color for boy bedroom

hi there i am summer and welcome toelevate beauty company today we're going to do something just a little bitdifferent and i'm going to talk to you about beautifying your home i'm going totake you on a tour of my boys room that they are nine and seven and i'm going toshow you what i did to make their two different personalities come together tomake one cohesive look in their bedroom and i'm gonna spill the beans on the oneitem that has completely saved my sanity and helped them to keep their room clean like i said my boys are nine and sevenso they have completely different personalities my one son loves porks andstar wars so and he's actually sitting
right here playing legos right next tome while we record this maybe he'll make a special appearance but he also lovesto read and just kind of have some quiet time to himself my other son is sevenand he loves sports so he is all about baseball and football and trading cardshe loves legos and he loves playing with cars so he's super active and so i hadto find a way to marry their two personalities and make one cohesivedesign for their room i went with an industrial kind of metal and woodmixture when you're doing a room design it's important to incorporate severaldifferent textures that's gonna help make the space interesting it will helpyou to be able to incorporate different
pieces that you might like that comefrom different stores and divine styles so we went with that industrialgalvanized metal we also have a lot of wood in here we've got grays and navyblues and blacks and white to kind of and porks to kind of make it broadenough to where we can incorporate those two styles that they both enjoy but haveit still look cohesive so i'm gonna take you on a tour around one of the things that has absolutelysaved my sanity and saving my family hours of frustration is giving the boystheir very own set of betty's bedding it has completely transformed our lives thekids are happier they're able to make
their beds in a matter of seconds theysimply just zip their bed up and down to get in and out and to make their bed inthe morning so basically betty's is a one-piecebedding system it includes the comforter it has the top sheet inside it has thebottom sheet connected it's one complete piece so i'm going to show you thatright now it's basically like one fitted sheet soeverything is connected you take your fitted sheet and you justplace it on the mattress you zip up the sides and it's done it's so easy to useso let me move these over real quick and show you a little closer so when youunzip your betty bedding system it has
this really nice soft minky fabric myson is sensitive to textures and clothes and tags and all of that so heabsolutely loves how soft and mickey this is it makes him feel comfortableand safe and he's able to sleep really well and that bottom she is just like aregular sheet it's a really nice beautiful cotton and it has this largeeasy to zip zipper the cool thing is that for those of you who like to sleepwith your zipper unzips maybe hem you want to say hi hi do you love yourbetty's yeah for those of you who like to sleep maybe with your covers a littlebit looser or with your leg i've got a knee lock joining us or make your legout it has a
a bit of an overhang that comes out soit's not like a cool breeze can get in here when it's really cold it has thatoverhang so it feels just like a normal top sheet this zipper has a really easyto pull zipper nothing gets stuck the zipper actually goes all the way arounddown the side down the foot of the bed and then actually up so you can takethis completely off if for some reason your child didn't want a top sheet thatday they can just leave like this it's for it makes for really simple and easywashing because you just unzip that top sheet and you can wash them in the samewine or if you have a smaller dryer and washer you can wash them separately mykids absolutely love them they have so
many fun patterns this one worksperfectly in our room because we did the black and gray and white it also comeswith a pillow sham this really cute decorative pillow and it comes with apillow case as well so we are huge fans of betty's i will link them down belowin the video so if you wanted to check them out and go shopping for yourselfthey come in all sizes all colors and they're all amazing goodbye peoplethanks so much for joining us for our bedroom reveal we hope you enjoyed iti'm going to be revealing more rooms in our home and giving you more details onwhat we did as far as decorating and organizing our brand new home in arizonaso thanks so much for joining us and we
will see you next time
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