feng shui bedroom colors for married couples

butterfly spiritual meaning and symbolism the butterfly is considered the symbol of transformation, happiness, beauty, inconstancy, ephemerality of nature and renewal, but there are countless meanings attributed to the symbolism of butterflies. check it!! the colors of butterflies blue butterfly it refers to the metamorphosis, therefore, of the transformation that human beings pass through life, not only physical (growth), but social (change of work, marriage, birth of a child, among others). blue butterfly is by many considered the butterfly of luck. colorful butterfly colorful butterflies are messengers of joys and happiness. yellow butterfly
it symbolizes a new life, in an analogy to the flowers of spring, whose predominant color is yellow. white butterfly a white butterfly spiritual meaning talks to us about blessed relationships and natural balance. especially if the white butterfly is seen by both people in the relationship, this augers peace and tranquillity in marriage. black butterfly superstitions accompany black butterflies since antiquity. to the egyptians, when someone died his spirit left the body in the form of a black butterfly. in europe, even today, many people believe that the black butterfly is the soul of a child who died without receiving baptism. for other nordic peoples, witches become black butterflies. other symbols of the butterfly
the butterfly is the symbol of rebirth for modern psychoanalysis, which is represented with butterfly wings. in christianity the butterfly represents and symbolizes the resurrection. in greek mythology, the personification of the soul is represented by a woman with butterfly wings and according to the popular greek beliefs, when someone died, the spirit left the butterfly-shaped body. on the other hand, in the sino-vietnamese world the butterfly expresses longevity or is associated with the chrysanthemum, which symbolizes the autumn, that is, the renewal, since in autumn occurs the fall of the leaves. for the aztecs and mayans, the butterfly symbolized the fire god xiutecutli, who wore a breastplate called the "obsidian butterfly" symbolizing the soul or vital breath escaped from the mouth of the dying. the balubas and luluas of kasai, central zaire, also associate the butterfly with the soul. for them, the man follows the cycle of the butterfly from his birth to his death. in irish mythology, the butterfly symbolizes the soul freed from its carnal shell, just as in christian symbology. in feng shui, the use of butterflies is considered the same as the symbolic use of birds. both birds and butterflies are flying freely, and this communicates with the human desire for a free and happy life near paradise. since love is the most significant feeling that makes people "fly", the butterfly is the most common symbol used as a cure for love and romance in feng shui.
the butterfly image can also be used as a temporary cure for any area of ​​life that needs transformation. when facing difficulties in specific areas of life, the ideal is to try to bring the energy of the butterfly to the corresponding area of ​​the house or room. the embroidered butterfly on towels is the perfect gift for new couples.
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