simple small living room design ideas

simple small living room design ideas

these small space decorating ideas, storagesolutions, and smart finds will help you maximize each square foot, regardless of the size ofyour house. take a look at these 14 organization ideasfor small house 1. ceiling shelves the vertical space above your furniture canbe cleverly utilized with built-in shelves that hang down from the ceiling for your books,frames, and other items that don’t need to be used on a daily basis. 2.

corner shelvingif you look around your home, you may be shocked to see all of the corner space that is notbeing used to its full potential. 3. utilize the area under the stairway. this overlooked part of the house has tonsof pack-it-in potential. 4. under-the-stairs conversion although not always easy to get to, the storagespace that is usually under the stairs is nice.

5. sliding walls too many walls in a small home can make itseem even smaller, but what if you had the versatility of a wall that you could slideopen or closed based on your needs. 6. double your space with mirrors. while it sounds like a vanity project, surroundingyourself with mirrors creates the illusion of more room. 7.

swap your sofa for a settee. yes, a large couch will work in a space-challengedhouse, but some rooms call for something less intrusive. 8. diy over-the-sink storage limited on drawer and counter space? place a cubby shelf over your sink (or thewall next the vanity) to keep your toiletries handy but out of the way 9.

put your pantry on display. no space for a pantry? no problem! just outfit a utilitarian shelving systemwith breathable baskets that can corral everything from various types of produce to bulky bagsof dry goods like flour and sugar. 10. diy slide-out cabinet if you have any narrow spaces in your kitchenthat aren’t being lived up to their full potential, consider a diy pull-out cabinetthat will keep your kitchen essentials convenient

without taking much space. 11. small-space command center having a centralized spot in the home whereeveryone can go to check the calendar, see what’s for dinner, or make notes is a greatway for a family to stay organized, and that’s all you need is a small wall or corner ofthe home. 12. curtain separation for siblings that share a room, consider usingcurtains to separate their space while still

leaving a nice open feel. 13. backsplash storage instead of placing everything (coffee can,sugar, butter, salt & pepper, cork screw, etc.) on the counter, keep the space freeand use your backsplash as storage! 14. floating vanity shelves small counters and limited drawer space seemto be the biggest problem in a small bathroom. take advantage of the wall space next to yourvanity with floating shelves for all of the

items you use often. that's all for now thanks for watching andsee you in the next videos.

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