favorite bedroom paint colors

favorite bedroom paint colors

best interior paint products: secrets of propainters are you a diyer looking to sharpen your skills,looking for solutions for home improvement issues, getting advice needing to hire a contractor,and staying up to date on the latest the industry has to offer on news and trends? you are in the right place. welcome to discover your home with your host,mark lotz. hey everybody mark lotz here to talk aboutsome do-it-yourself tips for your home. let's talk about well it's the big weekendhere, a big football game coming up and what we're looking at, let's just say your familyroom is just getting a little tired and you're

ready to go ahead and kind of get it freshenedup for those new guests that are expected to come over for the big game. so, what i'm going to talk to you a littlebit about today is what i like to use, what i've used. this is not product endorsement. i'm not married to any one company as faras brands of their product. i am a big believer in a product for a specificpurpose and some i really love, and some i don't really love so much. but we're going to talk about the ones thati like to use, give you some reasons why,

give you a couple of tips on turning thisproject around for yourself this weekend so you have a successful big sunday. so, let's talk about first primers. let's just say you've gone and you had somewallpaper up in that family room. you stripped it down and you're having someissues with the wall board, the face of the wall board coming down. there's a primer out there that i exclusivelyuse especially when i want to take down wall covering and there's either some wallpaperresidue there or i've got a real troubled surface.

i like to use a product by zinsser. let me grab it here real quick. so, it’s a product called gardz. it is a water-based problem surface sealer. it's clear which is kind of nice all for youdo-it-yourselfers. if you get a little bit on the trim work,you probably won't notice it, but if in an area where there's a countertop or cabinetand you splatter all over it, make sure you get it cleaned off because when this stuffdries, it's going to be tough to get off. does a great job.

a lot of times when you do have issues whenyou're removing wallpaper, the wallpaper can bubble on you. this locks it down, locks the paste down keepsthat water or latex based paint from penetrating and rewetting the paste that's on the wall. so, this is an excellent product. you can find it at a lot of your paint storesthat are out there. you can also find it at some of the big boxstores. so now, moving on. another primer that i'd like to talk aboutis a product by sherwin williams.

it's not just bonding primer, it's extremebond primer. so, this is for surfaces that generally whatwe're using them for is hard surfaces. say you've got casing and doors, the housewas built in the 80s, 90s and you don't like the color and you want to paint the trim. this is where you go ahead, scuff up the surface,put this on. the real key to this product is after you'reputting it on and the application of it is making sure that it dries. so, when it's good and dry, it bonds incrediblywell. so, great product, love to use it.

we'll go from there. so, this is sherwin williams extreme bondingprimer. so, now we're going to talk about want topaint that ceiling in the family room. what do i like to use? and i get a lot of questions when i'm withcustomers and they want to use this or they want to use this. it really gets back to the overall look, andi find that most people and most of my customers want a real flat, a real kind of a dull flatlook to the ceiling. so, we use another product by sherwin williamscalled chb flat latex paint.

and this is a great workhorse product. what i'd like to use this for, typically withceilings, closets. it's not really a washable product but itreally covers well, levels well in the application process. you're definitely going to need a two-coatapplication for this product. it'll cover white on white but when you'relooking to go over a different color, you're definitely going to need two coat applications. this is also a really nice product if you'reselling your house and you just kind of want to give the whole house a good kind of a whitewash.

excellent product, very cost effective, doesa great job but that's really specifically for what we use it for, our ceilings. is it available in five gallons? somebody asked a question out there. yes, it is available in five gallon buckets. you’ll have to talk with your local sherwinwilliams rep. so, now i'm going to go ahead and l talk aboutwall paint. there's two products i really like to use. one by benjamin moore and one by sherwin williams.

