Child Learning Space Creative Ideas (Part 1)

As we know, most small child dislike with learning. They spend more time in front of their gadgets or spend time playing outside. If they are very lazy to spend time to study at home, it could be nothing wrong with the study of their room. Does the atmosphere of your children's learning space less comfortable? Or maybe, study room less appealing ambience child to linger learn there?

Hmm ... Actually, in addition to the room layout and furniture, you also need to know to consider the use of bright colors that attractive to children's learning space. Because of course, bright colors can inspire children to learn and can add zest. The most important of course, to make it interesting study room will stimulate children to enjoy learning, bereksplor, and they move in the study room.

But you also can not make the colors overlap and instead make the atmosphere of the room is too crowded. Here we will share some alternative ideas bright colors for your baby learning space. Please observe!


Generally in psychology and health, blue can calm the mind and body, lowering blood pressure, heart rate and breathing, and reduce anxiety. Children who have trouble sleeping or are prone to emotional control should spend more time in an environment that is blue. Other effects of the blue color is able to cool the body and refreshing when it is hot or humid conditions. So that the blue color is suitable applied to children who tend to be active in order to be more calm while being homeschooled.

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