wrought iron dining room sets

are some of your household or outdoor decoritems looking worn and faded, like this patio set? instead of throwing it away, you caneasily refurbish them. today, i'm going to restore this patio set by using rust-oleumstops rust multicolor textured paint. this paint is a great product that was developedspecifically for metal, is easy to use, and provides the high-end result i'm looking for.best of all, i can do it at a fraction of the cost of new furniture. i can't wait toget that new look. let's get started! first, we need to gather our supplies. we'll needa drop cloth, cleaning supplies like krud kutter cleaner/degreaser, stops rust multicolortextured paint, and a wire brush if there's rust on the piece. as a tip, when using multicolortextured, apply a similar base color first
on your project. then, topcoat with your multicolortextured spray paint. this isn't a necessary step, but your project will be finished fasterif you do so, because the color will blend. for this project, i chose autumn brown forthe final finish of this patio set, so i'm selecting rust-oleum's satin dark brown. it'sa pretty similar color and a good choice for the base coat. now that all our supplies areready, we'll start by cleaning the metal surface. remove the loose paint and rust with a wirebrush. wipe off all dust. remove all dirt, grease, and oil, by washing it with a goodcleaner like krud kutter cleaner/degreaser before painting. rinse and allow to dry thoroughly.with the surfaces clean and dry, the base coat can now be applied. now you're readyto apply the multicolor textured spray. shake
the can for one minute after the mixing ballbegins to rattle. this is an important step you don't want to skip. hold the can upright10-16" from the surface and spray in a steady, back-and-forth motion, slightly overlappingeach stroke. apply two or more light coats a few minutes apart to avoid drips and runs.for large projects, like this patio set, your finger can get tired from all the painting.this comfort grip is a great tool that attaches to the can and allows you to paint large projectswhile preventing finger fatigue. it sure helps make it easier to cover all surfaces. nowit's time to let the patio furniture dry. give it a good 1-2 hours to dry before handling.the paint will be fully dry in 24 hours. and that's it. your old and rusted patio furniturecan go from looking old, to new. trust the
brand that's been providing easy solutionsthat can help you improve your outdoor decor and stop rust in its tracks--rust-oleum stopsrust.
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