seat cushions for dining room chairs

seat cushions for dining room chairs

hi today, i want to reupholster my seats we have had these for quite a long time and the fabric could really be replaced. now, you might ask why don't i just have somebody do it for me? why am i so cheap? well, i got a coat and the guy is asking for $1,200 to reupholster four seats. i'm not a bank machine. i'm doing this myself well i haven't done this before but i'm an engineer so i should be able to figure this out doesn't look very tricky. maybe the trickiest part is this backplate that's covered both on front and back and

i don't know this. i think it's made of two pieces but this center part see i'm not quite sure how they are holding these two pieces together i probably figured that after i open the screws on the back, but this part here also is have some guesses on how they did it. we'll see when i open it first. i have to unscrew everything look at this i think the two sides are held together with like two or three screws in addition to the four screws that we're helding them to the back whatever it's called open them - there we are

yeah, and i was right about this side it seems like they made a tube of fabric that goes between the seam between the two plates and just makes it look nicer i guess now we have to go through the tedious work of removing all these tables. let's remove this bottom side - kind of a shame it also has one of those tubes around the bottom of the c2 just to make it look nicer now every seat is different like this one the fabric is sewed and sculpted to form and this is impossible. i can't do this if i have to do this i'll just sell it as these and buy a whole new set much cheaper than $1,200 who luria pollsters for $1,200. okay. now i'll go through the task of destabilizing these plates and for that

i'll use my flat head screwdriver like this. oh it shut away staples are stuck quite well, they're breaking too ouch scratch my hand and stables but for the ones that stick out like this i will use my pliers later to remove them if they don't break. it seems that you're breaking so far

i have to hold these staples on something if somebody later steps on them, they're gonna kill me how damn it. well don't put your hand right behind the direction of the screwdriver. you're gonna stab yourself. i guarantee it this is not very easy the pressure of the screwdriver on the palm of my hand is quite hurting now if i want to finish all this by the end of the day i'll be hurting like hell, i think i could use one of those work gloves this distributes the pressure on the palm of my hand, so i won't feel as bad i guess well, i think this screwdriver method is not very efficient

i'm putting a lot of pressure and every time one leg of this table remains in the wood which i'm pretty sure it's gonna cause me trouble later when i'm gonna restate all the new fabric on i think i have to do a trip to the hardware store and see if they have any better tool. okay, i'm back with my fancy new tool. let's see how well this does. oh look at that it's putting the whole staple out there hey knew there was a better tool than a flathead screwdriver see look at this it has this bottom side that goes under this staple and this top side that when you put pressure down

to remove their staple. it closes on this table and grabs it and pulls the whole thing out like this look at this the whole table is coming out now there you go well, hello, sir, can i introduce you to my lord and savior staple master mm one of them is finally done after what like an hour and two more to go and in fact this noodle thing around it is stapled separately from their fabric so just like double the work for those two. yeah, i guess i have a lot of time it's not like my time is worth anything and i have to go back and pull out the broken legs or

hammer them in if they are too deep though whatever just go in and off to the next one okay, this noodle poop is finally out and of course it reveals a whole new set of stables on the bright side i feel like i'm getting faster with this new tool especially okay, here's the next one hey darling what 45 minutes this time including the noodle, so i'm getting faster i mean if you're a lawyer and you're making like $500 an hour, i don't recommend this your time is more valuable

but if you have spare time on your hand then why not you learn something. it's like a good workout and there's a saying that says half of the income is saving money. so if you're saving money you're making money look off to the next one. this is probably the worst one. it's bigger it has three layers this white fabric the noodle finger around it. and then there is the fabric so let's do it there goes the bottom fabric joints the noodley poop is out - okay, the last frontier

actually before i finish the whole thing it's a good point to see how they did it so that the fabric doesn't wrinkle on the outside and is even on the inside. i'll have to repeat the same thing their stunt and it took only around two and a half hours $1,200 for the whole reupholstery and that's excluding the fabric okay, you have to do their fabrication now, but before that what could my oiled joints are hurting? okay, i'm back with fabric and everything nice. eh, and also i bought this

noodle thingie replacement seeing the old noodle thing. they made it out of the same fabric and wrapped it around like a piece of rope or there are plastic kind of days, too and they just sewed around the whole thing. and there are these things - they're already and easy to use you just staple them around the place you want if you can find the type you want for your fabric now we just have to cut a rectangle of this fabric and make sure that there is like over an inch of it going around the sides it doesn't matter if it's too much. we will cut it later. okay?

