dining room table pads bed bath and beyond

this is earl nightingale with the newedition of lead the field this program is about 12 ideas that will bring orderand success into our lives these ideas will work wonders regardless of what wechoose as the main thrust of our lives for these are the great ideas that haveevolved over the centuries and together they form a constellation by which youand i can safely and successfully navigate the great spanish philosopherortega reminded us that we human beings are the only creatures on the planetearth that are born into a natural state of disorientation with our world that iswhile all other creatures are guided by instinct of which they're neither awareand all have the capacity to question
each of us as human creatures was giventhe godlike power to create his or her own life and each of us does exactlythat all the years of his or her life every day we put in place actions andideas that will determine the shape and substance of our tomorrows for somethose ideas and actions lead inevitably to extraordinary achievement and rewardsforemost they tend to lead to a kind of middle ground in which great numbers ofpeople take their cues from each other without question or consideration andfor some those actions and ideas lead to repeated frustration and problems asthey spend their lives in the bottom layers of the socio-economic pyramidsuccess or failure as a human being is
not a matter of luck or circumstance orfate or the brakes or who you know or any of the other tightest of old mythsand cliches by which the ignorant tend to excuse themselves it's a matter offollowing a common-sense paradigm of rules guidelines anyone can follow thisprogram lead the field has changed more lives brought about more success storieshelp create more millionaires saved more careers important jobs andmarriages than any other program ever produced and the rules we talked abouthere don't change they apply to any situation under any and allcircumstances we never have to say i wonder what will work in this particularsituation all we have to do is make
these ideas our own and we begin withwhat i call the magic word we all want good results from life in our home ourwork and in all our contacts with other people and the most important singlefactor to guarantee good results day-in day-out all the months and years of ourlives is a healthy attitude attitude is the magic word attitude is defined asthe position or bearing as indicating action feeling or mood and it is ouractions feelings or moods which determine the actions feelings and moodsof others our attitude tells the world what we expect in return give us acheerful expectant attitude it says to everyone with whom we come in contactthat we expect the best in our dealings
with our worldyou see we tend to live up to our expectations and others give to us asfar as their attitudes are concerned what we expect our attitude is somethingwe can control we can establish our attitude eachmorning when we start our day in fact we do just that whether we realize it ornot and the people in our family all the people in our world will reflect back tous the attitude we present to them it is then our attitude toward life whichdetermines life's attitude toward us cause and effect everything we say or dowill cause a corresponding effect if we're cheerful glad to be experiencingthis miracle of life others will reflect
that good cheer back to us we are thekind of person others enjoy being around you and i are responsible for our livesyou and i produce causes all day long every day of our livesthe environment can only return to us a corresponding effect that's why i sayeach of us determines the quality of his or her own life we get back what we putout as a way to test the past quality of your attitude would you say people tendto react to you in a smiling positive manner with friendly greetings when youappear your answer to that question will tell the story i remember the time whena man and his wife bought a home across the street from me in florida they hadmoved there from minnesota they planned
the move for years they were tired ofthe northern winters and he was an avid fisherman several months passed aftertheir move and one day i was surprised to see them packing i walked across thestreet and asked the man if they were leaving so soon after they made the movehe rounded my wife hates it here he said or going back home i asked him how inthe world his wife could hate it there what is what didn't like about the placeand with a few questions the truth came out she hasn't been accepted here hesaid the other women of the community have left her strictly alone she's madeno friends she hasn't been asked to participate inany of the community activities so i
asked him and she left the other womenno she's interested in participating in community activities he stopped what hewas doing and looked at me no he said no she hasn't she's been waiting for thewomen that has her and since she stayed in the house waiting for them to come toher they've thought of her as reclusive as a person who's not interested inmaking friends so they've left her alone well it was along silence and he began nodding yes that's exactly what's happened he saidyes the women of the neighborhood should have come to her and introducedthemselves or invited her to a tea or luncheon but they were reacting to hershe didn't know that the community could
only give her back a reflection of herown attitude he was a woman in their 60s who had never learned the firstimportant rule for successful living that our surroundings were allreflect us that our environment is a mirror often a merciless mirror ofourselves as soon as the person begins to change his or her surroundings willchange and it works like this great attitude great results good attitudegood results fair or average attitude fair or average results poor attitudepoor results so each of his shapes his or her own life and to an altogetherunexpected extent the shape and texture the quality or the lack of quality ofour lives is determined by our habitual
attitude and sounds simple doesn't itbut it's not quite that easy for most of us learning this new habit takes timebut once it becomes a habit it part of our lives our world will change thisdramatically as with walking from a dark cave into the bright light of day mostpeople never think about their attitudes at all for most of them as a matter ofbeginning each day in neutral their attitudes are neither good nor bad butare poised to react to whatever stimuli they encounter if the stimulus is goodthey're reflected if it's bad they'll reflect that to the chameleons and theygo through their days reacting to whatever confronts them and these arethe people of our environment that's why
it's so important for us to control ourattitudes to make sure they're excellent our good a person with a poor attitudetoward learning for example isn't gonna learn very much i know you can think ofexamples of this in your own life if we take the attitude that we can't dosomething we generally will not do it an attitude of failure and were whippedbefore we start it was william james of harvard the founder of psychology andabacus and human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes ofmind in trying to describe the attitude that's worked so well for me over theyears i found myself using two important words gratitude and expectant first i'mgrateful for the opportunity to live on
this beautiful an astonishing planetearth i wake up with a sense of gratitude inthe morning secondly i expect the best i expect to reach the goals iestablished myself about which we will talk a good deal more later in theprogram i find the idea of fulfilling those goals agreeable hence the attitudeof expectancy i know the world will give me back when i put out in the way ofattitude so it's up to me i'm responsible there are millions of humanbeings living there oh darkened frustrated lives living defensivelysimply because they take a defensive doubtful attitude toward themselves andas a result toward life in general a
person with a poor attitude becomes amagnet for unpleasant experiences when those experiences come as they mustbecause of this attitude they tend to reinforce his poor attitude therebybringing more problems and so on the person becomes an example of selfgenerating do fulfilling prophecy and it's all a matter believe it or not haveattitude we get what we expect and our outlook on life is a kind of paintbrushand with it we paint our world it can be bright and filled with hope andsatisfaction or it can be dark and gloomylugubrious it's hard to convince people sometimes that the world they experienceis a reflection of their attitude they
take the attitude that if people wouldonly be nice to them they'd be nice in return they like the person sitting infront of the cold stove waiting for the heat until they put in the fuel there'snot going to be a need it's up to them to act first it has to start somewherelet it begin with us attitude is the reflection of the person inside considerfor a moment the people who go saving through life from one success to anotherand who when they occasionally fail at something shrug it off and head rightout again no matter what a person does wherever you find a person doing anoutstanding job at getting outstanding results you'll find a person with a goodattitude these people take the attitude
toward themselves that they canaccomplish what they set out to accomplishthey take the attitude that achievement youthe natural order of things and it is that there's no good reason on earth whythey can't be as successful as competent as anyone else they have a healthyattitude toward themselves and as a result toward life and the things theywant to accomplish and because of that they accomplished some remarkable thingsand come to be called successful and outstanding a brilliant and lucky and soon they're quite frequently no smarter and more talented than most other peoplebut they have the right attitude they
