feng shui color for bedroom wall
hi everyone, so today i'll be talking aboutfeng shui and this is actually a request from my channel by kristina cc, who does awesomemake up tutorials by the way. well, hopefully this video will help. this is something that i've been practicingfor the past 5 or so years and i truly believe that it has helped me a lot. as soon as i started living in apartmentson my own i always found the urge to rearrange furniture. somehow certain arrangements just feel a lotbetter than others and apparently after studying about feng shui even further i realized thatthose instances was actually my own intuition
kind of harnessing itself in the energy ofthe room and telling me what felt right and what didn't feel right. so i hopefully this video will help. to get in detail, with feng shui for the bedroom,because i'm pretty sure this is something that we all have in our home. you might be living in a dorm or you mightbe living in somebody else's house renting out a room, but everyone sleeps in a bedroom,most of the time right? so, here is an easy to follow rule on badfeng shui and good feng shui. check it out.
so just as an extra, if you are coupled up,whether you are with a live in partner you are married, you wouldn't want to have picturesof your children, no matter how cute they may be and how much you love them; it's okay,but you don't need to have their photos in your bedroom. your bedroom should just be a room for youand your spouse. marriage is between two people, not amonga family. so pictures of family, pictures of friends,of your children, they can stay in the living room area. which is the area for the family in the firstplace.
so the bedroom should only have images ofmaybe your wedding photos of you and your husband and of course you and your spouse. so, i hope that video answers a lot of yourquestions about feng shui and if you have more questions about that just let me know. comment below this video and of course i willbe posting more feng shui tips in the future if this is something that you would like toknow more of, just let me know. thanks for watching. bye!
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