let's start with the benjamin moore. and it's their regal select line. they have matte, eggshell and i believe semi-glossand gloss finish in the regal select. i personally like the matte and the eggshellfinish. i'm going to generally use eggshell in mybathrooms, kitchens, high-traffic areas if i want something just a little bit more sheen,maybe a little bit more washability. great, great product. levels real nice, dries down beautifully,doesn't need to be primed. anytime you were going over a color with adifferent color, i am always going to recommend

two coats. i know there are a lot of products out therethat say it's one coat coverage. i'm going to tell you what. i've been at this game a very long time andyou're going to find that i don't care how good you are, you're going to miss some spots,so two coats, general cover. a lot of times what you'll find is when you'retrimming out the corners and the ceilings and stuff and you roll this out, you're goingto find that you're going to get two different colors just because things cover it. you know, brushing on the paint versus rollingthe paint covers two two different levels.

great product, covers well, don't know pricingon it but well worth it. i'm a big believer if you're going to go aheadand do a project, especially inside of your home, spend a little bit more money, you geta little bit better quality and you truly won't be dissatisfied with the benjamin mooreregal select line. now, we're going to run over to the sherwinwilliams line. this is another workhorse i love. the duration home. this is their matte finish. i have a majority of my house done on theinside with the duration matte finish.

i like that it wears incredibly well. goes on well, levels real well, washes upreal well. when you splatter some jelly on the wall orthe dogs shake and you get dirt on the wall, this is a great product. what i really, really like about it is thatwhen you look at it, look at it dead straight on, it’s going to give you a real flat look,but if you kind of come to the side, it's got a little bit of a sheen but not too muchbut it wears incredibly well. this is definitely one of the two productsthat that i highly recommend for doing the walls.

you can't go wrong. there again, priced very sensible and you'llbe very happy five, six, seven years down the road on how well this product wears. so, we're going to talk about trim paint. i’ve got two favorite trim paints. some products i absolutely just love, notjust because of maybe the way it wears. application is real important to the guysout in the field so sometimes a product can be a little bit pricier and you go and findthat it doesn't apply very well. the products i'm talking about are definitelygoing to wear very well and apply very easily,

especially for the do-it-yourselfers out there. so, let's talk about trim paint. the first one to talk to you about is sherwinwilliams. this is the pro classic. i believe this is the satin finish. there again, i don't like a lot of sheen onmy millwork indoors so i like to go with the satin finish. what i love about the pro classic, when itdries and you have put another coat on, sands up real well, levels incredibly well.

you do have to make sure that when you putthis on, don't put it on too heavy because you willfind that you are going to have some challenges with paint running on you. it can be a little temperamental with humiditybut for the most part, does a great job for millwork. my final product tonight is a product thatused to be, while still actually is, but really now is sold more in a water base, but thebenjamin moore water based satin impervo. excellent product brush as well. they used to make this and they actually stilldo but for the most part, when we're applying

this, goes great on by brush and roller, wearswell, levels nice, looks incredibly beautiful if you decide you've got a spray applicationand you do-it-yourselfers like to use an hvlp or an airless sprayer. this product levels phenomenally if that'sa word. so that's really about all i'm going to talkabout. these are things that i use every day, we'reusing out in the field we're using in customers’ homes and we use in our home. i got a tip. what do i like to use as far as a roller cover?

a little bit pricier. i find that the half inch or 3/4 inch lambswool rollers do a fantastic job. they apply the paint well, they clean up reallywell, you can use them time and time again. you're going to find there'll be a littlebit on the pricier side but i can guarantee you this. if you use them, wash them out, keep themclean, you could probably keep one if you're painting a couple rooms, you'd probably keepit around for a good 5 to 10 years. it's a really good cover. other than that, make sure you don't put toomuch pressure on that roller handle to flatten

that roller out. you'll work a little harder. let the roller do the work. hey thanks again for joining us. i'm mark with discover your home. we'll see you next wednesday. thanks so much for listening to this episodeof discover your home with your host, mark lotz online at lotzremodeling.com that's lotzremodeling.comand on twitter and facebook @lotzremodeling. we'll catch you next time.

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