find their accomplishments not toodifficult simply because it seems so few others are really trying or reallybelieve in themselves as the luck forget it luck is what happens whenpreparedness meets opportunity and opportunity is there all the time aperson can be very efficient at his or her work but if the correspondingexcellent attitude isn't present well the persons of failure a robot cando a great job but only a human being can in noble work with a great attitudeand by so doing touch it with the magic of humaneness make it come alive andsing make it truly worthwhile that my friend makes the difference successfulpeople come in all sizes shapes ages and
colors and in widely varying degrees ofintelligence and education but they have one thing in common they expect moregood out of life than bad they expect to succeed more often than they fail andthey do now there are things you want worthwhile things take the attitude thatthere are a lot more reasons why you can reach those goals then fail in theattempt go after them work at it keep yourattitude positive cheerful and expectant and you get them and as you do you'llgrow to new plateaus and be able to accomplish still more to remember thisour environment the world in which we find ourselves living and working is amirror of our attitudes and expectations
if we feel that i'm vironment couldstand some improvement we can bring about that change for thebetter by improving our attitude the world plays no favorites it's impersonalit doesn't care who succeeds or who fails nor does it care if we change ourattitude toward life doesn't affect the world and the people in it nearly somuch as it affects us it would be impossible to even estimate the numberof jobs that have been lost promotions are good grades missed sales lost ormarriages ruined by poor attitudes but you can number in the millions the jobswhich are held but hated the marriages which are tolerated but unhappy theparents and children who failed to
understand and love one another allbecause of people who are waiting for the world and others to change towardthem they don't understand that what they're getting is a reflection ofthemselves nothing can change until we do when we change our worlds will changethe answer is attitude how does one develop a good attitude the same way onedevelops any other factor practice one good way is to stick a small sign on thebathroom mirror on which is printed the word attitude that way you'll see atfirst thing every morning you might have another one in your car and at yourplace of work we need to smile more speak to people go out to peopleeverything in the world we want to do or
get done we must do with and throughpeople every dollar we will ever earn must come from people everythingworthwhile the person we love and with whom we want to spend the rest of ourlife is a human being with whom we must interact our children are individualseach different from any other person who ever lived and what affects them most isour attitude the loving kindness they see and feel whenever we're around themif you begin to develop and hold an attitude that says yes to life and theworld you'll be astonished at the changes you'll see someone once saidlife is dull only to dull people it's true of course it's also true that lifeis interesting only the interesting
people and life is successful only forsuccessful people we must be the to me the embodiment we must radiatesuccess before it'll come to us we must first become mentally from an attitudestandpoint the people we wish to become many years ago a famous los angelesrestaurant ritter was asked by a newspaper reporter when did you becomesuccessful can he replied i was successful when i was dead broke i knewwhat i wanted to do and i knew i'd do it it was only a matter of time he had asuccessful attitude long before the success he sought had become a realitythe great german philosopher and writer good have put it this way before you cando something you must to be something
but let me prove my point by giving youa test if you will conscientiously go about the test i'll outline andconcentrate on it everyday you'll find yourself becoming lucky as theuninitiated collet all sorts of wonderful things will begin happening inyour life and it'll show you what a great attitude can mean so here's thetest treat every person with whom you come in contact as the most importantperson on earth how you do that for three excellent reasons one as far asevery person is concerned he or she is the most important person on earth -because that's the way human beings ought to treat each other and three bytreating everyone this way we begin to
form an important habit there's nothingin the world that men women and children want to need more than self-esteem thefeeling that they are important that they're recognized that they're neededthat they count and are respected they will give their love their respect andtheir business to the person who fills this need even if it's a short encounterhave you ever noticed that the higher you go in any organization of value andnicer the people seem to become it works this way the bigger the people theeasier it is to talk to them to get along with them and work with them sothey naturally matriculate to the top it's their attitudes and the people withgreat attitudes just naturally gravitate
to the top of one of the business ordepartment they're in they don't have great attitudes because of theirthey have their positions largely because of their green attitudes for thepurposes of this test act toward others in exactly the same manner that you wantthem to act toward you treat the members of your family as the very importantpeople they really are the most important in the world carry out intothe world each morning the kind of attitude you'd have if you were the mostsuccessful person on earth notice how quickly it develops into a habit andalmost immediately a change will be noticed irritations that used tofrustrate you begin to disappear when
some less informed person gives you abad time don't let his poor attitude infect yours keep yours in hand keep itgood keep cool above it all and smiling if someone cuts in front of your car oracts in any other manner that shows a lack of courtesy don't react as he wouldsmile it off destructive emotions such as anger hatred or jealousy don't hurtothers they hurt you they can make your life miserable they can make you sickforgive everyone who ever hurt you really forgive them and then forgiveyourself that's all past stewing over it exhuming it can only make you sickforgive and forget it get rid of it you've risen above that sort of thingand as you develop a great attitude
you'll probably realize that you'vealready placed yourself on the road to what you seekyou're well on your way it makes no difference how successful you may havebeen in the past you'll be delighted with the ease and comfort of your newlife the band or poor attitudes of others can be as infectious as thecommon cold it's important that we look on them in this light as infectiousconditions that can only end by hurting and annoying as if we allow ourselves tocatch them like the doctor often working with people with infectious conditionswe must keep ourselves healthy we simply don't have time for that sort of thingwhoever started the cliche life's too
short certainly knew what he or she wastalking about it really is too short much too short to spend any of ourvaluable time mimicking the attitudes brothers unless they're good a realattitude there's much more than turn on the lights in our worlds it seems tomagically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that weresomehow absent before the change maybe that's what people mean when theysay we're lucky suddenly we do find ourselves gettingthe so-called brakes but it's really nothing more than this new connectionwith the world it comes with a great attitude we find ourselves doing moreand doing it in less time
we put ourselves directly in the path ofall kinds of serendipitous happenings when you begin to develop a betterattitude you should realize that you've already placed yourself in the top 5% ofthe people the most successful people on earth you've placed yourself on the roadto what you seek you've prepared the ground you've onlyto plant the seed now in summing up here are a few points to keep in mind firstit's our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which more than anythingelse will bring about its successful outcome secondly our attitudes towardothers determine their attitudes toward us we're all interdependent the successwe achieve in life will depend largely
on how well we relate to others thirdlybefore you can achieve the kind of life you wantyou must think act talk and conduct yourself in all of your affairs as wouldthe person you wish to become if a mental picture of that person before youas often as you can during the day and fourthly remember that the higher you goin any organization of value the better the attitude you'll find and thatattitudes are not the result of success success is the result of great attitudesand finally the deepest craving of the human being is for recognition andself-esteem to be needed to feel important to be recognized andappreciated that includes our loved ones
and all the people with whom we come incontact during our days to make these important principles ahabitat part of our lives here are some suggestions since our minds can holdonly one thought at a time make the thoughts you hold constructive andpositive look for the best in people and ideas be constantly alert for new ideasyou can put to use in your life don't waste time talking about your problemsto people who can't solve them or your healthunless it's good or you're talking to your doctorit won't help you it cannot help others radiate the attitude of well-being andconfidence the attitude of the person
