ebay dining room sets

ebay dining room sets

creating an amaranthlive edge dinner table this is beautiful georgeousfantastic amaranth i will transform these slabs intoan exclusive dinner table… … for jeanne, a friend of mine amaranth is a tropical hart woodits also called purpleheart yeah, right, its purple my friends! we first ran the slabsthrough the router these things are heavy, so toni helped me :d tropical wood dust is nasty,so we are wearing masks

then we sent all slabs through theplaner to make them of the same hight i cut the live edges fromall sides needing gluing i marked the boards to cut a total lenghtof 184cm (the final one will be 180cm) i cut the ends to that length i marked all spots where i willcut holes for the domino joints i cut holes for the domino joints i put all dominos in the holes then i applied tons of wood glue then i clamped all pieces together

i started cutting steel bars with themitre saw to stabilize the tabletop i drilled holes into the steel bars i put plastic end caps on all bar ends i sanded the bottom part of the tablewith 40, 80 and 120 grit paper i cut both ends of the tabletopwith the circular saw i cleaned up the live edgeswith a brush i attached socket screws for the bars now i applied rubio monocoat (pure)to the bottom side of the tabletop this table will be named "diana"

i sanded both ends with40, 80, 120, 180 and 240 grit to prevent the wood from suckingup too much epoxy, i applied finishing wax to all spots i will apply epoxy to i filled all cracks and holeswith epoxy resin sanding excess epoxy sanding the top with80, 120 and 180 grit paper the live edges have tons of splintersso take some time to sand them cleaning the surfacewith mineral spirit now i applied a coatof sanding sealer removing the sanding sealerwith 240 grit paper

after cleaning with mineral spiritsi started with the final coat as always, i usedrubio monocoat now watch this beauty come to life after 10 minutes, removeall excess material with a rag isn't she beautiful? think jeanne will like her? thats it!if you liked this videoplease subscribe

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