let's not screw it up okay, let's see if i can get this right it's a little bit tricky because it's curving inwards like this so if i pull the fabric first this way it will pull out of the curve so i think i have to start from the center like this staple it this way and then continue stapling to the sides. and also make sure your hands are clean the last thing you want is that you staple the whole thing and your fabric is completely dirty and i'm going to use my handy stapler to make like millions of staples i mean, how many did i pull out look here? it's like a million of them. okay, let's do it let's first make sure that it's completely centered to the fabric and

then like i said we start from the center of the curve and we hold it nice right there go to the other side. i don't think we have to put it too tight otherwise it will just collapse the entire foam just a little bit pull a little bit on it. i

will see how it will end at the end if my workmanship is any good or not? i guess if these staples are not sticking in. well, i can hammer them in a little bit. i hope i'm not annoying the actual reupholster elves oh, by the way, the old staples were three eighths of an inch tall and my staples are 5/16 so they should be able to do the job now. we just pull a little bit to the side and staple this stapler needs a lot of force let's go evenly from both sides

the staples should be close to each other if you put them too far if you probably wrinkle the fabric how does it look like so far looks like it's wrinkled at the center, but don't worry about it. when i stretch it from these sides. it'll make it straight. i go a little bit further to the side. i think now is a good time to stretch it from both sides right stretch this side first the angle is not good anymore. i think i have to put it on something there. i think it's better up here pull it a little bit

yeah, pull the other side too there see it looks nice and straight now we continue pulling to the side repeat on the opposite side too starting to get tricky this stapler requires a lot of force and if you put it on an angle, it doesn't go deep. well, so i don't know maybe i have to do another trip to the hardware shop and buy one of those power staplers yeah, i mean how much are those staplers forty fifty dollars compared to? $1,200 i have to pay for every upholstery. that's nothing hey, i'm back with my power stapler

this is good, okay guys, if you are at the tricky corners, i have to do it, right otherwise it'll wrinkle. okay, let's hold hand and do this part together. i think i have to pull the fabric and push it slightly this way and then staple it for every one of them so that it goes around the curve nicely slightly rotation slight rotation to live it from this side pulling slightly stop think i'm done a little bit of hammering hasn't killed anybody

ready for the reveal. let's see how it looks hey, i didn't do a bad job eh okay down ready for the reveal look at that nice and soft and straight and don't worry about the backside too much you don't have to cut all these extra pieces close to their staples now we just take a carpet knife and cut the fabric close to there staples there you go, what do you think not bad eh now we do the next one it's very much the same just that it's curving outwards. otherwise the technique is the same

and now the two pieces go together like this and you can screw them together but you see that you can see the seam between them and that's where this noodley thingy comes into effect where it goes between the seam and makes it beautiful now there's a tad bit of ugliness with this thing that i don't like which is it unwinds so i do a trick which is i cut it first so that it's nice and then your guess that i

put some crazy glue on it to prevent it from unwinding in the future. of course this crazy glue part has to be in a spot that's not visible i bet there is a better solution to prevent this thing from unwinding what that was my solution you can leave your solution in the comments below. i wonder right now how many real actual upholsterers turning in their coffins watching my solutions? the problem is that these new staples are heating on top of the previous staples and bent just have to make sure i don't overlap them okay, we finished one turn around now we cut it and do our crazy glue dirty work and

one last staple for good luck there and now that we put the two together the seam looks nice and beautiful now. i just have to figure out where the holes poked out from the other side so i can go through the same screw holes and tighten them together just screw the two sides together and the back seat is done well frankly, it went better than i expected

now i have to do the seat part and unfortunately, they didn't have enough of these noodley parts for the seat so i just do the fabric and if it's too ugly we can always do this later and it's done beautifully work of an engineer now. the last part is quite simple we just have to cover the bottom of the seat with this special fabric that's made for the same purpose it doesn't do anything for the looks but i guess it's better to cover it in case you have those kids in your home that crawl under the seats and you don't want splinters in their heads and we don't need much of this fabric. it doesn't fold around, right?

so just a little bit larger than the seats would be fine and i bet because you are not stretching it around a seat it is hard to keep it nice and flat so i just rather keep it flat like this and while it's flat i staple around the seat and this is what you're gonna do. we're just gonna fold to this fabric back a little bit like this and then staple it right at the edge of it like this to be able to staple it at the edge i need to know where the staple comes out of my stapler and for that i just cut a groove on the side of my stapler that shows me where the staple comes out so i can place it accurately we don't need too many staples either just enough to hold it in place

there we go almost nice and straight, but it's not visible anyways, just for protection there house left to do is to just screw them on the chair and we'll be done and there we're done isn't it just beautiful oh wait, we are not done you know those tiny monsters did they're dirty and greasy fingers are gonna ruin our beautiful fabric and to diffuse their plot you have to cover our fabric with a thick coat of fabric protector, and then we'll be done this makes it much easier to clean the fabric and

how long did it take around five hours? $1,200 for four chairs would be $60 an hour. it's way more than engineering work just do it yourself if you can i mean if i can do this with no experience i guess that's what though. i may not have done upholstery before but i'm a handyman. i'm like a god with my fingers still it's not too hard. you can learn it easily, too now i just have to do three more subtitles by blaze anderson

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