white house dining room

white house dining room

mrs. obama: hi. surprise. come on in. how are you? what's happening? way. very much way. you guys, i've gotjenna bush here. how are --what's your name?

female speaker: avery. mrs. obama: avery? i have a nephewnamed avery. what's going on? it's nice to meet you. this is myfriend jenna. she used tolive here too. jenna bush: nice tomeet you, sweetie. female speaker:tell her your name.

mrs. obama:what's your name? female speaker:oh my gosh. hannah. mrs. obama: hannah. how are you, guys? welcome. female speaker: hello. pleasure to meet you. jenna bush: areyou all surprised?

female speaker: we are. (laughter) mrs. obama: myfavorite thing to do is to surprise you guys. we've got jenna herebecause we're opening up the old family diningroom for the first time. that room has -- jenna bush: you getto see the room. mrs. obama: -- neverbeen opened and we just

redesigned it with modernart, the first modern art and design inthe white house. jenna bush: ever-- she did this. mrs. obama: whereare you guys from? multiple speakers:jacksonville. mrs. obama: well,welcome to the white house. female speaker:thank you so much. mrs. obama:enjoy the tour. you guys go --

jenna bush: we'reholding you up. mrs. obama:you guys can go. female speaker: it has farexceeded our expectations. (inaudible commentary) female speaker: you don'teven know all the thoughts that went throughour minds in there. thank you so much. female speaker:nice to meet you. mrs. obama:enjoy the house.

hi. it's nice to see you. where are you guys from? female speaker: we'refrom southern california. regret not doing that. mrs. obama:absolutely. male speaker: hello,very nice to meet you. jenna bush: it'snice to meet you. mrs. obama: welcometo the white house.

male speaker: thank you. mrs. obama: we've gotsome former residents -- male speaker: yeah. jenna bush:they let me in. mrs. obama: it's sonice to have you here. oh my goodness,thank you all. female speaker: you're arole model and everything. mrs. obama:thank you so much. enjoy the house.

it's great tohave you here. female speakerhi, how are you? nice to meet you. i'm leona. mrs. obama: niceto meet you, leona. multiple speakers: hi. jenna bush: i'm jenna. mrs. obama:welcome, welcome. it's great to see you.

female speaker:how are you? oh my goodness. female speaker:how exciting. mrs. obama: it isgreat to have you guys here. female speaker: whata pleasure, oh yes. mrs. obama: lookwho i've got with me. jenna bush: niceto meet you. female speaker: i'm esmay. mrs. obama: esmay?

it's sogood to have you here. how old are you? female speaker: thirteen. mrs. obama:(inaudible) so i know what that looks like. female speaker: you'resuch a big inspiration. mrs. obama: it's sogreat to have you guys here. female speaker: it'sso great to meet you. mrs. obama: i hopeyou guys like the room.

female speaker:it looks great. female speaker: what'syour name, baby? female speaker: jordan. mrs. obama: jordan. you guys are gorgeous. i've got jenna here too. jenna bush: hi,how are you? i'm jenna. it's so nice to meet you.

mrs. obama: it's goodto have you guys here. jenna bush: really? jenna bush: hi, i'm jenna. nice to meet you, lucy. mrs. obama:how are you? it's great to meeta (inaudible). female speaker: i had agreat opportunity to meet your husband. he was in my front yard --

-- just hangingout in your yard. mrs. obama: oh yeah. yes. that was great. wow. female speaker: so i gotthe great opportunity (inaudible). jenna bush: oh yeah, yes. yeah, that was terrific.

female speaker: yeah, it'sa good job that you're doing. jenna bush: thank you. mrs. obama: she'samazing isn't she? it's so good to see you. we're so proud of her. the kid's doing well. kid's coming out of -- jenna bush: itcould happen. it could happento anybody.

female speaker:(inaudible) state of arizona with our-- at the election. i mean the -- at thedemocratic convention. mrs. obama: yes, yes. it's great to haveyou guys here. female speaker: michelle,it's lovely to see you and i hope you come to the -- mrs. obama:i hope we can. we'll figure itout, probably.

