remove wall between kitchen and dining room before and after

we have two forms of caffeine and mom'sgot paint. we're ready to roll! flower market, here we come! i think weemptied the place out. i think you are right! that was so much fun, though. like ijust literally like all i can smell is flowers. i'm in heaven!ooh alright, so we're gonna head to kim's to stage her house and take photos andyeah, i'm so excited about her renovation finally being done. it's gonna be nice. she's going tobe so excited when she sees it all done. i know well let's get going. it's hard tobelieve that just a little while ago this house was so gross. i was literally dryheaving and i couldn't take it, it was so
bad. uou guys remember how bad? it wasdingy. it was dated. it was smoke-filled. it was dog-filled. there was uh i was so bad! it was the worst i've ever seenand now this house is gorgeous. every single last inch of it has beenremodeled, it's been touched and what i really loves is that my client, kim, herpersonality really shines through in this house and it's just... really it'sbecome her home and i'm so excited to show you every last inch of it . come onin. the makeover is breathtaking. come on in. it is so amazing!
i know what you're thinking. seriously wasthere a wall here? oh my gosh. okay so opening up walls are not simplethings, always. sometimes they're a little bit more complicated and in this case weneeded a beam and nothing was going to deter my client from opening this thingup and so she's like beams fine we are opening this baby up and not only did weopen up it that way we opened up this way as well because this was the diningroom before. it had that really narrow space the really gross kitchen that was grimyand really outdated. she just ripped all
of it out and originally she thought "i'mjust gonna take it little by little" and then it was like ah. once we got in herethe temptation to just do it all and make it just the way she wanted wasjust too much. oh oh my gosh let me show you all the little details. it's sopretty! look at this gorgeous quartz is insane. insane! my client and iwe discussed several different options and i said just go bold and luckily shedecided to do that. her daughter, who was helping us a bunch, too, was like "mom youare crazy" but oh my gosh i just want to like follow the lines. it's so pretty! down here,look at the brick wall she put in. can you get over this gorgeous brick wall. uh!amazing!
my client's favorite spot to sit is right here in these chairs. she put inall new windows and the best part is that she can now spy out the window onall the neighbors. the carpet underneath was... ugh. just thinking about it makes me feel like i'm going to dry heave. it was so bad. i don't even want to think about what was on it. it was nasty. and every inch of the house has had allnew flooring but down. and this hardwood is fantastic. it really does feel likethe outside has come in and i think that that's what makes this home so specialbecause she really bought this home because of the land and i mean everyevery time you walk through and all the
windows. they've all beenreplaced and they're all like light and bright. it just makes such a huge difference. thisis her forever house and i know that she's gonna want to stay forever becauseit really is amazing. this master bedroom is finally the retreat that it wasalways meant to be. with gorgeous hardwood floors, beams that have beenrefinished, gorgeous new lighting, gorgeous paint. uh! could i say gorgeousanymore? really is amazing and so soothing and it's everything that amaster bedroom should be and i think that my client has already said that sheloves it and it's a wonderful. the only thing
that makes this master bedroom betteris the master bathroom. oh my gosh! come look this way and let me show you. where is my champagne? do you think my client will be totally weirded out if she came home and i was in the bathtub?because oh my god this is the deepest tub i've ever seen! i'm rethinking myown! this is amazing! you could definitely fit at least two inthis tub! let's pretend there are bubbles. bubbles, bubbles! that towel rack. right here. do you remember? i was dangling on it. that's gone. thank god! i really didn'tget her an option, though, did i? ripping it out of the wall. oops! this shower! look at all these shower heads! we could be like, "ahh! ahh!" or you could share.
but who would want to share? it's awesome and it's huge and i love it and this master bathroom is a huge success i mean don't you just loveit. it's amazing isn't it? one final room in we're all done. let's go. this room wasthe worst. it smelled so bad i could not even stay in the room toeven tell you guys how awful it was. i mean i really can't believe how coat of paint, flooring she did replace the window which isnice and bright and lets in tons of sunlight. i mean, that's amazingyou can do awesome, awesome things with very little money and i think that thisroom is such a testimony to that.
the bonus area of this little bedroom is thebathroom. she redid that bathroom as well and i want to show you how great shedid. let's go see it. this room is proof that good things come in very smallpackages. my client was looking everywhere for a really great dresserthat she could put a countertop and sink onto and when she found this one shethis she knew this was it. it's so cute and again another shade of this natural blue kind ofcolor in here. it's bluish gray soothing and warm and this is a great guestbathroom. i think i'll invite myself over here. you're leaning... like this, now, yeah thereyou go. thanks, mom!
sorry about that. not me guys! it's my narcolepsy! so sweet, but wow she falls asleep at the most random times! well anyways! i hope that youguys have enjoyed this amazing tour and if it was slightly lopsided it's becausemy mom was helping me out today and i love her and she's amazing and ihope that you've enjoyed this tour because i know that my client has workedher tushy off to get all of this done and in such a short period of time. it really is amazing what you can do with coat of paint and new flooring and youknock down a couple walls. so i hope
that you've enjoyed this. i hope you come visit usthe house of valentina. we have so many new things on the horizon and iliterally cannot wait to share them with you. i'll see you guys soon. bye!
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