feng shui bedroom colors romance

feng shui bedroom colors romance

hello everyone, it's safrina kadri fromfeng shui and prosper and today we are talking about the role of the front doorand feng shui. i have just a couple of notes that ithink are the concerns or questions that have been coming up over and over againbut if you guys have any questions relating to feng shui and the door, feelfree to comment in right here if you're watching me live comments right here onfacebook. if you're watching the replay on facebook or youtube, you can commentunder the video and i'll get an answer to you as i'm able to. hello,so um the front door is really really important in any space becausetechnically in feng shui that is where

the most energy usually comes through isyou know it's brought into the home and so the location of you know the locationof the door is really really important. when i help my client design their homeor their office from the ground up it doesn't happen very often but when ihave the luxury of helping my client really design the space to be asprosperous, as abundant as possible, a lot of care is taken into where to locatethe door now if you're all already in a space where the door is already setobviously there's not much you can do but in terms of the role of the frontdoor as much as you can you want it locatedin a good energy. now in a livestream,

there's only so much you know teachingnuggets i can give you but what determines good energy or badenergy in classical feng shui. first thing you need to determine the periodof of the home then you need to determine the facing of your home i sayhome but it's for any building really okay and then from there you calculatethe permanent energy and you look at the layout and see where your door is. and tobe honest with you of course the main door is reallyimportant but you also can take a look at the door of each individual room -right the door of the office, the door of the bedrooms. where are the doorslocated and why is the location so

important because that's where peoplecome in and out whether you like it or not whether the energy is positive ornot positive because it is the door the the foot traffic that comesthrough the door will activate the energy there. so really if you put thedoor in in a in a money location for instance then simply by walking in andout of that door you're activating the energy there. remember and i've said thismany times feng shui is not always about putting stuff.it's about usage as well, okay. if anything it's 50 percent usage, 50percent placement so it's not always what you put okay. remember thatit's also usage so even if it's a money

door it's what i call money door and youcome in and out of that door you don't need to put anything there you'realready activating money energy. and i've seen this in my almost 10 years as a fengshui consultant, i've seen this over and over again. so, many of you guys areprobably wondering where's the money door? i can't tell you right off the bat.those of you guys who are in manifesting code, you have my wealth qi modules, youknow where the money power spots are so you take a look is your door or yourum it is the main door or your set like you know individual room doors, are theylocated in a money spot? so if you happen to have a door in the money spot thatcould be great you know for a room, for

instance that would be great if for youto turn it into a home office let's say especially if you worked a lot from homeok? so however there have been situationswhere i can count a couple of my retail clients and even a couple of myresidential clients where the door really was located in a very negativeposition. now if you don't have the luxury of renovating or changing yourdoor obviously you remedy it as needed but i've had a couple of situationswhere on my own i wonder if you would be open to moving the door especially sincethe permanent energy is so negative and i've had to my surprise i've had acouple of clients who actually took me

up on that recommendation and you know afew months later they come back and say that that was it was expense but it wasa good investment to me because they could see the shifts in the energy thatcomes in ok? and i get this question all the time as well. what color should thedoor be? over and over again there is and there's the idea of fast food feng shui,right you guys hear me talk about this all the time where they say oh the door the color of your door is dependent on the direction so if you have an eastdoor because the east is the element of the wood then you need a green door. ifyou have a south door because it's the fire element then you need a red door -no. this one you need to change or even

there's that generalized idea that a reddoor is auspicious i know some of you guys in manifesting code, paintedyour door because you realize after delving into some of the modulesthere that the red door was the last thing you need it, right? so you cannotbase your door color on merely the direction if you're looking atflying star feng shui for instance if there's a five or a two at your doorin terms either the mountain star or the water star and you use a red - you'rereally just like shooting yourself in the foot, okay? either in terms of yourhealth and relationship or in terms of finances. so be very very careful with ared door or even figuring out the door

color just based on the direction is notenough okay that is not really how it should be done. and oh if this is agood segue the door is not always not always the determinant factorof the facing of the home now how many of you guys are aware of the term thefacing of the home because a lot of you guys watching this who still follow fast food feng shui probably have never heard of this term before.so the facing of a home or a building really is the direction that a buildingis facing and that is the energy that is impacting the energy internally, okay? i'mexplaining it properly um so i lost my train of thought there i i know thereare questions coming up but i'll go back

