best housewarming party decoration ideas

hey guys! welcome- i don't know what thatwas, "hey guys". hey guys! i feel like i'm waving like a dolphin. hey guys.welcome totoday's video which is housewarming party gift ideas. these are just some fun and festivebright, colorful ideas that you can make yourself at home for super cheap that you can giveyour friends and family to help their house a home and make it feel more comfortable sothat they can have a little touch of you in their home. whether their across the country,in a different county, or right next door, its always odd moving into a new place. sohere are just some gift ideas, i hope you guys like it. i poured my heart and soul intoit. and i really like all this stuff! i'm either keeping it for myself or actually givingthem as housewarming gifts to my friends.
two of my best friends just bought an apartmentso their party will be coming up in a few weeks and i have all this stuff for them.i'm really excited. if you could, um, please leave me a comment down below and let me knowwhich is your favorite. i'm really interested, actually, to find out which one y'alls favoriteis because i have mine but i'm not gonna say it. i'm gonna let you look and we can comparefavorites. so thank you for watching, i really appreciate it, i hope you like it & let'sget into it! okay, first up we have monogrammed glitterwine glasses & a wine bottle for decorative purposes. and these actually turned out reallynice and i'm really excited to give these away. i also did candle votives, you can reallydo anything with this, and i made my friend's
initials. so what you are going to need forthis one is a wine glass, glitter paint, foam pouncers, paint tape, and stickers. i usedthe martha stewart crafts multi-surface acrylic craft paint - these are only 2.99 and theyhave beautiful shades and i got my wine glass from the dollar store! another way you can do this is by using realglitter & modpodge with a paint brush. it comes out a little bit differently, but first you want to choose which sticker you are going to use for your design and thenwhat color glitter paint you want to use as well. i'm just choosing the letter 'm' forthe first letter of my name for my monogram. i am showing you guys how to do this usinga candle but i also did it on a wine glass,
a wine bottle, and you can pretty much doanything you want to. so now you are going to section off a square using blue paint tapearound the letter. and once you're done with that and it looks something like this thenyou can begin painting! so i chose to do a purple shade from martha stewart crafts, thisis the glitter paint, and in my right hand i am holding the foam pouncer. the purposeof the foam pouncer is to spread the glitter evenly and it just makes your job a lot then i am going to begin lightly tapping it over the surface and any candle, or anyglass, that is exposed. the key to this is patience. so this is what it looks like afterone layer. you're going to let it dry for 30 minutes to 45 minutes and then add anotherlayer. and once your remove all of the blue
paint paint, you remove the sticker and ouila,you have your monogrammed decor! okay so this one actually turned out to beone of my favorites and you need two shades of spray paint and of course, a mason jar.the shades i got were in aqua and gold, and i got them both from walmart. and this nextpart is so easy! all you do is begin spraying your base color. so i decided that the goldwould be my first color. and if you like it like this you can honestly just leave it plaingold, i've done that before and it's gorgeous. now if you want to do the striped theme yousimply take blue paint tape once the base coat is dry. i used 4 strips of tape and youcan use the measuring on the mason jar and it should look like this! and then you simplyspray your second shade, which for me is the
aqua shade, and it goes from looking likethis to this. okay so this one actually turned out to beone of my absolute favorites. it is the glitter-rimmed mason jar . so you're going to need some craftpaint, some paint brushes, a mason jar, of course, and some glitter paint with a foampouncer. and then you're going to use your foam pouncer to evenly spread glitter on therim of the mason jar, and it looks like this after 2 to 3 layers. and then you're goingto choose whatever color you want to paint your jar with. i am using a periwinkle shade.and i kid you not- that is it. this is how they turn out. i am obsessed. they are gorgeoustogether if you do a few different colors. i got all the paint from michael's for around80 cents and the shades i used are poodleskirt
pink,ocean breeze, and deep periwinkle. so for this you are going to need some glitterpaint, i decided to use the shade "florentine gold". and then you're also gonna need a foampouncer, paint tape, and an old wine bottle. then you want to decide how much of the bottleyou want to section off and then firmly place the paint tape down. i decided i would doabout a fourth of the bottle on the bottom. and then you simply take your foam pouncerand whatever shade you are using, and lightly tap on the bottom of the bottle. so whileyou're waiting for it to dry, because you want to do about 2 or 3 coats, you can doodletaylor swift lyrics like i did. and then once it is dry it's going to look like this andthen start taking off that tape! this is amazing
because the line is so clean and it looksreally beautiful. i don't know about you guys but these areall things that would definitely make me feel loved and cozy in my new home. go ahead andleave a comment down below and let me know which one is your favorite. thanks for watching!bye!
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