funky junk home decor nl

funky junk home decor nl

hello i'm annie brunson on behalf of expertvillage. today we are going to learn how to make musical instruments out of everyday householdobjects. the first thing we are going to make is a tambourine. what you will need is a paperbowl a fairly sturdy paper bowl would be good. some ribbon, markers, a one hole paper punch,some bells jingle bells, and some washers. so the first thing you are going to do isactually cut some holes in the paper plate. now leave a space for you would hand or holdthe actual tambourine you don't want to cut holes there. so have a look to see how muchit is for me it is about this amount. i'm going to cut five holes. you could cut moreif you want to. the next thing you are going to do is string your noise makers. i'm goingto take a washer and i'm going to thread a

jingle bell and then another washer. it is a nice soundand you are going to tie it onto your tambourine. you don't tie it to tight you want it to beloose enough but not to loose. loose enough so that the bell could actually hit against.that sounds good. cut off the long endsand you do that with all the different holes. so we now have a tambourine.

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