color combination for bedroom paint

- [voiceover] the range of colors that homeowners could use onthe exterior of their houses was blank by thecommunity's stringent rules regarding upkeep of property. so we're talking about the range of colors that homeowners could use onthe exterior of their house. and it was blank by thecommunity's stringent rules. so stringent rules,that means strict rules. they're not gonna allowa lot of range of colors.
they're going to be very, maybe, specific or they're going to try to limit the number of colors thatyou might want to use. that's the way i'm thinking of this. now let's look at the choices. so the first one is circumscribed, which means putting boundarieson things, limiting things. that seems in line withhaving stringent rules. the range of colors thathomeowners could use
on the exterior of theirhouses was circumscribed by the community's stringent rules that actually feels pretty good, so i'm gonna go with this one for now. they were trying to put restraints on or putting limits or putting boundaries which is what circumscribed means. stringent rules would essentially circumscribe the range of colors.
that makes sense. let's look at these other choices. on the exterior of their houses was bolstered by thecommunity's stringent rules. well no, stringent rulesaren't going to bolster, they're not going to boostthe number of colors. they're not going togive you more options. they're probably going togive you fewer options. so let's rule that one out.
the range of colors was embellished by the community's stringent rules? no, once again, embellishing means to add more, to kind of put some frills on it, to make it a little bit more exciting if we're talking aboutembellishing a story. so stringent rules are not going to embellish a range of colors,
they're going to restricta range of colors. they're not going to makeit even more exciting, more flowery, more options. so the range of colors was insinuated insinuating means you'reimplying something, you're hinting at something without really saying it directly. now stringent rules seemlike the type of rules that they wouldn't trybeat around the bush.
they would just get to the point. they wouldn't try to insinuate things. they wouldn't just try to hint. they would be very specific about "look, this is what you cando and what you can't do." so i don't think community stringent rules would try to insinuate a range of colors, they would just tell you, "look, you're eithergonna do this or that,
"this is allowed, this is not allowed." that's what makes themstringent, very strict rules. the range of colors was cultivated by the community's stringent rules. well once again cultivated means that you're helping to kind of develop. you're cultivating a garden, you're really fostering it, you're giving it nutrition,
you're really trying tomake something blossom. and once again, stringent rules, that doesn't seem like something that would try to cultivate a range of colors. "hey let's try and think of more colors. "let's make sure we've thoughtof all the colors possible and all of the rest." that doesn't make a lot of sense that stringent rules would try to do that.
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