home decor artwork prints

home decor artwork prints

posterizing, tiled printing. rasterbating! we're going to makebig posters, people. welcome to diy tryin. let's make something cool. i'm patrick norton. i'm trisha hershberger. and michael hand is out on theinjured reserve list this week after a terrible lasershaving accident.

oh, ow. well, michael'shalf-face aside, we're going to make somegiant posters. yes, we are. this is really, really cooland really, really easy. if you have a printer-- likea standard size printer-- and a little bit of software onthe internet-- which brings us to rasterbating-- a pile ofpaper, and some patience. like, the hardest partof this is actually

getting the stuff on the wall. so we actually have amap you and i did before. and we've got some artworkwe have permission to use. and this is crazy. because what it does is,it's called tiled printing. ooh, i like that. we can start layingthem out up here. yeah. so the prints you're lookingat here are from posterazor.

posterazor, it runslocally on your machine. it's got an application forwindows, os x, for linux. rasterbator has kindof a windows app, but mostly, you use it atthe rasterbator website. and so what you're lookingat here is a tiled image. and what it does is ittakes your jpeg, png, tiff-- just about anythingon the planet-- and it cuts into sections thatwill fit into the size paper you chose.

could be 8 and 1/2 by 11, couldbe a4 if you're in europe, could be letter,could be legal size. and then it prints them all out. and this part'sreally, really simple. where it gets crazy is whenyou start playing around with how big you can get. the biggest one i've donewas about 180 sheets, which i think was 12 by 8 feet. but if you take a look at the--

that's pretty big. i've seen people do onesthat were like 1,000 sheets. wow. well, yeah. in that case, you reallywant somebody else paying for the ink, becausethe most expensive part of something likeposterazor, which is doing a full page,full bleed print, is you start blowing throughyour ink cartridges really,

really fast. so you want to see whatthe rasterbator looks like? yes. ok. so what we're looking athere is the rasterbator. and it's pretty simple stuff. we're going to upload afile from my desktop, which hopefully turns out tobe-- hey, abe lincoln. it's abe.

that's a pretty sexypicture of abe lincoln. abe lincoln was a stud. us letter is thestandard thing here. and you can chooseportrait or landscape. and like everythingelse in life, most things work portrait unlessyou have a big, wide image. you can see in the background,there's a human here. so if you're like, i needthis big enough for people to stand next to--

oh, you can scaleit right there. so you can go like, ok,i'm four sheets wide. let's make it eight sheets wide. oh, snap. and then you seehow it re-scales the person on the side there. so now we're at 1.73 by 2.21meters, which is 6 by, like, more than 6 feet, which is asad, sad sign that someday, i'm going to have to beable to figure out

how to do the metric system. so once you've done that-- inthis case, black and white's the natural. so what i've just did thereis halftone the image. you can also go in anddrop a pantone color in or pick a color that you want. so we can get-- what colordo you want to make abe? let's make him green. yeah, i'm down for that.

like the money. brace yourselves. background color on white. boom! there we go. and if you have a full colorpicture like we were printing out before, you wantto click multicolor, and that gives you agiant full-color image. and if you clickthe presets there,

does that just make it spotted? let's find out. let's see. hemophilia. that's actually not bad looking. no, it's not at all. want to try out"r'lyeh by night," "antidiluvian newspaper,""acid attack." ooh, who got to name these?

i don't know. "patriotic moose"? ah, that works. i'm into "patrioticmoose," let's do it. "patriotic moose." and then finally, you'vegot your output options. so the standardthing is a halftone. and if you wantsmaller dots, you can go down to 3millimeters, which will give you more detail.

and you can alsoget bigger dots. 25's the standard setting. 25 millimeter dots give youthis huge really random-looking image. and it's either going tolook like art school-- and that's the original. oh, wow. i love what we did to it. i'm sorry, abe.

and then when you're done, ithas two more things going on. cutout lines, so if youwant to cut the edges off, it makes it easier to cut itby putting a little dim lap a around it. i see. yeah, yeah, yeah. and the page position actuallynumbers all the pages. and that way, if you screwup as your pulling them out of the printer, you don't haveto spend 18 hours puzzling

through your 64pages to figure out where abe's hands and feet are. rasterbate 64 pages. and then it createsa giant-ass pdf file. and then you take the pdffile and you print it out on your printer. and you get something like this. now obviously, this is notabe lincoln down here-- nope.

--but the concept is the same. and this is wherethe fun starts. so with that one over there--the map-- we did it with tape. we've stapled them to walls. i've seen peopledo wallpaper paint. do not do that if you are ina place where your landlord is a real pain in the assabout your deposit. oh, yeah. i saw somebody doan amazing job.

they basically wallpaperpasted an entire wall. that'd be so cool. it was incredible. and then they losttheir entire deposit. by the way, if you've got afancy tool like illustrator, you can get the same effect. all you've got to do is gointo the scaling section of the print box andselect "tile full pages." and you get a full rangeof options inside of there.

and what you'relooking at right now is, of course,michael hand's face. and one of the places you canlearn about adobe tools like illustrator is oursponsor, lynda.com/diy. along with guides to learnhow to use illustrator, they can pretty muchmake you-- well, jeez-- a premiere expert orjust about any other tool. photoshop, they haveskills they will teach you through the video tutorials.

and you will besupporting diy tryin. so lynda.com/diy. go check it out, please. trish. yeah? this was fun. this was super fun. now i know that i canmake whatever poster i want and just lacquerit up on my wall.

and-- do you own yourplace, or are you going to be refundingthe deposit? nope! so will you be taping orstapling it to your wall, or thumbnailing? well, first i'm going toget out a real big ladder. and then i will probablybe poster-tackying it. is it going to be a "lordof the rings" print? yeah, i'm going to do allof middle earth, the map.

really? sure. wouldn't that be cool? you have to send us apicture to @diytryin or diytryin@revision3.com. please subscribe atyoutube.com/diytryin or diytryin.com. comment down below. what's coming up withyou on the youtubes?

you can check me out onyoutube.com/sourcefed or youtube.com/sourcefednerd. that's seven days a week. you can also findme on the twitters at @thatgrltrish,no i in the girl. ladies and gentlemen, thanksfor watching diy tryin. hopefully, michael willbe out of the hospital, and we will see you next week. aw, does he look like two-face?

i made a joke about that lastweek and then it turned true. so i felt kind ofbad about that joke. oh, no! he'll be just as cute, he'lljust be wearing a facemask. he looks like brad pitt. at least if you lookat him this way.

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