who knows where he or she is goingyou'll find all sorts of good things happening to you and lastly treateveryone with whom you come in contact as the most important person on earthstart this habit practice it consistently and you'll do it andbenefit from it for the rest of your life thank you in the year 1843 a man was born who wasto have a profound effect upon the lives of millions of people his name wasrussell herman conwell he became a lawyer then the newspaper editor andfinally a clergyman it was during his church career that an incident occurredwhich was to change his life and the
lives of countless others one day agroup of young people came dr. conwell at his church and asked him if he'd bewilling to instruct them in college courses they all wanted a collegeeducation but lack the money to pay for it he told them to let him think aboutit and come back in a few days after they left an idea began to form in dr.conwell's mind he asked himself why couldn't there be a fine college forpoor but deserving young people and before very long the idea consumed himwhy not indeed it was a project worthy of 100% dedication complete commitmentand almost single-handedly dr. conwell raised several million dollars withwhich he founded temple university today
one of the country's leading schools heraised the money by giving more than six thousand lectures all over the countryand in each one of them he told a story called acres of diamonds it was a truestory which had affected him very deeply and it had the same effect on hisaudiences the money he needed to build the college came pouring in the storywas the account of an african farmer who heard tales about other farmers who hadmade millions by discovering diamond mines these tales so excited the farmerthat he could hardly wait to sell his farm and go prospecting for diamondshimself so he sold the farm and spent the rest of his life wandering thefreaking continent searching
unsuccessfully for the dreaming gemswhich brought such high prices on the markets of the world finally the storygoes one out and ana fitted despondency he threw himself into a river anddrowned meanwhile back at the ranch or farm in this case the man who had boughthis farm happened to be crossing the small stream on the property whensuddenly there was a bright flash of blue and red light from the streambottom he bent down picked up the stone it was a good sized stone and thenwearing it later put it on his fireplace mantel as an interesting curiosityseveral weeks later a visitor picked up the stone looked closely at it hefted inhis hand and nearly fainted yes the
farmer if he knew what he'd found whenthe farmer said no that he thought it was a piece of crystal the visitor toldhim he had found one of the largest diamonds ever discovered while thefarmer had trouble believing that he told the man that his creek was full ofsuch stones not as large perhaps as the one on the mantle but well he wassprinkled generously throughout the creek bottom needless to say the farmthe first farmer had sold so that he might find the diamond mine turned outto be the most productive diamond mine on the entire african continentthe first farmer had owned free and clear acres of diamonds but had soldthem for practically nothing in order to
look for them elsewhere while the moralis clear if the first farmer had only taken the time to study and preparehimself to learn what diamonds look like in their rough state and since he hadalready owned a piece of the african continent to thoroughly explore theproperty he had before looking elsewhere all of his wildest dreams would havecome true now the thing about this story that so profoundly affected dr. conwelland subsequently millions of others was the idea that each of us is at thismoment standing in the middle of his or her own acres of diamonds if we'll onlyhave the wisdom and patience to intelligently and effectively explorethe work in which were now engaged to
explore ourselves we'll usually find theriches we seek whether they be financial orintangible or both before we go running off to what we think are greenerpastures let's make sure that our own is not just as green and perhaps evengreener it's been said that if the other guy's pasture appears to be greener thanours it's quite possible that it's getting better care besides while we'relooking at other pastures other people are looking at ours there are a fewthings more pitiful to my mind than the person who wastes his life running fromone thing to another forever looking for the pot of gold at the end of therainbow and never staying with one thing
long enough to find it no matter whatyour goal may be perhaps the road do it can be found in the very thing you'renow doing it wasn't until he was completely paralyzed by polio and forcedto reach into the rich resources of his mind then a courageous farmer got theidea but his singh exceptionally good meat products on his farm from that ideaone of the country's most successful meatpacking companies was born his farmcontained acres of diamonds - it just never had to dig for them before yourmind is your richest resource let it thoroughly explore thepossibilities of looking and what you're presently doing before turning tosomething new i say that because there
were probably good reasons for yourhaving chosen your present work in the beginning if there weren't and if you'reunhappy in the theater in well then perhaps it's time for some seriousexploration dr. russell conwell's life is a living example of the importance ofa willingness to change once one's own pasture has been thoroughly explored ifi said that dr. conwell began as a lawyer then later changed to become anewspaper editor before i finally found his true calling as a cringy man and thefounder of a great university one of the best examples of a person finding acresof diamonds hiding in his work is still leonard of connecticut he began as adairy root delivery man as he worked his
rounds he began to think of all theproducts connected to the dairy business that his customers really needed hebought a working dairy with very little down and a lot of hardware i can beginbuilding his business around it keeping the working dairy intactcenter of his operations and surrounding it with windows through which hiscustomers could watch the process he began adding other products today hisdairy store is the largest in the world and it sells everything in the food linepeople come from all over the entire area to shop at students dairy store andthey love it and he loves them people who are too old infirm to come to hisstore on their own i picked up in stew
leonard's buses and run to the store hehas a multi-million dollar business that grew out of a delivery route thatdiamonds were there and stewarded made the most of them every time the work hassuch opportunity lurking within it the opportunities are there now clamouringto be noticed but they cannot speak or print signs for us to read our part ofthe bargain is to look at our work with new eyes with the eyes of creationtiredness auden said it is our duty as men and women to proceed as thoughlimits to our abilities do not exist we are collaborators in creation man i knewin arizona began with a small gas station one day sitting at his desk andwatching through the window while one of
his young attendants filled a man's gastank he watched the customer while he stoodabout waiting for the job to be finished it dawned upon him that that man hadmoney in his pockets and there were things he needed or wanted that he'dpaid for if they were conveniently displayed where he could see them so hebegan adding things fishing tackle then fishing licenses hunting him campingequipment rifles shotguns ammunition hunting licenses he found an excellentline of aluminum fishing boats and trailershe began buying up the contiguous property around him then he added anauto parts department he'd always
carried coal soft drinks and candy butnow he added next month minor chocolates in a refrigerated case before long hesold more chocolates than anyone else in the state he carried thousands of thingshis customers could buy while waiting for the cars to be serviced all theproducts he sold also guaranteed that mostthe gas customers in town we've come to his station he sold more gas he begancashing checks on friday and the bonanza grew and grew it all started with a manwith a human brain watching a customer standing around with money in hispockets and nothing to spend it on others would have lived and died withthe small service station and they do my
friend saw the diamonds both my friendin arizona and still landed in connecticut our customer-oriented servethe customer serve the customer better than anyone else's serving the customerstew method has his company policy conspicuously displayed in his store forall to read and it goes like this rule number one the customer is always rightrule number two if you think the customer is wrong read rule number oneam many service station operators upon seeing a wealthy customer drive-in mightsay to themselves i ought to be in his business and not so there's just as muchopportunity in one business as another if wheel only stopped playingcopycat with each other and begin to
think creatively begin to think in newdirections yes there believe me and it's our job to find it take the time tostand off and look at your work as a stranger mind the best why does he do itthat way as he noticed how what he's doing might be capitalized upon ormultiplied if you're happy with things as they are then by all means keep themthat way but there's great fun in finding diamonds hiding in ourselves andin our work we never get bored or blase or find ourselves in a rut a rut we'rereminded is really nothing more than a grave with the m's kicked out some ofthe most interesting businesses in the world grew out of what was originally avery small idea in a very small area if
