond endsso it's going to be giving her ends a deep condition also while we're putting the color in you do have to make sure not to get the conditioner on the bleach because that won't be goodi just fold the foil down and then i stick it inthen i always put the lightener on from the regrowth from the scalp all the way until it hits that line of regrowth
or the color change linethen with the conditioner you can do just the endsthen that way when you fold it up you can fold this line to that middle section that's dry and keep the bleach and the conditioner seperate from each otherthen you don't have to worry about the paint between color getting on those ends and making them dark that's the little trick that will help that's the little trick that will help you out with this color technique the paint betweenso that's what i'm going to do on these two back sections
all the way up and then i'll check back with you forthe top. we're going to leave out all of the browns and on the blonds you retouch the regrowth area then put the conditioner on the ends to keep it tight in that foilbecause on a normal weave you'd be leaving those ends like a tail out the side and that will not work for a paint betweenso make sure you are getting those inwith either conditioneror if you can wind the hair up
and tuck it in therei like using the conditioner for the whole deep conditioning idea thats kinda funbut sometimes if i'm really really trying to go fast i'll wind the hair up and stick it in the foil and make sure that none of the ends are poking outbut that does take a little bit more practice this is definitely easier for beginners so definitely through the top i'mreally taking extra special care to make sure that i'm taking some of those blond pieces outthe back of it seemed really blond anyway it's more on the top that we had some of the extra dark in there
so i'm going to do the lightener on the light partand the conditioner on the blond and then sandwich this foilwhenever i do the two together like thati sandwich it to make sure that those two chemicals or whatever are not bleeding together okay so i need to mix up some more of the lightener and i'm already probably more than halfway donelike 2/3rds done since i want it to go a little bit fasterwhen i mix it up this time i'm going to use thirty volume bleach so it can catch up to the 20 volume bleach that we used in the back
and that way everything will process faster and yeah that's my little tip for the dayif you have to mix up more bleach you can mix it up a little stronger than the last batch if you're almost done so these brown pieces up here i'm going to cut them in half a little bit more blonde and so i figure if i cut them in half then she'll be more blond alright i always switch over to the front right here because
i like to get really close to the the face and i take these sections really smallbecause there is usually little widow's peak and if you try to stretchit in there too much then it will not have color on the roots and not look goodsince it's right by the face take that extra tiny little piece and make it look right a widow's peak is when the hair comes down to a point right here not everyone has it but usually people have a little bitlike a round shape right there
if they don't have a widows peaki always take really small sections right here by the face just make sure i can get close to those rootsalright so now i'm taking....and you know what i was wrong i mean... it's hard to admit that i was wrong but it's better to mix up the brown after you've put all the blonds in because then the color is not sitting there oxidizingi'm going to put a little bit more in here now would be the time to be mixing up your brown color
pretend like i just barely mixed this up it will still work just fine but fresh color does work really great a little bit better than color that's been sitting here for 30 minutes then you're going to put gloves on for the next part so put your gloves onyou really should wear gloves when you are doing color like thisit's not good for your skin it can absorb into your bodyalways wear gloves when you're touching a chemical onto your skinokay i'm going to start on the frontand you go to that first section that is brown
then you're going to use a clip i stand all the foils straight up and down then i put the clip through about six of them and that holds them up and downthen you reach in and if you have one that's right againstthe face you can go in and put another foil in that one so you don't put the color smashed against their forehead that's not a good ideathen you go in here and if there's any little bleeders youcan just dust them with the color and this takes care of
all of those endsand if the hair is long enough to reach past their face you need to put that in the foil on the first few that go forward so it's not hitting their face with the colorand you'll go through all the foils in between hence the name"paint between" and you're going to paint it inmake sure you're getting close to the scalp because especially if they havegrey they're not gonna wanna have grey roots still when they're done make sure you're getting this nice and close to the scalp this is a lot better for the hair than coloring it all dark and bleaching it out every time
you could color all their hair brown and then foil a bunch of highlights then if you keep doing that then you're just recoloring and rebleaching their hair so many times that their hair is going to be fried that's why i like this technique better the other option would be to foil up everything and that i think is just waisting foils and taking up too much timeso this is faster than that i am putting it on the entire shaft of haireven if it's already brown just to refresh the endsbecause if they've faded out might as well just put it everywhere
i've gone through all of the foils and done the paint between on everything and so the last step especially if you have gray hair this issomething you cannot if you skip this they are going to have these gray stripes all over their head so you have to takethe color and get a good amount in there and you're going to paint on the edges of everything in all of the partingsand if it gets a little bit on the bleachguess what that's okay because it's better than having grey hairs trust me on this one
you're gonna go through and then evenalong the face right here you'll paint the colormake sure you get all of these little hairs you can go back through after we're doneand wipe it with a little cloth and make surebut you need to really make sure that you get every edgehere's another parting right in here you see how it's dry right in hereyou need to paint the color in there okay so now that you've heard my little shpeal. make sure that you do that every where make sure you don't miss any doublecheck because you don't want to have stripes
if they don't have gray hair and theirhair pretty much gonna be the same color as the color you are doing anywayit's not as big of a deal but still do it because you don't want to chance having a different color stripe anywhere on the head alright on this side over herethen again along the facethe hairline sometimes you have to lift the foils up a little bit like this to get in there you just life them up like that and you can see better okay you should have that time and
now it's time to processyou can process this room temperature well you're going to look at the box color see how long it saysusually it says 30-45 minutes or if you have a faster color you can put a cap on it and process it under a dryerwhich i usually do with herbut if you're doing a really heavy gray coverageyou'll want to make sure that you process the full 35 to 40 minutes whatever it says we're gong to do the shower capand the reason why you need a shower cap is because if you put the colorunderneath the dryer without this on it
it's going to dry out and it won't process and it will be crustyso make sure you keep it moisttuck in all the loose hairs then you can process under the dryer k last step before you processi take a little bit of water on a towel and i follow around the round of the face and the earsand i wipe up any little bits of color that might be on their skin because nobody wants to go home with black stain on their skin or their ears when they're getting their hair colored and even along the neckline you can evendo it down here
if you see anyk looks good make sure you always check the color before you rinse iti think that's light enoughi think that looks good we're going to go ahead and rinse her out i didn't use a toner on her because it was just a retouch her ends are already really pale light and the roots looked goodso she's going to be how it wasi'm going to go ahead and dry it up and do a trim alright so we are all done with our paintbetween and here's the end result we lightened it up a little bit more through the top and
let me show you the backit's a really pretty blended two color hair colorand there are no grays anywhereeven though guess what. she doesn't have any greys anyway but if she did there still wouldn't be anyawesome right? and you can see in here that we got all the color everywhere and we're goodso try it! let me know how you guys like it and we'll see you next time
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