female speaker: i had theopportunity through my grandmother, so -- mrs. obama:oh that's great. jenna bush: i heardhe's getting the statue tomorrow. that's awesome. mrs. obama: howare you, sweetie? it's good to haveyou guys here. jenna bush: areyou guys surprised?

she's the first lady. it gets nobigger than that. hi, how are you? female speaker: my husbandis the lake county state's attorney. mrs. obama:oh my goodness. mrs. obama: you came here toget a little warm weather? male speaker: a lotwarmer than back home. mrs. obama: howare you guys doing?

what, do youhave school? jenna bush: areyou surprised? it's the first lady. mrs. obama: you'reon camera, so -- jenna bush: this isas big as it gets. male speaker:we're in trouble. mrs. obama:they're excused -- jenna bush: uh-oh. mrs. obama: -- fromschool because they're

here -- male speaker: super. jenna bush: it'ssnowy, so -- mrs. obama: --and they're learning. this is history. female speaker: right? mrs. obama:you guys have fun. enjoy the oldfamily dining room. mrs. obama: it'sso good to see you.

mrs. obama: it'sgood to have you here. female speaker:we're from arkansas. mrs. obama: wellit's nice to see you. male speaker:say hi, caleb. mrs. obama: hey. male speaker: it'sthe first lady. jenna bush: canyou believe it? the first lady. mrs. obama: you've gotto -- you got to -- this

is jenna bush. jenna bush: hi. mrs. obama: jennaused to live here too. jenna bush: how are you? male speaker: good. female speaker: thank you forletting us in your home. mrs. obama: it'sall of our home. this is thepeoples' house. male speaker:thank you so much.

mrs. obama: youguys enjoy the tour. mrs. obama: it's greatto have you guys here. female speaker:what an honor. mrs. obama: oh,the honor's all ours. i love surprisingyou guys. male speaker: the bears arebecoming the cubs of football. mrs. obama: you think? female speaker:i love you. mrs. obama: you know,i love you guys too.

female speaker:you're so amazing. mrs. obama: (laughs)you can, just fresh. fresh only. female speaker:yeah, we're twins. jenna bush: ohthat's your twin? y'all are twins? twin power. i love it. i'm a twin too.

nice to meet you, too. mrs. obama: thank youso much for all you do. i've got jenna here. mrs. obama:hey, gorgeous. what's your name? female speaker: samantha. mrs. obama: samantha. what grade are you in? mrs. obama:is it going okay?

you know this guy? come on over, dad. male speaker: it'snice to meet you. mrs. obama: it'snice to meet you. you guys, meetmy friend jenna. are you surprised? mrs. obama: you got -- male speaker: shewants to see bo. mrs. obama: bo?

mrs. obama: bois around somewhere. jenna bush: bo couldbe me, but i'm sorry. i replaced bo. is that a disappointment? a little? oh, no. i knew it. mrs. obama: we'll seeif we can sneak him out. male speaker: we came allthe way to washington,

d.c. to see bo. jenna bush: oh wow. bo is cute. mrs. obama:okay, we'll see you. i gave an all right tosomebody, we'll see what we can do, okay? male speaker:great to see you. mrs. obama: all right. male speaker: hi.

may i have a hug? male speaker:what an honor. what an honor, jenna. male speaker: are you guysjust surprising us on the tour? mrs. obama: yes,because it's a special day. this is the first timewe're opening up the old family dining room.

we just remodeled it withmodern art and modern designs. jenna bush: itlooks really cool. mrs. obama:jenna's here. she's covering itfor the today show. jenna bush: yes, tellingthe story for the today show. it's the first timethe first lady's ever modernized a roomin the white house.

