west elm dining room chairs

west elm dining room chairs

(upbeat music) - hi there, it is jill maurer. today, i'm going to sharewith you my noguchi pieces. i only have two noguchi pieces. they are two of his most iconic pieces. the first is this coffee table. noguchi was a sculptor. a lot of the people who didmid-century modern furniture came from an architecture background

but he was a sculptor and he considered even after six decadesof work that this was his only successful piece. i wouldn't agree with that. i think he has more successful pieces but this is a great piece. you can still get them today, this one is a relatively new one. it's not an old one and theway that it works is this,

the wood base sort of just swings open and then this very thick glass top table goes on top of it. mine is in the dark black. it's a black color butit can come in walnut and some different woods. it's a very elegant table. the other piece i have fromnoguchi is the cyclone table and this has a little bitof an interesting story.

he first designed thisas a tiny little stool and the stool rocked. it was a rocking stool. and hans knoll of the knollcompany convinced him he should make it a little table. so he took the rockingpart out and he made it a little table and then,a couple of years later, he created it into a diningtable and this is the dining table we see today.

i have the smaller one. this is about a 36-inchtable but it does come in different sizes. so let me know, do you lovenoguchi as much as i do? what is your favorite noguchi piece? let me know in the comments below. while you're there, pleasebe sure to subscribe. until next time.

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