to them once i'm done with my notes. sothere are situations where the facing of the home is east let's say but the dooris designed in a way the house or building is designed in a way that thethe front door is actually facing a different direction let's say if it'sfacing north right? um and actually those of you guyswho joined feng shui 2019 - just a quick segue. those of you guys whoare joining feng shui 2019, we have bonus webinar number three coming up thissunday i believe the sixth, sorry no saturday. this weekend, i will be sendingon an e-mail sometime today with some basic explanations and a couple ofvideos for you guys to go through to

help you in terms of determining thefacing and the period of your home and in terms of the facing of the home ihave a couple of videos that shows you why always taking your front door asyou're facing can be dangerous? now, it's 95 percent of the time thefront door is the facing but there's that little sliver of you know of theunique layout where the door is facing one direction but the house is facing adifferent direction which then determines your building or your homespacing. so i have a more in-depth, i think it's like a 16 minute video to gothrough those case studies for you there, okay? so if you're unusually usually thefacing of your home for instance is

based on the address so let's say inyour home is eight number, eight apple street okay so this is your home andapple street is there then you take your compass reading on the side of the housethat is facing apple street okay because that's you're facing and you're lucky ifyour home is facing apple street and your main door is also facing applestreet then there's no confusion there but what if your door is like let's sayit's tilted a little bit and it's facing northeast does that mean that your homeis um is facing or is no it's just a door that's facing northeast but thehome is still facing east which is apple streetas an example okay? again that's part of

the reason why just reading a book onfeng shui let you guys who are in have followed me in you know in my previousannual feng shui webinars or taking manifesting code, aren't youguys starting to realize why i can't give up generalized uh answers on thelive stream because we need so much more information before we determine theanswer right? so reading i'm sorry like reading a book one bookspecifically on feng shui is not going to answer a lot of the uniqueness thatyou see in your layout okay. i have here i'm almost done with my notes after thati'll go into your questions the door is not how you place your ba kua / bagua ordetermine your direction so again this

is what i call fast food feng shui, thereare schools of thought this is actually the very first commandment to break. thisis the super myth. do not put your bagua based on the door like there are certainschools that says the door will determine your north it doesn't matterwhat the compass is the direction of the door is the north direction and then yousuperimpose the bagua on that and then you do your feng shui placements onthat - oh big no no, okay? and i get this question all the time as well doesn'tmatter if the doors open out or open in. i don't know what the belief is i thinkthey don't want it opening out because the wealth is gonna go out, i really haveno idea but honestly in ten years i have

not seen door opening or door in inwardsor outwards having any bearing at all on the prosperityness of a space. theimportant thing is the location of the door and preferably a good direction toobut that's a little bit more advanced. and in six methods feng shui which isuh six methods or is not something that is very well known yetbecause to be honest it is a branch of classical feng shui that has been keptsecret a lot of the grandmasters either stoppedpassing the knowledge down, i don't know why or they they keep it to a smallgroup. now i am lucky enough to have been taught the six methods by my grandmasterand this is when you realize the door is

so so important in feng shui because wetap into the wealth mouth based on the door there are certain to certaincompass readings in in the 360 degrees where you kind of okay where is the doorand where are the directions that you can activate and you have to activate eitherwith a water feature if it's not a bedroom or you activate with likeusually water feature but you can activate with moving objects and so thisis activation based on the door it can be a room door, it can be a house door sothat is the six methods feng shui. and that has been that is only somethingthat i do with my private consults and also not all rooms can take a six monthit's activation as well not all homes

can do it so it is a pretty unique,pretty rare to deploy but when if it is deployable then it is it is a good thingdefinitely for whoever space it is.oh so good question there is it true thatthere shouldn't be a tall tree outside front door? yes that is definitely verytrue because especially even worse if the tree is kind of like split like thatif the there's like a main tree trunk and then it kind of splits into a whyit's okay if it's bushes but it fits like one tree right outside your door soif your so if you're standing at your door and you have like an invisible lineout the frames of your door if the tree is withinin those two invisible lines then that's