male speaker: wewere wondering. jenna bush: what'sgoing on here? male speaker: isn'tthat always the same? mrs. obama:this room is new. jenna bush: yeah,and it looks great. male speaker: well thankyou so much for the honor. mrs. obama: it'sgreat to have you here. male speaker: jenna,i'm from texas. jenna bush: ohyou're from texas?

where you from? male speaker: welove you so much. jenna bush: great. good to see you too. male speaker: this ismy beautiful daughter, cecelia. female speaker: sonice to meet you. male speaker: give ourregards to your husband. mrs. obama: i will.

well, he's meeting. male speaker:you are great. (inaudible) mrs. obama:hi, how are you? nice to see you. female speaker: we loveyou here (inaudible). mrs. obama: thank you. thanks so much. mrs. obama: it's sonice to be here with you all.

you're a beaver. a beaver believer. how are they doing? male speaker: (inaudible) mrs. obama:we'll take it. jenna bush: jenna. male speaker: yeah,i'm from taiwan, but and then i make fun of myfriend i said, "hey, i'm going to see anobama, they say "no."

jenna bush: andnow you did. mrs. obama: you get tosee an obama and a bush. male speaker: yeah,i just make like a -- mrs. obama:together again. male speaker: nowthey're going to say, (inaudible) no way -- mrs. obama:you did it. male speaker: i did it. mrs. obama:you called it on.

we were here. we knew. jenna bush: exactly. mrs. obama: wedecided to come. male speaker: well i'mmissionary for several country (unintelligible). mrs. obama:it happens. enjoy the tour. mrs. obama: hi,how are you doing?

where are you all from? female speaker: denver. mrs. obama: denver? female speaker: yeah, wecame for (unintelligible). mrs. obama: that'sgood, that's the whole family. and you guys arenice and tall. i'm like regular height. male speaker: howare you doing? male speaker: you don't dothis for every tour now do

you? mrs. obama: we don't,but periodically, a couple of times a year. jenna doesn't. we don't always -- jenna bush: no, i don'talways fly in for this. mrs. obama: but atleast once a year, i try to like surprise a tour. male speaker:no, absolutely.

jenna bush: it'sdefinitely special to see the first lady. male speaker:well, very cool. mrs. obama:you guys enjoy. enjoy the room. we're opening up the oldfamily dining room for the first time. hi, nice to meet you. female speaker:hi, how are you?

mrs. obama: it'sgood to see you. you want to get a hug? how are you, sweetie? it's so nice tohave you guys here. we got jenna. female speaker:i was so excited. mrs. obama:well, good. jenna bush: it wassurprising, right? where you all from?

female speaker: florida. mrs. obama: florida? oh a little chilly. jenna bush: hi,nice to meet you. mrs. obama: it's good. male speaker: thank youfor letting us into your home, mrs. obama. mrs. obama:oh it's our home. male speaker: i met youhusband when he was

campaigning for newhampshire once. i'm so glad(unintelligible) mrs. obama: well it'sgood to have you here. nice to see you too. mrs. obama:where are you from? from england? are you guys together? male speaker: yeah,nice to meet you. mrs. obama: it'snice to see you.

it's wonderful. nice to have you here. jenna bush: hi, guys. male speaker:i'm so surprised. jenna bush: it'snice to see you. mrs. obama: welcome,it's good to see you. female speaker: hello,it's a privilege. mrs. obama:from england too? you guys are?

you picked agood day to vist. female speaker:there's 50 of us. mrs. obama: fifty? female speaker: hi. mrs. obama: it'swonderful to see you. jenna bush: youshould look at it. it's very cool. it's modern. female speaker: thank you.

mrs. obama: that'swhy jenna's here. female speaker: yeah,it's nice to meet you. jenna bush: it'll be fun. mrs. obama: so niceto have you all here. female speaker: thisis my friend from (unintelligible). mrs. obama: ohwow, that's amazing. mrs. obama:because we knew it. that's why wedecided to come down.

absolutely, absolutely. it's great to meet you. where are you from? new jersey. you're close. you got out ofthe snow, huh? female speaker: we did. mrs. obama:you survived it. jenna bush: hello,what's your name?

