slipcovers for dining room chairs with arms

hi guys welcome back to my channel todayi'm going to show you how to make a no sew slipcover so if you're interested infinding out how to make a well fitted slipcover without sewing one singlestitch just keep on watching if this is your first time to my channel hello andwelcome my name is elizabeth i make lots of diy and lifestyle videos and if youenjoy what you're watching please subscribe like this video and commentbelow letting me know that you're new i'd love to say hi so without anyfurther ado let's go ahead and get into the video so this is the chair thatwe're going to be recovering today it's probably close to 20 years old it'ssuper old you can see already from back
here it definitely has some wear andtear on it the first thing you're going to need to do is pick the fabrics thatyou want to use to cover your piece of furniture i'm going to be using ableached drop cloth so this is just a drop cloth that i bleached in the washif you want to see a video on how to leech drop cloth just let me know in thecomments below and i'd be happy to do that for you guys but really it's supersimple just put it in the wash bleach it and it comes out looking like this forme it was the cheapest and most durable fabric that i couldyou're also going to need a few more things what we're going to be usinginstead of a traditional needle and
thread or sewing machine is this heatand on scene tape i'm using this super i picked up three packages next you'regoing to need just some pushpins and last not be admired preferably one thathas a new scheme you're also going to need some scissors so the first step isto measure out each section of fabrics that you're going to need to cover thechair so we're going to go piece by piece and measure out all of the fabricaround the chair leaving one inch seam allowance around each piece i'll showyou how life goes on it goes on it goes on lifegoes your life
your lifeso sony wants to be right in the middle of it but as you can see i just pinnedalong the top the fabric leaving about an inch on the back behind where it endsso i'm just following the natural pattern of the piece of furniture andmaking panels about that size by pinning them first on to the piece of furniturebefore i start to cut all right so i have pinned this whole section leavingabout an inch over here for extra seam allowance and now i'm going to cut allalong here so allow for my seat i use the seam tape as a guide for cutting myseam allowance around the section as i go
no i continue with the next section offabric pinning and cutting to size i penned the two pieces of fabric togetheras if it were the seam itself i remove it and take it to the ironing board andbegan measuring out my seam tape and ironing the two sections together it's important to remember that you areputting these two pieces of fabric together with the seam tape just as ifyou were sewing the fabric so you're working inside out i just follow thedirections on the back of my seen tape or ironing which was the whole tire downfor three seconds on each side to secure the
it goes on so i just continue the samesteps of pinning the fabric to the chair creating sections and then ironing thetwo seams together as i make my way around when i got to my corners i did foursections and set up just to to make sure i created like for some of the harder to reach sectionsi pinned the same tape into me of the fabric as i was working around the chairand just iron directly on the chair there are corners they're not perfectlyfitted but that's okay because you can
just tuck it into the corner and the topcushion will cover thank you to do the back you make onesection larger than the other and do not connect them down the middle and thatway you can take this one cover on and on i followed the exact same steps to makethe top of the ottoman and then for the bottom part i just made four separatesections and attached them at the very for the seat cushion i just made onepiece of fabric and wrapped it around leaving the center seam open so i cantake it on and off i added a layer of scotchgard yepthat's why sunny and that set here is
the completed slipcover let me know if you have any questions inthe comments below thank you so much for watching and until next time bye guys
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