bathroom designers nj

if you're building new orremodeling your kitchen thereare a lot of options out there. today we will see how thedesigners at starmark can helpmake your dream kitchen areality. stay tuned. hi dale. hi there. how are you? i'm good, thank you. we're hereat starmark, in the showroom. we're going to take a lookaround and get some great ideasin just a moment. but first of all, give me somehistory on starmark. startmark's been manufacturingcabinetry in sioux falls for 35years. we manufacture custom cabinetryfor all areas of the unitedstates, and especially here insioux falls.
and they're handcrafted righthere in sioux falls. why isthat a benefit to homeowners? a big benefit is the quality.we can control the quality. no kitchen is started until weactually have an order for acustomer and then we start that process and maketheir cabinetry for them. wecan build anything to any size and then we can builddifferent finishes, differentdoor styles, different wood species to suitthe customer's taste. and we're not just talkingabout kitchens. there are otherareas of the home that could use cabinetry aswell. what are some of those? we do a lot of bathrooms,laundry rooms, mud rooms,different lockers.
we've done desks and mediarooms, so we can really docabinetry for all areas of thehome. well of course, if someone isbuilding new, they're puttingin a brand new kitchen. what's the process like workingwith starmark? what we do is we work directwith the homeowner and also thecontractor if there is one involved. wework with the blue prints. wegive the customer design ideas and different looks, gothrough every aspect of thecabinetry going in the home and then we produce the cabinetryand deliver right to the home.remodeling is a little bitdifferent. we consider ourselvesremodeling experts. usuallywhen you do a remodel you're removing walls orfloors, so our designers workdirect with the homeowner andcontractor.
they'll go meet at the home,see what areas that want to beimproved and then we'll come back here,do a design, make colorselections and pick things our. our designers also will helppeople with paint colors anddifferent flooring and different back splashoptions as well. now of course, starmark doesthe cabinetry but there arealso other accessories and hardware that you can handle aswell. talk about that. absolutely. all of our drawersin our cabinetry come with softclose as a standard option. we do everything from cabinetknobs and handles to granitetops, quartz tops, all the tops associated with aproject whether it be a kitchenor bathroom.
we do sell those as well. so,really, if it has to do withthe kitchen or cabinetry inanother room you can handle all the aspects.absolutely. it's kind of aone-stop shop. you get thedesign. you get the cabinetry and wealso sell the other products aswell. dale, let's take a look at somebeautiful starmark projects.absolutely. starmark's designers were ableto create this cottage-stylekitchen complete with ceiling-high cabinetry, accentlighting, and hidden appliancessuch as the refrigerator and dishwasher. they built a customisland providing more counterspace for entertaining while adding color to theoverall design. another way for people to getideas is to come in to theshowroom. what exactly do youhave here?
you know, what we have in ourshowroom, we've got severaldifferent displays. they're all different colors,different wood species. all ofour displays have different countertop surfaces as well. sosomebody can come in and get agreat idea if granite is anoption or if quartz top would bettersuit them. so our designerswill work with them, ask themthe questions how they plan to usethe product and then they willget the best product for them. well here in the showroom thereare a lot of different looks,different woods, colors. with so many options how do youhelp people find what's goingto meet their needs. one of the things we do is wetry to qualify what theirfamily is like. how many people do they have?how they use the kitchen? howmuch they entertain?
also, if they're right or lefthanded that makes a differenceon where the range, dishwasher and some of theappliances go to make thingsmore efficient for them. and what are the qualificationsof the designers? they reallyhave a lot of expertise. some of our designers areinterior designers by degree.our other designers also have a great wealth of two projects are ever thesame so they've seen everythingthat you can imagine and they'reable to help the homeowner takea vision and put it intoreality. they're there from thebeginning to the end. how dothey make sure that thecommunication stays open through the wholeproject? our designers are like projectmanagers so there's a lot ofcommunication that happenswhether
it's with the homeowner or evena subcontractor. we get a lotof questions on plumbing and lighting and so our designersare there to help through thatwhole project. what are some of the thingsthat are becoming more popularwith kitchens? bringing a lot of color intoevery project. greens and greysare very popular right now. anything from stains and paintcolors, different wood species,different textures. dale, we've seen some greatprojects and learned a lotabout what starmark has tooffer. if someone's ready to work on aproject why should they choosestarmark? you know, i think ourreputation, being in siouxfalls for 35 years. we have great designers andgreat product. we welcomepeople to bring in their plans,
whether it's a new constructionor remodel. stop in and bringsome plans,
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