male speaker: jack. jenna bush: hi, jack. female speaker: good tohave this opportunity. thank you for coming down. jenna bush: meet the whitehouse and meet the first lady. not too shabby, right? female speaker:yes, i know. it was a nicesurprise also -- jenna bush:nice to see you.

female speaker: yes, it'svery nice to meet you. what a wonderful surprise. female speaker: mygrandma's voice was in my head, girl, put yourchurch dress on. jenna bush: andyou do look nice. mrs. obama:you look great. hello, how are you? female speaker: i workhere as a white house social aide, and ibrought some friends from

california. mrs. obama: welcome. it's nice to meet you too. jenna bush: i know,good surprise. mrs. obama: i hopeyou're enjoying it. so nice to meet you. mrs. obama: hi, niceto see you, you guys. jenna bush: hello,how are you? great to meet you.

yeah, i can tell. you want a goin for a hug. i can tell. i could tell. you guys, welcome. female speaker: i thought shewas going to faint on you. mrs. obama:but she made it. she made it. she didn't faint.

male speaker:she might faint. mrs. obama:good, how are you? male speaker: allright, how you doing? hi, little potato. how are you guys? mrs. obama: theirmatching hair things. jenna bush:the first lady. mrs. obama: wait,wait, where you going? jenna bush:you're leaving?

mrs. obama:i need a name. dachelle? with a d? with a j. jenna bush: ohthat's pretty. mrs. obama:and you are? how old are you guys? female speaker: i'm 10. mrs. obama: you're 10?

you're really 10? and you're seven? you're the same agedifference as mali and sasha. three years. jenna bush: fun. mrs. obama: so i hopeyou all love each other. let me see you give a hug. jenna bush: no, a big hug.

that wasn't so big. are you all surprised? jenna bush: isn'tthat shocking? mrs. obama: youenjoying the tour? all right, learnsomething, okay? all right. male speaker: doingwell, and yourself? male speaker:good to see you. jenna bush: i'm jenna,nice to meet you.

mrs. obama: i am ahugger, if you haven't noticed. female speaker: i'mfrom minneapolis. mrs. obama:minneapolis? well, this is regularweather for you. this is like summertime. female speaker: thisis warm, actually. mrs. obama: it's oneof the best things we do here.

male speaker: whata nice surpise. jenna bush: tomorrow. female speaker: very good. i know, the first lady ona white house tour, it's pretty great. can't get betterthan that. mrs. obama: herhusband got tired and left. jenna bush: today?

mrs. obama:let's say hi to him. what's his name? female speaker: brian. mrs. obama: brian? come on, alittle patience. you could've gottenus, we're on a tour. yeah, brian, you blew it. all right, enjoy. female speaker: sayhello to your husband.

absolutely will. female speaker: hi,(inaudible) from mrs. obama: it's sogreat to have you all here. it's a pleasure. i hope you'reenjoying the tour. thanks so muchfor being here. she knows a littlebit about texas. jenna bush: ohnice, wonderful. it's good to meet you.

yeah, that's where myparents' library is, at smu. female speaker: i know. jenna bush: hey,how are you? mrs. obama:aw, thanks so much. how are youguys holding up? you're in boston? male speaker: i know. mrs. obama: you guysare shoveling out -- it's good to have you.

i know you're happyto see the ground. male speaker: sheshovels, i don't shovel. jenna bush: she does? mrs. obama:that's let's move. jenna bush: exercise. that's a lot of exercise. mrs. obama: getsyour biceps going. mrs. obama:hey, handsome. ethan?

how old are you, sir? nine? you want to meetmy friend jenna? mrs. obama: sheused to live here. it doesn't get biggerthan that, does it? male speaker: not really. mrs. obama:well, the president. jenna bush: that'strue, it does. mrs. obama: andthere's bo, sunny.