something is needed in one town then thechances are it's also needed in all towns and cities all over the countryyou might also ask yourself how good am i and what i'm presently doing do youknow all there is to know about your work would you call yourself afirst-class professional at your work how would your work stand up against thework of others in your line the educator and author jb matthews wrote unless aperson has trained himself for his chance the chance will only make himridiculous a great occasion is worth to a man exactly what his preparationenables him to make him it i was your doctor matthews intended to include thefemale half of the world in that
statement i'm often appalled by howlittle people know about the business they're in that's not my departmentthey'll say i suppose they see a fire starting in someone else's departmentthey wouldn't report it most real estate people don't sell homes and propertythey show homes and property something a six-year-old child could do they oftenknow nothing at all about selling or marketing it they call themselves realestate professionals they're actually tour guides this is the living room theysay two intelligent men and women who already know what the living room lookslike someone's come to think of it i think it was me once wrote that thehuman race is much like a convoy in time
of war the whole menagerie has sloweddown to protect the slowest ships and they march our than that dusty valleyunmindful of the diamonds beneath their feet the first thing we need to do tobecome a diamond miner is to break away from the crowd and quit assuming thatbecause people in the millions are living that way it must be the best wayit is not the best way it's the average way the people going the best way areway out in front they're so far ahead of the crowd you can't even see their dustanymore they're the people who live and work on the leading edge the cuttingedge and they walk the way for all the rest we have a choice to make really youand i it takes imagination curious
imagination to know that diamonds don'tlook like cut and polished gemstones in their rough state nor as a pile of ironor look like stainless steel to prospect your own acres of diamonds developerfaculty we might call intelligent objectivity the faculty to stand off andlook at your work as a person from mars might look at it within the framework ofwhat industry a profession is your job fall do you know what you can about yourindustry or profession is the time for a refreshing change ofsome kind how can the customer be given a better break each morning ask yourselfhow can i increase my service today there are rare and very marketablediamonds lurking all around me have i
been looking for themexamining every facet of my work and of the industry a profession in which ithas its life there are better ways to do what i'm presently doing what are they iwant my work be performed 20 years from now everything in the world is in thestate of evolution an improvement how can i do what will eventually be doneanyway now think of what's true rena did with his dairy route to my arizonafriend with a small service station what famous amos did with his chocolatechip cookies or procter & gamble did with soap sure there's risk involvedthere's no growth of any kind without risk we start running risks when we getout of bed in the morning risks are good
for us they bring out the best in usthey brighten the eye and get the mind cookingthey quicken the step and put a new shining look on our days human beingsshould never be settled it's ok for chickens and cows and cats but it'swrong for human beings people start to die when they become settled we need tokeep things stirred up back in 1931 lloyd c douglas the world-famousnovelist who wrote the robe magnificent obsession of other best-selling bookswrote a magazine article titled escape well in that article douglas asked whoof us has not at some time toyed briefly with the temptation to run away if allthe people who have given that idea that
temporary hospitality of theirimagination were to have acted apartment feel would be living at their presentaddresses and of the small minority who did carry the impulse into effect it'sdoubtful if many ever disengaged themselves as completely as they hadhoped from the problems that hurled them forth more often than otherwise it maybe surmised they packed up their troubles in their old kit bags and tookthem along the point of the article was simply doto run away from your troubles overcome them prevail right where you are whenwe're really after is not escape from our perplexities and frustrations but atriumph over them and one of the best
ways to accomplish that is to get oncourse and stay there restate and reaffirm your goal the thingyou want most to do the place in life you want most to reach see it clearly inyour mind's eyes just as you can envision the airport in los angeles whenyou board your plane in new york or like a great ship in a stormjust keep your heading and your engines running the storm will pass althoughsometimes it seems that it never will and one bright morning you'll findyourself passing the harbor light then you can give a big sigh of reliefrest our island almost before you know what you'll find your eyes turningseaward again you'll think of a new
harbor you'd like to visit a new voyageupon which to embark and once again you've set out and that's just the waythis funny-looking to make it curious imaginative tinkering fiddling dreamercalled a human being operates he escapes from problems not by running away fromthem but by overcoming them and those sooner does he overcome one set ofproblems but he starts looking around for new and more difficult pickles toget himself into and out of so if you find yourself looking at travel foldersand thinking of running away go ahead think about it it'll give your mind offthings for a while then zero in on your goal more about that later and get busytake one thing at a time and before you
know it you start seeing those diamondsscatter all over your world and you'll be out in the clear again if you feellike running away from it all once in a while you're perfectly normal if youstay and get rid of your problems by working your way through them you're asuccessful citizen start taking an hour a day with a legal pad and dissect yourwork taken apart and look at its constituent parts there's opportunitythere that's your a career of diamonds the stories of people achieving unusualsuccess despite all manner of handicaps never failed to capture our attentionthey're inspirational to be sure but they're much more than that if we studythem closely
the boy whose legs were terribly burnedand who was told you'd be lucky never walk again becomes a champion track starthe woman blind and deaf from birth becomes one of the most inspirationalfigures of the century and the poor children who rise to fame and fortunehave nearly become commonplace in this age of unprecedented immigration we'reeven see on television examples of people who arrived in this countrywithout any money and without knowing a word of english and who within asurprisingly short time have become wonderfully successful in fact thetypical korean family that is emigrated to the united states during the past 20years has a higher average income than
the average american family that wasborn and went to school here now how does that happenfreedom personal liberty is the most precious thing on earth it is also oneof the rarest hence it's great value people who manage to get to americadespite mountainous problems and miles of red tape often find themselves freefor the first time in their lives it's a joyous wonderful experience for them andin this newfound freedom they set to work to find a place for themselves theygo to work serving their new country in its people time means nothing to thembut being free to pursue their own ends in the richest freest country on theplanet is everything they all go to work
and they work hard and their work isexcellent first-class as good as they can do it and is priced fairly you don'tsee them marching demanding higher pay or shorter hours only one is theopportunity once that fairs they make the most of itin new york city a korean family managed to buy a small convenience grocery storein midtown manhattan the first thing they did was clean it it sparkled withcleanliness then they stocked it with everything they felt the people in theirarea wanted in the way of things you find in a grocery store they were openedearly in the morning they stayed open late at night they never failed to smileand give a friendly greeting to their
customers naturally they becamewonderfully successful they were open 7 days a week one day customers coming tothe store found it closed and on the door was a sign giving the reason why itread we've gone to yale university to watch our son graduate that's anamerican story the true story of people who found joy and freedom and in theopportunity to serve their fellow man and make the most of it what sets thesepeople with such vast handicap such as not knowing the language not knowing theright people not having any money or the boy with the bird legs who becomes thechampion runner or a helen keller blind and deaf at birth what in the world isthe answer the answer if fully
understood will bring you and meanything and everything we truly want and it's deceptively simple we touchedon it in our last message perhaps it's too simple the people we've talked abouthere and the thousands currently doing the same thing all over the country arein possession of something the average american doesn't have they have goalsthey have a burning desire to succeed despite all handicaps they know exactlywhat they want they think about it every day of their livesit gets them up in the morning and it keeps them giving their very best allday long it's the last thing they think about before dropping off to sleep atnight they have a vision of exactly what