considered like a sha chi / qi which is likekilling energy i know it sounds bad but it does weaken the energy that comes inthe door so and i've seen this over and over again in many case studies and evenin my own experience seeing clients homes even if your home is located in anauspicious location if you have structural issue now a tree infront of a door is a structural issue there's only so much positive energy youcan activate if you're blocked externally so you know if it's your treethen cut it down if it's this light over here in toronto many of the trees areowned by the city so they can't cut it down so you can you can remedy it. youcan either if you're in a house and you

have a different door to use you can usethat instead of the main door like a garage door or a side door. if you can'tremedy then you come if you only have that one door then the best remedy is a wind chime. you can use a wind chime. yeah,miriam you're in manifesting code check out the first weeks the first monthsmodule around front door feng shui, you may have skipped that i definitely wentthrough all this yeah okay emily has the same question as well okay so amy saysif the front door to the house it's locked by a brick wall do i facedirectly towards the wall or do i shift my body to face the streetso you posted this before,

right so this is the front door and thehouse somehow has like a another wall jutting in front of the front door andthe street is out front right so this is obviously case by case situation but thesituation that you posted airy you're at the dooryou have your compass even though technically you're looking at that brickwall you are still looking at the street okay so your compass reading the facingon the home is still towards the street whether or not that brick wall is there. front door at a t-junction,okay perfect these are the perfect example of general questions that i cananswer thank you miriam what about a

front door at a t-junction? not good,generally generally not a good idea because the energy is too strongespecially if that's a front door that's been used a lot if if again if this is thehome if it's if this is a home and there's a t-junction in front of thefront door not just in front of the house it can be in front of the rest ofthe house but if it's in front of the front door that is where we startgetting a little bit more concerned. if you are in a home and you have at-junction in front of your door, you need to useother doors. however and this is where fast food or generalfeng shui, can make you lose out. i have

seen quite a few homes here in toronto,uh that are at a t-junction but the residents are doing very well, very veryhappy, very very prosperous. why? it's because the energy at the door evenwithout the t-junction the energy at the door is already really prosperous butt-junction actually increases the prosperity. so these clients of mine theycouldn't sell the house because people see the t-junction thinking they arefeng shui experts they're gonna not even go into the house because of thet-junction, not realizing that messed up a very prosperous home. in apartmentbuilding can different people bring in different energies coz of using the maindoor to the building? this is a great one -

i love this question.why? it can trigger so let's say the door in the northis bad for the building and the door in the west is good okay for instance andthey're both kind of used 50/50 let's say let's say you're in a condo buildingso people using the north they are activating you know inauspiciousenergies for the whole building however they absorb more of it compared to thepeople who use the west door okay my master in fact she follows okay energychanges all the time energy is never stagnant so the best way to feng shui isto feng shui based on permanent energy and those of you guys who follow myannual you feng shui based on the year

and those of you guys who followmanifesting code you also know now it's a feng shui based on the month rightum so my master actually follows the daily flying star, i don't even go thatdeep but she notices that on the days where her sister-in-law uses a back doorand the sister-in-law is in the service is in the service industry she noticeson the days that she uses a bad door on the bad day her sister-in-law would getless tips so it affects the household but the one using that negative door oron the flip side the positive door would get the energy from using that door morethan every you know the other people in the building, okay? hope that makes sense.it's very interesting but you you think

we make this thing up it's allobservations and that's how the grand master stood it - it's all based onobservation they start seeing a pattern when things start happening rightbecause i got that question one time is it just someone's imagination coming up withthis with these formulas it's just like willy-nilly coming upwell fast-food feng shui is willy-nilly it's just out of someone's fancy tocreate all these nonsensical super myths you know fast food advice but classicalfeng shui is based on a lot of you know observation on the movement of energy. myback porch door faces north and the

street is very busy plus have a pool inarea is that bad i put wind chime outsidewell the question is how much do you use the back door the north is definitelynot great this year but if you haven't been using it that much and you have awind chime out there then you'd be fine, whether or not having a pool in thatarea depends on your period and depends on the facing of the home. so waterplacement is definitely something where you need more information before i cando that. is it true then when you open the door you should see the oven - no. youactually should not see the the stove or the oven. i don't know ifit's a typo over there - you

