colors for the bedroom wall

colors for the bedroom wall

hi i'm ann myrick and today i'm going to talkto you about picking out your colors scheme and your colors for your bedroom. this roomis not what it's going to be. we just moved into this house and i just gotten it kindof organized but i'm going to change it up. so what you want to do first and what i'mgoing to do is as far as the color that's going to go on the walls you need to thinkabout number one are you starting from scratch. do you have things that you already know aregoing to be in a room and that you need to think about the colors of those objects andfurnishings before you decide on a paint color, or are you starting from scratch. is thereanything that you need to match or are you going to buy a whole new bedroom. if you dohave things that you need to match you can

go to that and you want to use it in thatroom, then look at the colors. you also want to look at your floor color whether it's carpetor whether it's wood. you want to look at your floor color and then just start thinkingabout colors that make you feel good, colors that you enjoy. one thing about your bedroomis you want a calming color. you don't want to put any bright, real shocking color inyour bedroom because then it would just keep the energy going and it will be hard to calmdown. so greens, blues, neutral colors are great colors to use for the bedroom. i loveusing greens because green is a very calming color. so you just go to the paint store.they have all types of swatches, look at swatches that you like. bring them home and i alwaystell clients for a twenty four or thirty eight

hour period look at the color on the walland be sure that you like it, morning, noon and night. and then once you decide on yourcolor, you are ready to start painting your room and then just start adding things intoyour room that you enjoy that will go with that color. this is ann myrick and that ishow to pick out colors for your bedroom.

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