they want to do and that vision carriesthem over every obstacle this vision this dream this goal invisible to allthe world except the person holding it is responsible for perhaps every greatadvance and achievement of humankind it's the underlying motive for justabout everything we see about it everything worthwhile achieved by menand women is a dream come true a goal reached it's been said that what themind can conceive and believe it can achieve it's the fine building wherebefore there was an empty lot or an ancient eyesore it's the bridge spanningthe bay it's landing on the moon and it's that little convenience store inmidtown manhattan it's the lovely home
on a tritiated street and the youngperson accepting the diploma it's the new baby in its mother's arms it's a logolf handicap and a position reached in the world of business it's a certainincome attained or amount of money invested what the mind can conceive andbelieve it can achieve we become what we think about and when we're possessed byan exciting goal we reach it that's why it's been said be choosy therefore whatyou sent your hide upon for if you want it strongly enough you'll get it amen tothat it's written said that americans can have anything they want the troubleis they don't know what they want oh they want little things they want a newcar they get it they want a new
refrigerator they get it they want toleave home and they get it the system never fails for them but they don't seemto understand that it is a system northern if it'll work for arefrigerator or a new car it will work for anything else they want very muchjust as well perhaps that's best people come in allshapes and sizes and with goals of infinitely varying specifications ifthey have goals at all once the person fully an emotionally understands thatthe goals that are important to him/her can become real and his or her life wellit's like opening a jack-in-the-box all sorts of interesting and exciting thingsbegin to happen quite often we become
truly alive for the first time in ourlives we look back at our former lives and realize we wereshuffling along that kind of lockstep that we were actually taking our cuesfrom those about us in the unspoken assumption that were all alike butnothing could be farther from the truth we are not all alike each of us is quitedifferent with different abilities different genetic profiles differentmoments in life what will wonderfully satisfy one particular family andrepresent complete success for them would be considered failure for anotherfamily all because of their different aspirations their different plateaus inlife the difference in their lifestyles
upbringing was education every facet ofour environment as youngsters has an effect upon us and helps to set ourcourse in life the youngster who knew poverty as a child might aspire to berich he might over compensate because of thedesolation of his youth while another young man raised in anupper-middle-class family who always had just about everything he wanted mightsettle for a very middle class adulthood things we've always had aren't asimportant to us as they are to those who've been without them we talked aboutfreedom on the preceding message of how dear it is for those who've never had itwhile most americans taken for granted
can never even think about it if you askmost americans what the most important thing in the world is where he would bechances are they'd seldom come up with freedom yet as archibald macleish wrotein his fine play the secret of freedom the secret of happiness is freedom andthe secret of freedom courage to understand the subject of the importanceof goal-setting we have to realize that it's the very basis of any success it isin fact the right definition of success the best definition of success i've everfound goes like this success is the progressive realisation of a worthy goalor in some cases the pursuit of a worthy ideal if you give these definitions somethought i think you'll agree with me
success is the progressive realisationof a worthy goal it's a beautiful definition of success it means thatanyone who's on course toward the fulfillment of a gois successful now success specify and the achievement of a goal althoughthat's what the world consider success it lies in the journey toward the goalwe're successful as long as we're working towards something we want tobring about in our lives that's what the human being is that his or her bestthat's what cervantes meant when he wrote the road is better than the endwent often romantic stories end with the loving couple getting married that'sjust the beginning of the real story
when the young person stands before hisschool's president and principal receives the diplomathat's called commencement that's the beginning it's an important milestone tobe sure and congratulations are certainly in order but where you'regoing from there once the person has realized the goal for which he or shehas so assiduously toiled that's wonderful it's time for a rest and someself-congratulations time to savor the achievement but wereno longer successful by my definition until we set a new higher goal cardwhich to work were in our best when were climbing thinking planning working whenwere on the road toward something we
want to bring about i don't mean by thisthat we should become workaholics far from it in fact it's been wellestablished that the most successful men and women manage to live in a wonderfulstate of balance with lots of recreation take that word recreate a part whenyou've got some time you'll find it interesting and they get lots of restthe mind works best when were properly rested in our minds are the best andmost important parts of us regardless of what we choose to do did you ever hearan athlete say it's about many percent mental or whatever the percentage reallyis in a good game of golf or tennis it's very large as we pointed out in themagic word her mental attitude could
make all the difference between winningand losing with our definition success being theprogressive realisation of a worthy goal we cover all the bases the young personworking to finish school is a successful as any person on earth the personworking toward a particular position with his or her company it's just asuccess if you have a goal that you find worthyof you as a person a goal that fills you with joy at the thought of itbelieve me you reach it but i should run here and see that the goal will soon beachieved begin to think ahead to the next cone you're going to set it oftenhappens that a writer halfway through a
book will hit upon the idea for his nextone and begin making notes or ideas for in title even one is finishing work onthe one in progress that's the way it should be one of my favorite poems is byrabindranath tagore the distinguished calcutta poet and it goes like thisi slept and dreamt that life was joy i woke and saw that life was duty i actedand behold duty was joy we are in our very best and we are happiest when weare fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we'veestablished for ourselves it gives meaning to our time off and comfort toour sleep it makes everything else in life so wonderful so worthwhile mostpeople and they think of the word
success tend to equate it with lots ofmoney sometimes that's a natural part of the goal and tells us how well we'redoing but not always for any means successes whatever we want it to be thatis worthy of us that's why i come in and earlier that success may also be definedas the pursuit of a worthy ideal for example i can't imagine anyone beingmore successful than an outstanding teacher who's striving to know moreabout the art of teaching and the subject matter that will catch theinterest of his or her pimples who understands that every student isdifferent and learns at a different rate of speed joy and satisfaction come to usfrom serving others and there are
literally millions of ways of doing thatbut those whose goals involve the serving of weight numbers of peoplechances are they'll be richly rewarded indeed in fact for many a goal is acertain level of income or a certain amount of money in an investment accounta goal is an individual thing as individual as the personemer herself since no two people are exactly alike it stands to reason thatno two of us will have exactly the same goals one thing a goal must do howeveris phyllis with positive emotion when we think about it it must be something wewant very much to bring about the more intensely we feel about a goal the moreassuredly the idea buried deep in our
subconscious will direct us along thepath to its fulfillment i once used the quotation no one gets rich withouteverything others i received a letter from a man in utah who wrote how aboutthose who get rich in the drug trade are those who produce himself pornographyhow do they enrich others it was a good question especially in these times ourback to him and told him that my definition of success is the progressiverealisation of a worthy goal certainly people in the drug and pornographybusiness would not qualify as successful what they're doing is counterproductivedestructive and involves in the case of drugs the enslavement and death ofthousands and i went on to say that well
i needs are few and relatively simpleare once in this incredibly effluent society are virtually endless by meetingthose once whatever they may be we serve others not always to their benefit norto our own nor would i call those in drugs and pornography successful nor dotheir riches amount to much if they're apprehended and sent to prison but i didstop using that quotation it is possible to get rich without em reaching othersbut for most of us it's not the way we want to go it's nothing to take pride inwhy bother when there are so many positive excellent and productive waysto serve others but whatever our goal happens to be if we stay with it ifwe're fully committed to it we'll reach
