reclaimed wood dining room table

this board will make up the top and lower shelf of the table its roughly 2.75" thick and i'll re-saw it into a 1.5" thick top and a 1" thick bottom shelf notice how tight the grain is on this pine, an indication of old growth timber. these will get milled to final thickness and width now i turn my attention to the joinery i start by cutting the mortises using my leigh fmt jig once i cut all eight mortises i work on squaring up the ends with my chisel i'm using a 3/8" chisel and cutting about 1.5" deep now i lay out to cut a haunch in the mortises
i'm using my hand saw and chisel to break away the waste the haunches strengthen the joint by helping prevent twist and adding glue surface completed mortises now i move on to the tenons, which i will cut on my table saw using a dado blade notice the stop clamped to my fence to register the shoulder cut here i'm marking out the small 1/4" shoulder at the bottom of the tenon. now i flip the piece over and cutout for my haunch with the tenons cut i'm moving on to the last bit of joinery, supports for the lower shelf this will be a slip joint and i start by cutting the dados into the legs
i'm using the bandsaw to cut the mating piece i remove the remaining waste with a coping saw and chisel fit is too tight i make my adjustments on the dados using the router plane i just need to shave the slightest bit of wood off with all the joinery cut i can assemble the two side frames of the table i've let the two side frames sit overnight and now i can glue up the rest of the table base world cup has started! gooooooooooooooooooaaal!
with the base assembled i can now install the bottom shelf notice the four cleats on the bottom that attached it to the base i pre-cut these dados into the long aprons and now i'm glueing in cross supports these give a little added structure to the base with those dry the table is ready for finish i'm using a danish oil for the finish the table will receive 5-6 coats of oil the pine really soaks it up so i lay it on thick thanks for watching!
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