color combos for bedrooms

color combos for bedrooms

today, we are going to talk about a techniquethat is going to facilitate the creation of our color palettes: hue shifting.but before that, i have to talk about local colors real quick.the local color of an object is the color that we perceive whenever we see it up close,lit by a white light. this is what we could consider as the real color or the centralcolor of an object. in the real world, light doesn't hit entitiesuniformly, so the local color gives us a base from which we can derive shadow tones andlight tones. often, we create color palettes from the local colors that are going to dominateour paintings. what’s hue shifting then?without a doubt, it’s one of the most common

techniques when it comes to creating colorpalettes for game assets. it is simple. we start with the object’s local color, forinstance our main character’s blue coat. to find the corresponding shadow tone, weare naturally going to sample the coat’s local color and lower its brightness. thehue shifting techniques invites you to also move its hue in a given direction!this technique simplifies the process of creating a palette, as it gives us a concrete methodto follow in order to derive harmonious new tones from our main colors.but you may ask: in which direction should we shift hues on the ribbon? and to what extent?well, it depends! if you analyze a photo or a painting, youwill notice that each of the 3 hsl values

of colors moves quite a bit from one zoneof the picture to another. and often, it does so in an unpredictable pattern. however, inmany cases, we can see a progression of hues in a specific direction. this is the casewith skies for example, with which you can see gradients from blue to yellow, to redand even to purple at dusk. it is critical to take the time to observeand analyze pictures to get a good hang of hue shifting. for each new subject that youare going to study, i invite you to download a few reference images on a website like pinterest,and to take notes on the behavior of colors. if the hue shifting technique is often raisedas a form of principle, by pixel artists in particular, it is due to the fact that ona computer, a beginner will have a tendency

to neglect the richness of the hues we canfind on any given object. the tiniest blade of grass can contain shades of green, of yellow,of turquoise, and even of purple, why not? the colors we find in our environment arethe result of complex interactions between light and objects. no technique can make upfor the long hours of study required to understand its behavior. if techniques are handy, theyare but tools. they are the catalyst of your knowledge, of your sense of light and colorsin that case. thus, if we get used to playing with the hue of our colors, we can then getbetter at analyzing what we see in nature. actually, you shouldn't neglect any of the3 hsl components we have talked about in the previous how to game art. with hue shifting,you can first focus on the brightness of the

color, then change its hue, and play againwith its brightness and saturation afterwards. with practice, it becomes mechanical. youcan then forget it altogether and only think about the can not only use the color picker, but also the hue/saturation tool to shift huesand extend your palettes. as this tool gives you a slider for each of the 3 hsl channels,it permits you to better control your color changes. however, be careful with one thing:on photoshop, the lightness slider doesn't work the same way the brightness value doesin the color picker. this option actually pulls your color towards white or black. itdoesn't just brighten your color but also affects its saturation.that’s it for today! if you liked the video

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