kincaid dining room furniture

kincaid dining room furniture

pottery barnour exclusive north carolina furniture workshopsutter street just before the turn of the century folksbegan moving from the farm to factory furniture factories started to spring up aslocal lumber mills saw an opportunity to use the abundant supply of wood in westernnorth carolina and the large number of local german immigrantsskilled in wood-working by the early nineteen hundreds there wereapproximately forty five furniture factories in the high point and hickory area by nineteen thirty nine north carolina wasthe national leader in the total production of wood household furniture

today many of the folks in western north carolinaare third and fourth generation furniture craftsmen they take great pride in producing the finestfurniture possible because north carolina has been known as the capital of furniture manufacturing pottery barn wanted to take advantage of the skilled craftsmen that were locatedhere at sutter street

the furniture is manufactured very much thesame way it was a hundred years ago uh each piece is made by hand there's very little machinery and equipment uh that's in place the thing that we rely on are skilled craftsmenmaking every piece the best part about being the general managerof sutter street is the opportunity to do several things one provide a quality product to our customer

but also to work for pottery barn it provides well-paying jobs in the unitedstates unlike many of our competitors who have outsourcedall of their furniture to overseas factories the associates here at sutter street have on average fifteen years of experience manufacturing upholstered furniture not to mention the fact that chances are their father or their grandfatherwere also in the furniture business manufacturing

upholstered furniture right here in western north carolina at pottery barn one of the things that we take greatpride in is providing high-quality products to our customers here at sutter street there are six quality control checkpointsthroughout the process a human being is actually looking at everysingle piece to insure that the fabric is cut correctly every stitch is where it should be every frame is constructed to our specificationsall the springs are there and also that every piece of furniture

is manufactured completely to our specifications pottery barn is proud to make high-quality furniturein the grand tradition of north carolina and we are happy to bring that quality intoour customers' homes. pottery barn

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