1940s bathroom design
eight embarrassing personal careexamples of the past personal care and hygiene have vastly improved since theearliest days in history plumbing medical advances and modern times haveshown us that there's a far better way for humanity to live and evolve provingour ability to adapt to any condition where then if we come from when it comesto embarrassing personal care practices in history believe it or not we aren'tthat far away from times in the past where plumbing or even something assimple as the toothbrush would be invented to improve our lives now keepwatching for eight embarrassing personal care examples in history that will leaveyou groaning and wondering how on earth
anyone got by before the advent ofmodern innovation before we begin this video don't forget to subscribe to ourchannel for more daily tips like this and turn on notifications so you nevermiss our new videos number eight bathrooms thank the romanempire for inventing sewer systems as we know them not only did they pave the wayfor modern plumbing at the time they were completely revolutionary howeverthis did not mean that every household had a bathroom in fact the privatebathroom as we know it wouldn't become a thing until around the 19th century invenice during the renaissance people use chamber pots located under or aroundtheir beds when the pots became full
that wasn't a problem they would simplydump it out the window any passerby underneath had to look out for their daycould be ruined by a mouthful of aristocratic excrement in other areassimply going in a ditch or a field was quite the norm and is the norm to thisday in poorer countries public washrooms or bath houses were popular well intothe 18th century and continued to remain popular in countries outside of thewestern world number seven contraceptionin medieval europe contraception or any attempts at halting birth wereconsidered a mortal sin but that didn't stop people from coming up with theirown ways to stop the seed one of the
earliest recorded notions of birthcontrol was recorded in ancient egypt when women would place honey herbs andeven mud inside their private parts the earliest condoms which originated inboth europe china and the middle east consisted of goat or sheep intestinegoats bladders or even a device made of tortoiseshell or animal horn to act as aphallic buffer when pursuing coitus thank goodness for modern medicinespeaking of contraception are you curious about the interesting historybehind birth control while keep watching until the end to learn more about birthcontrol and it's interesting history number 6 brushing your teeth believe itor not the toothbrush as we know it
didn't exist until the late 18th centurywhen doctors at the time published a medical journal about teeth worms whatwe know as gingivitis which caused tooth decaydoctors would simply yank your teeth out if one had a cavity or began to abscessbefore the invention of the toothbrush in medieval times people would wipe theplaque off their teeth using cloth or plants the first time toothbrushes weremade they were for royalty only so it would be quite some time before theybecame mass manufactured for the general publicnumber 5 corsets the corset is very well known around the world as a garmentinvented to help shape and mold the body
to the desired shape thankfully theexpectation for women to warp their bodies in such a way is no longer thecase but modern times prove no exception to the objectification and prejudiceagainst women looking a certain way we are hopeful that society is movingforward in a direction against body shaming and into a place of acceptanceof diversity you can't help but wonder though howthese women managed to warp their bodies in such a way many resulted in permanentdamages to their ribcage and constrictions to their internal organsnumber four deodorant the first ever deodorant wasinvented in the late 19th century by
edna murphy an inventor fromphiladelphia pennsylvania if that's the case what did people do for the firstpart of history before deodorant was invented well in medieval timeseverybody just smelled minnie would bathe about once a week and if youdesire to get intimate with another person some would stuff their armpitswith scented flowers or herbs to mask the scent of human stenchyikes number three jiggling machines not quite personal hygiene but embarrassingnonetheless jiggle machines became very popular in the late 1940s and early1950s they were believed to help with weight loss but they just ended up beinga ridiculous way to pass the time with a
focus on wanting to be healthier manypeople look for quick fixes to weight loss thankfully modern medicine hastaught us that body health is a science rather than a sideshow of jigglemachines number two wig maintenance for almost two centuries powdered wigscalled per ooks we're all the rage due to the advent of syphilis aside from thebrutal rashes open source blindness and dementia one of the other symptoms ofsyphilis included patchy hair or baldness thus the peru quiz pornthe larger your peru k-- the greater your status symbol in society over theyears the cost of the peru k-- increased further creating it as a status ofwealth however with the introduction of
wigs came the introduction of mass liceinfections people were required to shave their heads to get rid of the lice andthey would have to send off their peru 'kx to be boiled in hot water to destroythe nits and then they'd be powdered in tout toprevent the spread of new lice thankfully by the late 18th century thefamed whigs lost their popularity after attacks on hair powder was levied numberone deadly makeup many women and men who desired to powder their face or cover itwith makeup would do so with harmful chemicals like lead or mercury that wereconsidered perfectly safe until their correlation with poor health would bediscovered some women would even dye
their hair with lye which resulted indangerous poisoning which could lead to death if accidentally ingested luckilythese harmful chemicals were swapped out with less harmful fats and chemicalsmore suited to the human skin and now for a brief history of birth controlbefore modern methods of birth control were invented and around 3000 bc condomswere made from materials like animal intestines fish bladders linen sheetsand more in 1873 an act called the cornstalk act was passed in the unitedstates which prohibited information advertisements and distributions ofbirth control in fact the postal service was evenallowed to confiscate birth control
which was sold through the mail in 1916a woman by the name of margaret sanger opened the very first birth controlclinic in america she was sentenced to jail for 30 days the following year forbeing a public nuisance but once she was released she once more opened her clinicin 1938 the federal ban on birth control was lifted in diaphragms which were alsoknown as womb veils became a very popular form of birth control in 1960the first contraceptive called in ovoid was approved by the us food anddrug administration in 1965 it was deemed that only married couples coulduse birth control and finally in 1972 all citizens of the united states weredeemed legal
able to take birth control since thenmore advanced forms of birth control have developed according to wikipediatoday 62 percent of women who are of reproductive age are currently usingsome form of birth control interesting history rightwhat other embarrassing personal care practices from the past do you knowabout that weren't mentioned in this video let us know in the comment sectionbelow enjoyed this video hit the like buttonand share with your friends also subscribe to our channel for more videoslike this thanks for watching
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