best salad decoration ideas

best salad decoration ideas

welcome back to another cooking video. inthis one i’m going to show you how to make a simple apple into an amazing little appleswirl garnish that you can place in the middle of the sushi platter or in the middle of afruit salad and just make the food look a hundred times more appetizing.alright so let’s get going – let’s make this happen, let’s go!alright to start i’m just going to take an apple and make a cut on the side of itjust like this, slightly off center, and then i’m going to slice into this in very thinslices, about one millimeter thick, all the way across and you want to keep it all together.the technique is you just drag the point of the blade all the way through just like this,don’t just up and down because if you go

up and down the slices will stick to the bladeand it will be very difficult. this is the best way to do it.i’m going to just take a little piece off the end, like this, you don’t need thatone. i’m going to get a toothpick and i’m going to take a little bit off the top whichi also don’t need. then i’m going to take my toothpick and you see where the halfwayline is on the top here, i’m going to go slightly to one side and poke it all the waythrough. you want to make sure the toothpick comesout on either end. i’m going to take one or two slices off here just to make sure thatthere’s enough toothpick to put into a base. now talking about bases, i’m going to takethe apple and slice off a chunk about 1.5

centimeters or 3/5 inch thick and just sliceinto it just like this to create the base. i just need a cube of apple that i can stickto either end so it sits up straight. i’m just going to prod it in so it standsup, just like this and now with my thumb on top and my fingers below i’m going to fanout the apple slices, just like this. it’s a very simple movement, you just move themapart and then you just keep going around. you’ve just got this stunning apple swirlgoing all the way around, which is amazing. but there’s still a toothpick coming outthe top, so i’m going to take the apple again and slice off two little slivers thati can use to finish off the swirl, so just hand carve these as you see fit.then i’m just going to place these on. it’s

important to have the same direction as therest of the swirl, and then just place it at a little bit of an angle going up a littlebit, so that it finishes off fast. these two slices finish it in one swirl.there you can see the swirl goes all the way around and continued by those last two slices,and it just looks amazing. place this on a platter and impress some guests.there we go, done! alright, this is the end of the video. i hopeyou enjoyed it. please check out for more of my amazing garnishes.thank you for watching, see you guys next week. goodbye.end

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