it that's the way it works it'sestimated that about 5% of the population that jeeves unusual successfor the rest ever just seemed to be good enough most seem to just drift alongtaking circumstances as they come and traps hoping from time to time thatthings will get better i like to compare human being with ships as carlisle usedto do it's estimated that about 95 percent can be compared to ships withoutrudders subject to every shift of wind and tide they're helplessly adrift andwhile they fondly hope that they will one day drift into some rich andbustling port you and i know that for every narrow harbour entrance there area thousand miles of rocky coastline the
chances of their drifting in the portare a thousand to one against them our state batteries wax rich on such peoplestood with the slot machines a tossed various fat landing city they look toluck but don't seem to realize how steeply the odds are stacked againstthem someone will sometime to time to be surebut the odds are still there but the five percent who have taken the time andexercised the discipline that climb into the driver's seat of their lives whodecided upon a challenging goal to reach and fully committed themselves toreaching it sails straight and far across the deep oceans of life reachingone port after another and accomplishing
more in just a few years and the restaccomplished in a lifetime if you should visit a ship in port and ask the captainfor his next port of call you tell you in a single sentence even though thecaptain cannot see his port his destination for fully 99% of the voyagehe knows it's there and that barring an unforeseen and highly unlikelycatastrophe he'll reach it all he has to do is keep doing certain things everyday if someone asked you for your next port of call your goal could you tellhim if your goal clean and concise in your mind do you have it written downit's a good idea we need reminding reinforcement if youcan get a picture of your goal and stick
it to your bathroom mirrors next my ideato do so thousands of successful people carry their goals written on a card intheir wallet suppresses when we ask people what they're working for chancesare they'll answer in vague generalities they might say no good health orhappiness there are lots of money that's not good good health should be auniversal goal we all want that our best to achieve and maintain it buthappiness is a byproduct or something else and lots of money is much too vagueit might work but i think it's better to choose a particular sum of money thebetter the clearer our goal is to find the more real it becomes to us andbefore long the more attainable
happiness comes from the direction inwhich we're moving for example children are happier on christmas morning beforeopening their presents than they are christmas afternoon no matter howwonderful their present maybe it's after christmas they'll enjoy their gift to besure but we often find them careless and irritable christmas afternoon we'rehappier on our way out to dinner than we are on the way home we're happier goingon vacation than we are coming home from it and we're happier moving toward ourgoals then even after they've been accomplished believe it or not that'swhy it's so important to set new goals as soon as the current one is realizedand we should never stop this process
all the days of our lives we should beengaged in moving toward earning and looking forward to a new plateau onwhich to stand a new goal to accomplish if you like so many millions ofamericans don't know what it is you want sufficiently the name is your primarygoal i recommend you make out a walk list take a notepad go off by yourselfand write down the things you'd really like to have very much or do one mightbe a beautiful new home or a trip around the world a visit to some specialcountry a place you might be yearning for a sailboat or motor yacht or ifyou're an avid fisherman you might want to go salmon fishing in alaska or troutfishing in new zealand it might be a
business of your own or a particularposition with your company it might be a certain income that will permit you tolive the way you'd like to live or as i said earlier a certain amount of moneyand good investments or in a savings account how about a special makeup caror an addition to your present home just write down everything you can think ofthat you would really like to see come about in your life then when you'veexhausted your once go over the list againand remember the items in the order of their importance that make number oneyour present goal listen to this mr. jarvan as i hope you listen to all themessages until they become a habit net
way of thinking and doing things believeme the system works it works every time life plays no favoritesif anyone can succeed in millions do so can you of one thing you may be sure youwill become what you think about if your thinking is circular and chaotic yourlife will reflect that chaos but if your thinking is orderly and clear if youhave a goal that's important for you to reach then reach it you will one goal ata time that's important that's for most people unwittingly make their mistakethey don't concentrate on a single goal long enough to reach it before they'reoff on another track then another with the result that they achieve nothingnothing but confusion and excuses i
started looking for the so-called secretof success when i was 12 years old i read every book i could find on thesubject i studied psychology and sociologyi studied the great religions of the world and i read the world's greatestphilosophers and all of a sudden many years later i realized that in thehundreds of lives i'd studied in the countless books i'd read a plain andsimple truth had kept appearing it's believed that no one can learn anythingat the leader she is ready for it and apparently i was finally ready in mylate 20s to finally see for the first time the secret i had searched for solong it was simply this we become what
we think about you see you are at thismoment the living embodiment of the sum total of your thoughts to this point inyour life you could be nothing else similarly 5 years from now you'll be thesum total of your thoughts to that point in time but you can control yourthoughts you can decide upon that on which you wish to concentrate about whatyou think about from this point forward and you'll become man you will realizethat goal is yours anything on earth can be sure that's why having a goal towardwhich to work is so very important it gives our minds our focus and our livesby thinking every morning every night of this many times during the days againabout this exciting single goal we've
established for ourselves we actuallybegin moving toward it and bringing it toward us when we concentrate ourthinking it's like taking a river this twisting and turning of me andre allover the countryside and putting it into a straight smooth channel now it haspower direction economy speed several billions of human beings would giveanything they have to enjoy the freedom and personal liberty you and i take forgranted to have the right to choose their work and their goals to enjoy ourbountiful standard of living our educational system to know the peace andprivacy of our homes and have laws which protect the citizen rather than pressacuity we have it all yet in the midst
of our pretty millions lead unhappyendless lives they live in tiny prisons of their own fashioning these are thepeople who don't know that each of us each one of us not the economy or fateor luck or the brace each one of us is in charge of his or her own life eachone of us is completely responsible as carlisle put it the person without apurpose is like a ship without a rudder have a purpose in life and having itthrow such strength of mind and muscle in your work as god has given you healso said the person with a half of volition goes backward and forward andmakes no way on the smoothest road but the person with a whole volitionadvances on the roughest and will reach
his own purpose if there be even alittle wisdom in it and monger said there is no road to success but througha clear strong purpose nothing can take its place a purpose underlies characterculture position attainment of every sort so decide upon your goal insistupon it look at your goal card every morning at night and there's many timesduring the days you conveniently can by so doing you will insinuate your gold inyour subconscious mind you see yourself ashaving already attained your goal and do that every day without fail and it willbecome a habit before you realize it a habit will take you from one success toanother all the years of your life for
that is the secret of success the doorto everything you will ever have or be you are now and you most certainly willbecome what you think about all creatures at birth are supplied witheverything they need for successful survival all creatures except one aresupplied with a set of instincts that will do the job for them and because ofthat they don't need much of a brain take the magnificent bald eagle forexample my life and i saw dozens of them on a recent fishing trip in alaska tosee one of them comes swooping down and pluck alive a sizable fish from thewater on a single pass is astonishing more astonishing still is the eagle'seyesight and because of its need to see
small rodents will be in the grass fromhigh altitudes or a fish just inches under the surface of the water itsincredible eyes take up just about all of the space and its head for the eagleis eyes are the most important thing and everything else works in unison withthem its brain is tiny and rudimentary it doesn't think or plan or remember itsimply acts in accordance with stimuli and it's the same with most other livingcreatures even the beautiful porpoise with a much larger brain than thechimpanzee are easily tamed and taught only one takes 20 years to mature andhas dominion over all the rest of the earth itself and has today the power todestroy all life on earth in a couple of
