home decor artwork

home decor artwork

my name josh and this is my diy channel videoeppo i don’t like long intros, but this is important,so hang on with me a bit. i am not experienced, or professionally qualifiedto operate any of the power tools i use. in fact this is first time ever, i am holdinga chain-saw. i don’t own it, its on rent ,and thus doesn’thave an instruction manual the owner gave me a set of instructions andi referred to a lot of tutorial videos before trying this out. safety is a must. dust protection mask, ear protection, eyeprotection is absolutely necessary.

for the head protection, i am using my ridinghelmet. i know it funny something is better than nothing next thing is, i am not going to chop downa tree just because i have some crazy ideas and i am going to make a video on it. the logs that you see in the video are harvestedfrom trees that were victims of a cyclone. the cyclone swept about 50% of cities greeneryand the trees in the backyard fell. some made it and some didn’t. the ones that didn’t, will make way to myworkshop. let me gear up and get started!

making sure the wood log doesn’t fall onme after being cut and carefully choosing my positions i cut the tree logs from themain tree. the camera angle are not so clear becausei was focussing on the tree logs and also needed to make sure that the falling log doesn’tknock my camera down. it might seem simple, but it did take quitea bit of effort in cutting down these logs into the size that i could carry. a black t-shirt on a hot summer afternoonproved to be foolish. i changed, and got back to work again. .the logs were moved where i could continue

working comfortably. to cut these into further smaller pieces ,thelogs were placed on heavy rocks so that, they would not move while its being cut. with the basic plans made for this video thelogs were cut to the desired size. i was aiming for 6 projects for this and neededget all logs ready before sunset and return the chainsaw the next day,these were brought in to the workshop, all possible tools with me were fetched. i am aiming for an unfinished natural lookso these tools could do the job.

first thing was to sand the top of the logsto get rid of saw tooth marks. flap disc on an angle grinder chews theseup easily . again, safety gears are important here aswood chips fly everywhere. once done , sanding with a sand paper helpsget a better finish the first project is colour pencil stand. using my kid’s mechanics toy, the log wasmarked where holes needed to be drilled. i thought of lining them up and securing witha tape , but i figured it might get caught in the drill and fling on my face. punch holes were made for the drill bit tocatch , makes it a lot easier later.

drill bit was chosen to the correspondingsize of a pencil, approximately 10 mm using the drill press stand, holes were made. once done , the pencil were inserted and itlooks cool. to make the colour of the log darker, it wasoiled using a rag and let to dry overnight then a few coats of wood polish were addedto preserve the wood. with this we complete our first project. the next project is very simple. heat pads for the dining table. thin strips of logs were sanded.

by oiling and finishing with wood polish weare almost done adding a bit of decorative touch helps. the heat pads are done but these could beused for so many things, imagination is the key for this third project , the core of the logwill be hollowed and made into a wood log planter or a flower vasethe inspiration comes from steve ramsey’s video. in fact i will be the first video to pop-up if are looking to make something with tree logs thank you steve the center was marked for the part to be scooped out. this log is large and so wouldn’t fit inmy drill stand. so using a spade bit , it was drill manually.

the plan was to make multiple holes and thenchisel the center part after an hour, there wasn’t much progress. therefore i headed out to the hardware storeto get a forstner bit and the maximum size available in the shop was 25 mm. even this did not help and i went back tochiselling it and i took 4 hours to hollow it out. using a homemade spindle , inspired by jack houweling’s video the edges were sanded smooth. a flap disc was mounted on the drill to accessthe bottom.

after finishing the log with oiling and polish,it was time to plant something in there. let me try a few things hereplacing a bunch of artificial flowers and filling it up decorative stone makes a nicetable top vase. you could try different options here i designed this to grow lucky bamboo.a although it can hold water, for easy access and cleaning, a pet bottle was cut and placed inside. then placing the bamboo inside adds to thatfeng shui touch. this can be made into a planter but a drainagehole must be drilled in the bottom.

but this log particularly comes from neem treewhich could shunt the growth of a main plant. it’s a bit of concern. the fourth project is a treasure chestthe centre of the log was scooped out as previously shown. when the logs were cut, a specific portionwas chosen for the lid and the base. after oiling and wood polish, the lid wasnailed with the base for sliding action for opening and closing. there are magnets inside the wood to holdthe lid in place, but are not strong enough. it could be nice thing to store my coin collectionand old currency. but this will be better cherished by my wife.

for the 5th project, a log was hollowed outtoo. but this time it going to stand up vertical,housing a glass container and in this case its going to be a light bulb. see my video on light bulb terrarium on howto hollow the light bulb. just to emphasis, clear the broken glass piecesimmediately there is a hole on top of the setup to pourwater and the light bulb is secured with hot glue. just for sake of demonstration, i am keepinga single bamboo plant in there, feng shui recommends specific numbers of stalks forspecific kind of energy

for the six and final project, a simple logwas cut, and coated with wood polish. two holes were made and these would housetwo candles. you might have guessed it; it’s going tobe a candle stand. just so the wood doesn’t catch up on firetwo washer are placed. a piece of aluminium foil was cut, rolledand inserted into those slots and now we are done. tiny holes were drilled and artificial leaveswere glued to complete the project. so there you have it, ^ projects from thewood and many more yet to come. i try different things so would take breakand come to it later.

i hope you liked my video, if you do pleaseshare comment and subscribe. making youtube videos in not my primary profession. i do a regular job for a living and diy mypassion. all i am requesting you is to subscribe tomy channel and spread the word in social media. thank you for making it this far. i will be back with another interesting andentertaining video next week. untill then bye

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