jenna bush: the dogs. mrs. obama: hi,how are you guys? male speaker: you are wonderful,thank you for doing this. mrs. obama: it isso nice to see you all. male speaker: he's got aschool assignment, and i think he completed it. jenna bush: i think schoolwill understand, don't you? mrs. obama: thisis part of it, right? yeah, yeah, we'll say,ethan's covering it.

he's learning a lot. jenna bush: it's okay, wewon't get him in trouble. mrs. obama: you werepart of seeing -- you're one of the first visitorsto see the old family dining room open to thepublic for the first time. yeah. jenna bush: it's neverbeen open before. mrs. obama: and we-- there's modern art in there for the first timein the white house, so

you're makinghistory right here. male speaker: wow,part of history. mrs. obama:on the today show. jenna bush: prettycool, right? male speaker: yes. mrs. obama: oh you'vegot -- wait, wait, you've got (inaudible). we can't get them in? male speaker: i don'tthink we're allowed to

take the computer in. male speaker: i think thepresident's wife can. mrs. obama: yeah,yeah, it's good. come on, we'll get you -- jenna bush: isthat flat stanley? mrs. obama: yeah,come on in, jenna. male speaker: flat ethan. mrs. obama: he wasfollowing the rules. you're so -- he's like,i don't think we can do

pictures here. i think we can. jenna bush: well she can. mrs. obama:i think we can. male speaker:you're wonderful. mrs. obama:good luck in school. female speaker: it's an amazingpleasure to meet you, my god. mrs. obama: it'swonderful to be here with you guys.

female speaker: i can'tbelieve you're here. mrs. obama: i'm here. mrs. obama: i'musually upstairs, but now i'm here with you. oh no, this is thefun part of the job. it really is. male speaker: i hope so. well, thank you. mrs. obama: youguys come on down.

josh? it's great to have you. male speaker:i'm in fifth. mrs. obama: fifth grade,you're tall -- i like that. jenna bush: you are tall. you produced thistall character? female speaker: i did. mrs. obama: you did. it's so good tohave you here.

jenna bush: i didn't getmarried here, no, but i got married while mydad was president. i got married in texas;i disappointed a lot of people, but it was nice. female speaker: thankyou, so nice meeting you. jenna bush: niceto meet you too. mrs. obama: enjoy it. mrs. obama: beth,where you from? female speaker: heritagemiddle school in

baltimore, and i've got 44eighth graders with me. mrs. obama: we knewyou would be coming. eighth graders, so thisis that government eighth grade trip -- you'recovering it all? jenna bush: oh this isthe whole middle school? pretty good day tocome, middle schoolers. hey, i'm jenna. mrs. obama: we'reproud of you guys. i've got jenna bush here.

sure, can you believeyou're meeting the first lady? that's a good day. mrs. obama:good to see you. we got jenna bush too. mrs. obama: you guysdoing well in school? female speaker: yeah. mrs. obama:making us proud? hi, i love your braces? oh my gosh, howare you, babe?

it's good tohave you here. hey, i don't know if you(unintelligible) more of a handshake. i got it, i got it. hi, it's good to see youguys, welcome, welcome. i hope you're enjoyingwashington and learning a lot. jenna bush: and you getto meet the first lady. mrs. obama: it's niceto have you guys here. it's awesome.

it's on tv. yeah, yeah, they'll know. sure. i hope you'reenjoying your visit. female speaker: would youlike to give her a hug? mrs. obama:do you do hugs? male speaker: yes,but i don't need to. mrs. obama:we'll pass it up. it's so nice to see you.

good day to comehere, right? mrs. obama: oh really? oh terrific, how'syour internship going? female speaker: good,we've got three weeks left, so it's a bitsurreal, but i'm going to rush back to my officeand say "hi guys!" thank you so muchfor having us. mrs. obama: well keepit up, thanks for being here. female speaker:california.

mrs. obama:california? it's a little chilly. i got -- i havemy heels on. female speaker:but you're so tall. that's so sweetof you to do this. mrs. obama:i love this. jenna bush: you needa good surprise. mrs. obama:how are you, babe? male speaker: no,we're from florida.