hours only one is given the godlikepower to fashion its own life accordingly images it holds in itsremarkable mind everything fashioned by human beings is a result of goal-settingwe reach our goals that's how we know that the diseases that plague us will beconquered we've set goals to eradicate every disease that plagues us anderadicate that we will want by one we have never set a goal that wehave not reached even landing on the moon or are now in the process ofreaching no one ever made a purposeful accomplishment without a clear goaltoward which to work i hope you've established yours and thatyou've begun to think about it
frequently everyday to impress it inyour mind particularly your remarkable subconscious where forces greater thanwe can imagine can come to your aid for a moment consider the things your mindhas brought you everything you have your work your relationship with your familyand others your philosophy of life all come to you as a result of using yourmind your religion now consider the estimate made by experts you haveprobably been operating on less than 10% of your mental capacity and probablymuch less than that in an article for the saturday review our old friendherbert otto psychologist educator and chairman of the national center for theexploration of human potential reminded
us that many well-known scientists suchas the late abraham maslow margaret mead gardner murphy post bridge in englishand carl rogers subscribed to the hypothesis that man is using a verysmall fraction of his capacities margaret mead quotes a six percentfigure herbert otto writes my own estimate is five percent or lessneurological research has shed new light on man's potential work of the uclabrain research institute points to enormous ability is latent in everyoneby suggesting an incredible hypothesis they said the ultimate creative capacityof the human brain may be for all practical purposes infinite to use thecomputer analogy man is a vast
storehouse of data but we have notlearned how to program ourselves to utilize these data for problem solvingpurposes the following appeared in soviet life today a ussrenglish-language magazine it said the latest findings in anthropologypsychology logic and physiology show that the potential of the humanmind is very great indeed as soon as modern science gave us someunderstanding of the structure and work of the human brain we were struck withits enormous reserve capacity right see efremov eminent soviet scholar andwriter he continues man under average conditions of work in life uses only asmall part of his thinking equipment if
we were able to force our brain to workand only half its capacity we could without any difficulty whatever learn 40languages memorize the large soviet encyclopedia from cover to cover andcomplete the required courses of dozens of colleges end of quote that statementis hardly an exaggeration it's the generally accepted theoretical view ofman's mental potentials now how can we tap this gigantic potential it's a bigand very complex problem with many ramifications but as herbert otto pointsout is clear that persons who live close to their capacity who continue toactivate their potential have a pronounced sense of well-being andconsiderable energy they see themselves
as leading purposeful and creative livesthe way most people use their minds can be compared to the time back in theearly 19th century when just the eastern coast of the north american continentwas settled just a strip along the east coast to the west stretched the rawundeveloped great bulk of what was later to become the incredibly rich ninetypercent of the economy ninety percent which resulted in thestandard of living and joined today by americans if everything you have is theresult of using just five percent of your mind consider for a moment what itwill mean to you and your family if you can increase this percentage thiscassette will show you how to use
infinitely more of your mental powershow to develop some of that more than 90 percent virgin territory none of us as arule has the slightest notion of the real capabilities of his or her mind butbelieve me when i say they your mind can be compared to anundiscovered goldmine and it makes no difference for the year 17 or 70 look atit this way your goal is in the future your problem is to bridge the gap whichexists between where you now are and the goal you intend to reach this is theproblem to solve robert seashore then chairman of thedepartment of psychology at northwestern university pointed out that successfulpeople are not people without problems
they're simply people who've learned tosolve their problems and there you have it living successfully getting thethings we want them life is a matter of solving the problems which stand betweenwhere we now are and the point we wish to reach no one iswithout problems they're part of living but let me show you how much time wewasted worrying about the wrong problems here's a reliable estimate of the thingspeople worry about things that never happen 40 percent things over and pastthat can never be changed by all the worry in the worldthirty percent needless worries about our health twelve percent pettymiscellaneous worries ten percent real
legitimate worries eight percent inshort 92 percent of the average person's worries take a valuable time causepainful stress even mental anguish and are absolutely unnecessary and of thereal legitimate worries there are two kinds there are the problems we cansolve and there are the problems beyond our ability to personally solve but mostof our real problems usually fall into the first group the ones we can solve ifwe learn how there must be millions of people today who feel they're beingbarred from the life they want because they look upon problems not aschallenges to be met but is wide kasim's beyond their ability to bridge anotherresearch proves that successful people
have the same kinds of problems one ofthe very real benefits of working with a psychologist or psychiatrist that was tolearning that there are hundreds of thousands even millions of other peoplewith problems identical to our own so the whole thing boils down to havehad a lot of problems which are common to us all but to our ability to solvethem i'm going to assume you've decided on a goal remember you will become andyou will achieve what you think about that is if you stay with it you'll reachyour goal but how it's right here that your mindcomes into play what is your mind really nobody knows for sure perhaps the bestway to describe it is to quote pulitzer
prize-winning playwright archibaldmacleish in his play the secret of freedom a character says the only thingabout a man that is a man is his mind everything else you can find in a pig ora horse that's uncomfortably true the human mind is that one thing thatseparates us from the rest of the creatures on earth everything that meansanything to us comes to us through our minds on love of our families ourbeliefs all of our talents knowledge abilities everything is reflectedthrough our minds anything that comes to us in the future will almost certainlycome to us as a result of the extent to which we use our minds and yet it's thelast place on earth the average person
will turn to for help you know why youknow why people don't automatically turn their own vest and mental resources onwhen faced with a problem it's because they've never learned to think that thatis a fact believe it or not most people never think at all during the entirecourse of their lives they remember but that's not thinkingcreatively or in new directions they react to stimuli but again that's notthinking remembering to set the alarm at night and getting up when the rings ofthe morning does not take thought nor the showering shaving getting dressedeating breakfast going to work at work we once again fall into comfortableroutines at quitting time we go home and
start repeating the process most peoplelet me say it again do not know how to think when they're faced with a problemthey will go to any lengths to avoid thinking they will ask advice from themost illogical people usually people who don't know any more than they do nextdoor neighbours members of their familiesvery few of them have reference books but much more important than that onlyone in i don't know how many thousands will take a large notepad right theproblem at the top of the page and then deliberately turn on his or her thinkingapparatus but some people do think they do indeed in order to reflect them onwhat on the human mind consider what
it's accomplished as you do realize thatwe are developing so rapidly that we've come further in the realm of progress inthe past 50 years than in all the preceding ten thousand years of humancivilization of all the scientists who ever livedit's estimated that 90 percent of them are alive todaywe've reached in the area of ideas and human advance when the plateau so highit was undreamed there by even the most optimistic forecasters as recently as 30years ago but every new idea triggers additional ideas so that now we're in anera of compounding advancement on every front and in every area that staggeredthe imagination the flourishing of a
power of the sun and our atomic plantsand ships the speed of light computers which in minutes save months and yearsof calculating drudgery every man-made thing you see and touch spawned from themost powerful agency in the world the human minddr. holo shapley of harvard has said that we're now entering an entirely newage of man he calls that the psycho stoic age the age of the mind and you myfriend own one free and clear now let's look at a few facts the 40-hour weeklong standard is an imminent likelihood of being even further shortened thismeans that the average working person has at his disposal an enormous amountof free time in fact if you were totally