should not because if you're standing atthe door you open the door and you see the stove then basically you're exposing.you're exposing yourself especially financially because the stove is youknow symbolic of how you feed yourself, how you feed your family. if it is closeenough to the door or is in the line of sight then it's unprotected, it's fragile,it's exposed so you definitely don't want thatand that's again i've seen it where um when i see those situations and i tellmy client and they confirm that financially ,it is hard so stovepositioning is definitely really important as well.lolita says my main door is aligned with

the back door or window what is the roomd for it now my question to you lolita between the front door and is it a backdoor or window is it a back door ok if it's aligned with the back door it'syour house empty will you have furniture between your front door and the backdoor if you have furniture then you're good.again this is something that's making a lot of you guys lose sleep it's likei'll never see the back door from the front door like hello just put stuff inbetween the two doors you're good - that's it. all right you guys so for those ofyou in manifesting code hint hint myriam - you have access to more of these thingswhere we talk about bedroom feng shui,

front door feng shui, kitchen feng shui,these modules are in manifesting code. if you guys want to learn more about thatyou can definitely go to manifesting code.com, i just put the link up therebut for those of you guys who want to delve a little bit deeper or needingsome help in terms of determining your period, determining your facingespecially if your your home is a little bit tricky and even if you feel youcan't do it on your own in terms of getting your home ready for the new yearjoin me in fengshui2019.com okay? fengshui2019.com is where we goover this what we just cover today and more in terms of the facing in terms ofthe period in terms of where to take

your compass readings and so much moreand this weekend its webinar number three you guys those of you guys whohave registered i will be sending out an email latest tonight so you guys willif you still have questions so i have videos on that you guys can go over thevideos to help you determine your period and the facing of your home if you stillhave questions after watching those videos then you can email me your layoutand stop, don't email me yet because i have a specific email address that youneed to use if you use the wrong email address i'm not gonna take the questionsfrom my other inbox okay because i need everything streamlined in one inboxotherwise i will go crazy because i

already get so many emails so in myemail that i'm sending out tonight there is one special email address where youcan send your layout send your address and then we will on the webinar thisweekend i will answer your questions and it's only my up sent to that email i'mgiving you guys a warning a heads up here only layouts sent to that email willbe addressed okay? if it's sent in my general email i'm not gonna take itbecause it just creates chaos between me and my assistant, i'm trying to get readyfor the webinar if you are not yet in fengshui2019.com it's still not toolate to register once you register now you get full access to the previous twowebinars that we've already done and you

can also join us live if you if youknow register in time you can join me live this weekend on the 6th at 10:30a.m. eastern time okay. this weekend, this saturday we willgo over determining facing and the period that's webinar number three.webinar number four is happening october 21st so that's a sunday we will go overdemarcation how to take your layout and how to determine which room is in whichdirection that's on the 21st and then the 28th is where we talk about fengshui placements for the year and then to be determined another date in novemberis where we will talk about how to use the calendar, okay to do basic dateselection

the calendar so i just got inspired by acouple of things that i wanted to add to the calendar so a little bit of a delayon the calendar but i think you guys will like it i know i'm being a littlebit contradictory in terms of i don't want you guys to be too limited in yourdate selection but at the same time and again my akashic record guides telling meto give it to you guys much to my fighting against it i have tofinally give in my akashic record guides want me to give it to you guys so i'mactually adding the 28 constellations into the calendar as well. if you guysdon't know about the 28 constellations and you want to know how to do your dayselection based on that you need to join

me in fengshui2019, that's the onlyway you're going to get that information from me okay. thanks so much for theamazing questions and i think you guys will love next week's topic which i willannounce in the next few days and i have a great master class lined up as well sowe'll talk to you guys really soon take care. this is safrina kadri fromfeng shui and prosper and welcome to my youtube channel. if you like what you'veseen, please subscribe to my youtube channel, i do try to put up a brand newvideo every week so you subscribe then you can make sure that you don't missout on any of the other content that will be coming out your way.

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