dining room sconces

dining room sconces

wall sconces are the most underuseddesign feature, in my opinion. they're pretty standard when it comes tobathrooms but they deserve so much more attention instead of just placing themon either side of your vanity. i always try to find new and interesting ways touse wall sconces but choosing the perfect wall sconce and the perfectlocation is all about combining aesthetics and function. so here are mytop seven (eight) ways to use wall sconces in your home! wherever you have a wall thatis looking for some attention make an instant feature wall by adding wallsconces. i'm loving this entryway with its largewall sconces above the bench. all of a

sudden this wall is some kind ofspecial. another great way to use a wall sconce is in place of a table lampin your bedroom. i love using wall sconces just above the nightstand andthey don't always have to be the adjustable reading type like this. trysomething a little outside the norm like this... i don't care how long or short yourhallway is, instead of ceiling lights, or even in conjunction with ceiling lights,consider using wall sconces instead. think about lining them up along oneside of the corridor or alternating them back and forth. as if a wall of booksisn't inviting enough, imagine what a

little light can do to bring even moreattention to this architectural detail. built-in bookcases look amazing withwall sconces above them. you can even add wall sconces to the front of thebookcases as well. a fireplace is a great focal point already but having wallsconces on either side of the fireplace is a great way they introduce additionallevels of interest and lighting to an already intrinsic focal point. want tolead the way? how about highlighting a special entrance. flank some wall sconceson either side of an opening and you add instant drama and interest. an obvious place to add special lightingis a reading nook and a wall sconce is a

great way to signal that activity... withor without books. and finally sometimes you just need a wall sconce because it'spure artistry. why not add it to a wall just for art's sake? find something thatyou love and just show it off. so here's your takeaway: wall sconces are a perfectcombination of practicality and artistry. think about new and interesting ways tointroduce this type of light fixture to bring attention to certain rooms, wallsand architectural features. there are so many ways to light up your home.don't forget your walls! thanks for watching this little design tip, i'llhave lots more design tips just like this one coming soon, so don't forget tosubscribe!

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