funky retro home decor

funky retro home decor

mika: we are very opposite. bandit: mika loves horrorfilms, and she loves everything about fashion. and it just clashes in ourhome like a meteor. a mika meteor. mika: he's probably moreconcerned about what other people think of me thani think of me. i don't care. bandit: it becomes toomuch sometimes.

mika: we met through a mutualfriend who's actually a model for my company. when i first saw banditi thought, how cute. because this fashion showwas kind of alternative and rock and roll. and he was the only person inslacks and a dress shirt. bandit: opposites attract. as they say. mika: we just moved togetherabout a month ago.

i really love this apartmentbecause i love the funky colors. and i like brightgaudy things. and i am a horror fan. i'm a ceo of a tattoomodeling agency. so i'm really into thealternative lifestyle, which is anything that's tattoos orpiercings, people who shave their hair on the sideof the head. bandit: i like her, not thethings she puts in our home.

mika: my home, to me, is apainting brought to life. bandit: she's got her drag queenmannequin that i can't even eat in front of, because ithink it's going to take my bowl of cereal. mika: i mean, i don'teven think anything's scary about it. bandit: and then monocleskeleton guy. can't watch tv. can't go to sleep out here.

i'd rather sleepin the kitchen. mika: i think it's actuallya lot of fun. and i don't see why someoneelse wouldn't see that. bandit: the cobwebs. i'm too tall for this. i don't even have any hair, andthey get stuck in my hair. mika: i think there's a greatsong that's "to me, everyday is halloween." that'sthe lyrics, and i like to live by it.

[growl] mika: you know, it's me. and it's my personality,and it fits me. bandit: every day when i wakeup and i get ready to go to work, it just makesme feel trapped. like i'm in a freddy kruegermovie, and he's going to come from behind the couchand steal my soul. and it sucks. i don't want to live ina house of horror.

please help. female speaker: hey guys,want to follow me? be sure to check us outon facebook, tumblr, twitter, and pinterest. he'll be watching.

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