colors for mens bedroom

♪♪ [birds chirping] >>hey man. where you headed? >>nearest grocery store. >>me too. can i get a ride? >>sure. >>♪♪ two guys on a scooter. ♪
>>♪ two guys on a scooter. ♪ ♪ two guys on a scooter. ♪ >>♪ two guys on a- ♪ ♪ on a- ♪ ♪ two- ♪ ♪ two guys- ♪ >>here we are. >>thanks man. we'll just meet up
out front after? >>sounds good. >>cool. >>hey guys! >>hey matt! long time no see. >>yeah. i was wondering, i need to get this
watermelon to my grandpa. could you give me a ride? >>♪ three guys on a scooter. ♪ ♪ three guys on a scooter. ♪ >>[panting] okay grandpa. i got your watermelon. >>oh! thanks sonny.
i need that for my exercising and then i eat it. >>okay. we'll i'll see you tomorrow. >>wait! you nincompoop. any chance of swinging by the country club? >>♪ four guys on a scooter. ♪
>>♪ with grandpa! ♪ >>♪ with my really ♪ ♪ old grandpa! ♪ >>good luck grandpa! >>get out of here! there's a gas leak. go! >>♪ five guys on a scooter. ♪ >>♪ with explosions! ♪
>>that was insane! >>i shouldn't have brought my cat to work today. rest in peace chewbacca. >>hello! ring ring! my tire is flat. >>we've got room for one more. >>it's a tandem.
>>♪ seven guys on a scooter. ♪ >>♪ one of them's a girl! ♪ >>hey! do you guys know where the- >>♪ eight guys on a scooter. ♪ >>♪ two guys on a scooter- ♪ >>♪ nine guys- ♪ >>hey, can you guys like spare- >>♪ ten guys on a scooter. ♪
>>♪ homeless dog! ♪ ♪ nice! ♪ ♪ my favorite! ♪ >>[whistles] >>is there a problem officer? >>well, yeah. i'm concerned about your carrying capacity. you got two seats.
you know you're not allowed to have- >>♪ 11 guys on a scooter. ♪ >>sorry guys. out of gas. >>shoot! >>hey bro! you need a push? >>♪ two guys ♪
♪ pushing a scooter. ♪ ♪ you know it, what's up! ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ ♪ that's right. ♪ ♪ uh-huh. ♪ ♪ mm. ♪ thanks for watching the video. there's more where that came from.
so subscribe and tell your friends about it and if you need a ride, let us know! look! no hands! [laughs] >>dude!
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