feng shui paint colors for bedroom

now let us talk about colors in art in thedining room. remember the purpose of the dining room is to have a good conversation and eatgood food. so, this is why the color that we should choose should be warm and, ideally,would stimulate digestion and conversation. so this is the reason why we chose this beautifulgold and yellowish color. so it's really warm and it creates good, kind of emotional feelingin the dining room, the feeling of warmth. so, what we have here is lemons which go verywell with the dining room. so, as you can see the colors are pretty good too, so itcreates some contrast, that blue creates some contrast with the yellow. so, and, you likecontrast because it helps to create energy. also we have beautiful paintings here whichare sort of, very warm and earthy and there
are also water in the paintings. rememberwe are in the southeast here, so and this is why water element is good. we also havebeautiful dish with lemons here, so it sort of looks similar with that photograph whichi made. and, we have pears here. pears are great in the dining room. any kind of fruitis good. so whatever makes you feel good, and whatever makes to create that beautifulwarm atmosphere.
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