mrs. obama:from florida? are your hands --where's your coat? male speaker: i didn'twant to wear it today. jenna bush: youdidn't have a coat? male speaker: i'm fromrhode island so -- mrs. obama: spongebob,one of my favorites. you watch the movie? male speaker: of course. jenna bush: have you seenthose new spongebob?

mrs. obama: yeah,yeah, this is the 3d one. no, i haven't seen it, ihaven't seen it, but -- you guys fromthe same school? multiple speakers: yes. mrs. obama:middle school? multiple speakers: yeah. mrs. obama: youlearning something here? jenna bush: you get tomeet the first lady. it's not every day you getto see the first lady in

the white house. pretty great. mrs. obama: it is, itis, and you're here with us too. staying warm? it's nice to see you guys. hello. it's so good tomeet you, babe. male speaker: very good.

jenna bush: good day tocome to the white house, right? mrs. obama: hopeyou're having a good time. i hopeyou're having fun. mrs. obama: hopeyou're learning a little bit of something. jenna bush: ilike your glasses. mrs. obama: hi,it's nice to see you. can you believe you getto hug the first lady?

mrs. obama: hi, it'sgreat to see you guys. come on down. what's your sport? jenna bush: hi,what's your name? nathan? mrs. obama:yeah, exactly. it's an honor. it's a pleasureto have you here. jenna bush: do youknow who this is?

mrs. obama: doyou know who this is? jenna bush: he's like, no. mrs. obama: jenna bushused to live her when she was a teenager. oh my god, it's a please. female speaker: we saw youon the today show this morning. i was like, jenna's here. mrs. obama:she's here.

it's great to behere with you guys. i hope you enjoy the tour. welcome to thewhite house. mrs. obama: oh mygoodness, it's our pleasure. excellent, excellent. and we know -- i know(inaudible). you know, they'reclicking away. jenna bush: sure, sure. mrs. obama: allright, they got it.

it's wonderful to see you. you guys look so good. i love thejackets and ties. jenna bush: you'reso handsome. jonathan. you know that'sthe first lady? female speaker: thankyou for your work, your wonderful work. mrs. obama: we'retrying to lift that up, so

keep it going. well we aren't going to doa photo, because it'll -- okay, all right. wonderful to be here withyou, so good to see you. hi, how areyou, stephanie? it's good to see you. aw, thanks, greatto have you. i hope you're enjoying it. oh no, not to worry.

this is jenna bush. all right, you. oh don't be scared. female speaker: thank youso much for being here. male speaker: westpalm beach, florida. mrs. obama:excellent, excellent. jenna bush: thankyou for coming. (speaking simultaneously) mrs. obama: you know,they're clicking as we're

moving, because we'dbe here all day. how you guys doing? mrs. obama: it's good to meet you. jenna bush: nice to see you. mrs. obama: how are you guys doing? hi, nice to see you. absolutely youcan have a hug. you guys enjoy. jenna bush: i'll give you a hug too.

jenna bush: is this aschool, or is it your school? okay, cool. mrs. obama: oh my goodness,i'm going to tell my brother. we've got jennabush here too. so far so good? jenna bush: and the firstlady, that's not too shabby, right? i'm jenna bush,nice to meet you.

male speaker: thanks verymuch again, appreciate it. mrs. obama:oh excellent. you guys keep upthe great work. good, proud of you all. keep it up. we are so proud of youguys, we really are. how are youenjoying the tour? jenna bush: youguys are fast. it's great to meet you guys.

where are you -- whatgroup are you from? male speaker: california. jenna bush: isthis the school? it's great to behere with you guys. female speaker: we're going backto san francisco on tuesday. mrs. obama: keep upthe great work, okay? we're incrediblyproud of you all. oh my goodness, thank you. thanks for you service.

jenna bush: good,nice to meet you too.

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