wingback dining room chairs

wingback dining room chairs

hey there! today i'll demonstrate fourdifferent upholstery staple remover tools that you can use in your diyproject, and i'll tell you my favorites and my not-so-favorites. for this videoi'll be demonstrating the c.s. osborne number 1066, or the wide blade stapleremover, the c.s. osborne number 120 and a half, the berry's and an off-brand calledthe arianiau. the first tool we'll demonstrate is the wide blade staplelifter or the cs osborne #1066. this tool is great for digging in understaples that are deeply embedded into the wood, but because of the fine pointedtip it is not for use in removing upholstery tacks. just staples. i'mremoving the staples from this dining

chair seat - what you're doing isreally digging under with the tip on these and you can sometimes flip themout if you rock it back and forth as you're taking them out. this is apretty soft piece of plywood. when you're dealing with harder woods like maple andoak it becomes much harder, since those staples do not want to come out - then you're morelikely to be using pliers to finish the removal. a pair of bent nose pliers aremy favorite tool for finishing the job because you can use that bend as afulcrum to pull the staple out. a quick safety note: remember not toput your finger in the way of the tool! next i'll demonstrate the 120-1/2upholstery staple remover. here you can

see the number stamped right into themetal. the bent shank on this tool provides a mechanical advantages that'sgreat for prying out tough staples. the action you're using with this is similar tothe wide blade staple lifter except with the 120-1/2 you're digging inwith one of the two prongs, then twisting and flipping the staple out. dig, twistand flip. the thing i like best about this staple remover is that it alsoremoves upholstery tacks so it's a multi-use tool. you can use those sharpprongs to dig under the tack head then it takes a bit of wiggling to get a goodpurchase - once it begins to loosen you can use those prongs just like a clawhammer to pry it up and out.

next we'll demonstrate the berry'sstaple remover. this one has a nice beefy handle and heavy duty metal that canwithstand a lot of torque. it has these slots on the sides that grab the staplesand make it easy to flip them out. with this tool, you use the same dig, twist,flip action that i demonstrated with the first two. the fourth and final staplepuller i'm demonstrating is this off-brand from china called the arianiau. this one has a hinge and a little finger here that's supposed to grab thestaple and help pull it out. so let's see how it works. okay, it takes a lot moreeffort than it should to get the blade under the staple because it's not sharpenough to dig under there like the

others can. on some of these i can't evenget the blade under the staple. oh, here's one that's coming.. and thefinger doesn't seem to grab ahold of the staple the way it's supposed to.i actually compared this to a regular screwdriver and the thickness of the endof this is quite similar to the thickness of a regular is not fine enough to really dig under that staple. i think there arebrands of this style of staple remover that work well but this is not one of them. soin summary, i would recommend both the c.s. osborne 1066 and 120-1/2 stapleremovers and the berry's staple puller. i don't recommend the arianiau staple lifter.remember there's only one out of all of

these four tools that will removeupholstery tacks as well as staples, so if you're buying only one staple removeri recommend the cs osborne one twenty and a half.

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