best paint colors for bedrooms

best paint colors for bedrooms

hi, i'm ann myrick and today i'm going toshow you how to select the best paint color for a room. you want to look at the want to look at are you starting with nothing in the room or are you starting withthe room already having furniture? if you already have furniture in the room with fabricson the furniture you're going to need to take into consideration the colors that are inthe furniture, the colors that are in the rug. you need to work with that before youstart picking out a color. if it is a blank slate and you really don't have any type ofcolor in the room then you can really start at zero and just do whatever you want to do.ways to get there would be, what type of mood do you want to create? what type of lightis in the room? what type of traffic? what

is the room? is it a place where you wantit calm? you're going to sleep, like a bedroom? then you wouldn't want to chose a real brightgreen, or a real bright yellow, or something that has a lot of energy to it but you wantto go with more of a calm color probably. if it's a fun room like a laundry room thenyou might want to do a really fun zippy color. because who likes to do laundry, but if youhave a fun color in there then that peps you up and gets you going. so it really has todo with where you're going to, where this color is going to go. another thing that iwould suggest is all your major paint companies and hardware stores will have the paint fansand you can go in and either get a fan or, a paint fan, or you can go to that paint center,and they always on the wall will have all

different types of cards where you can pulland get colors and look at them. what i would always say is take your color and put it onthe wall for a twenty-four hour period. you can get these great samples of the paint,put it on the wall, look at it for a twenty-four or forty-eight hour period to see if you likeit, to see if it's not what you wanted. because looking at a color at a paint store and lookingat it in your specific room that you're going to paint, the color will always change. sothis is ann myrick and that is how to select the best paint color for a room.

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