hours in a year and subtract thesleeping hours if he or she sleeps eight hours every night you will find thatthis person has about 6,000 waking hours of which less than 2,000 are spent onthe job now this means 4,000 hours a year when a person is either working orsleeping these can be called discretionary hours with which thatperson can do pretty much he or she pleases so that you can seethe amazing results in your own life i want to recommend that you take just onehour a day five days a week and devote this hour to exercising your mind youdon't even have to do another weekends pick one hour a day on which you canfairly regularly count the best time for
me is an hour before the others are upin the morning the minds clear the house is quiet and if you like with a freshcup of coffee this is the time to start the mind going and here's one good wayto do it during this hour every day take a completely blank sheet of paper at thetop of the page write your present primary goal clearly simply then sinceour future depends upon the way in which we handle our work write down as manyideas as you can for improving that which you now do try to think of 20possible ways in which the activity that fills your day can be improved you won'talways get 20 but even one ideas good now remember two important points withregard to this one this is not
particularly easy and to most of yourideas won't be any good when i say it's not easy i mean it's like starting andthe other habit at first you'll find your mind a little reluctant to behauled up out of that old familiar bed but as you think about your work andways in which it might be improved write down every idea that pops into your headno matter how absurd it might seem let me tell you what will happen some ofyour ideas will be good and worth testing the most important thing howeverthat this extra hour accomplishes is that it deeply embeds your goal in theearth's subconscious mind starts the whole vital machinery working the firstthing every morning and 20 ideas a day
if you can come up with that many total100 a week even skipping weekends and hour a day five days a weektotals 260 hours a year and still leaves you three thousand seven hundred andforty hours of free leisure time now this means you'll be thinking about yourgoal and ways of improving your performance increasing your service sixand a half full extra working weeks a year six and a half40-hour weeks devoted to thinking and planning can you see how easy it is torise above that so-called competition and it'll still leave you with sevenhours a day to spend as you please starting each day thinking you'll findthat your mind will continue to work all
day long and you'll find that at oddmoments when you're least expected really great ideas will begin to bubbleup from your subconscious when they do write them down as soon as you can justone great idea can completely revolutionize your work and as a resultyour life if you want to develop the muscles of your body you take dailyexercise of some sort the mind is developed in the same way except thatthe returns are out of all conceivable proportion of the time and energy spentthe mind of man can lift anything his muscles even the best developed apurely alongside those are some of the dumbest animals on earth if men haddepended on his muscles for survival he
probably would have disappeared as didthe dinosaurs which were incidentally the most physically powerful and mostsuccessful creatures that ever lived let me give you this some of the resultspeople have reported to me as a consequence of following this one hour aday routine and office equipment salesmen sold more of his company'sproduct in one month that he informally sold an entire year during the fouryears you've been with this company a sunday school teacher with five pupilsset a goal of thirty pupils her last letter told me she now has a class of 25she's almost reached her goal i've used this system for years and has given mesome of the most gratifying and
rewarding experiences of my life and itcosts only five hours a week five hours out of a hundred and sixty eight is itworth it it's like spending five hours a week digging in a solid vein of puregold because your mind is all of that and much more each time you write yourgoal at the top of the sheet of paper don't worry you're become concernedabout it think of it as only waiting to be reached a problem only waiting to besolved face it with faith and bend all the great powers of your mind towardsolving it and believe me solve it you willyou know this puts each of us in the driver's seat now let's briefly recapone this week start spending one hour a
day getting as many ideas as you can tryfor 20 a day on ways to improve what you're now doing don't becomediscouraged remember the achievement of your goalvery likely depends upon it as does your whole future once you start exercisingyour mind in this way i know you'll want to continue the practice too ifeverything you now have is the result of using say five to ten percent of yourmental ability you can imagine what life will be like if you can increase thisfigure to twenty percent or more three successful people are not people withoutproblems they're simply people who've learned tosolve their problems for don't waste
time and energy worrying about needlessthings forty percent of them will never happen thirty percent have alreadyhappened that can't be changed twelve percent of needless worries about ourhealth ten percent of petty miscellaneous worries and only eightpercent are genuine try to separate the real from the unnecessary and solvethose which are within your ability to solve five the human race has advancedfarther during the past fifty years than in all the preceding ten thousand yearsof human civilization we're now living right in the middle of the golden ageman has been dreaming of and praying for four centuries and it's going to getbetter last of all the only thing in the
world that can take you to your goals inlife is your mind it's effective use and following through on the good ideas itsurprised you each of us has a tendency to underestimate his or her ownabilities we should realize that we have deep within ourselves deep reservoirs ofgreat ability even genius that can be tapped if we just dig deep enough it'sthe miracle of your mind i'm sure you find it as amazing as tothe rest of us that the great majority of people have to learn things the hardway it's only natural to think that if agreat discovery were made in a particular generation all the succeedinggenerations would know about it and
utilize it for their own good but asmany things such as not the case it's true with most inventions anddiscoveries which obviously affect our lives but it frequently is not true whenit comes to the great laws which determine the directions of ourindividual destinies in one of the so-called third world countries a groupof laborers was hired to work on a farm and these people came from a small veryremote village for motor vehicles were virtually unknown they were enjoying thenew experience of being transported on the back of a truck when they came tothe place where they thought they were supposed to get off without giving it athought apparently they just stepped off
the back of the speeding truckfortunately they fell on a soft dirt road not a paved highway but even so theresults of their unconventional method of disembarking were to say the leastastonishing at least to them they went bounding spinning sliding and cartwheeling along the dusty road for quite a distance before gravity and frictionworking together finally brought them to a halt none was seriously injured infact by the time the terrified driver got back to them they were laughinguproariously about the whole thing the truck driver in explaining the incidentlater put the blame on their never having ridden in trucks before that wasthe obvious answer but it's really not
the true onethe amazing circus tumbling act on a remote farm road had been caused byignorance of a law a law that operates the same whether a truck a boat anairplane or any moving body is involved sir isaac newton gave us theand goes like this a body in motion tends to remain in motion until actedupon by an outside force when the workers stepped off the back of thisfeeding truck they were going the same speed as the truck itself the outsideforce was gravity which pulled them down to the road still traveling at the samespeed and well you get the idea they had been hurt confused frightened and turnedupside down because they didn't
understand the principle law on whicheverything in the universe operates the laws of cause and effect this law hasbeen written thousands of times for the greatest minds the world has producedand as a result has appeared in many forms for our purposes it might best beput this way our rewards in life will always match our service it's anotherway of saying as you sow so shall you reapand it's been written in many ways in every language on earth sir isaac newtonin promulgating his laws of physics put this one in this way for every actionthere's an equal and opposite reaction in saying all rewards in life willalways match our service you almost
always get general agreement people willgo mad their heads who say yes that's certainly true then they will go theirways and they were realized for the most part how close they came to a truth sogreat and all enveloping that the every thought and action is affected by it ilike to think of this law in the form of a giant apothecary scale all the kindwith the cross-arm from which hang two bulls on chains now one of the balls ismarked rewards the other is marked service whatever we put into the bullmarks service the world will match in the bull mug rewards how we think worktalk and conduct ourselves that's what we have to put in the bull mark serviceand the extent and nature of our service
will determine our rewards if any personalive is discontented with his rewards he needs to examine his thermos actionreaction as he's so so shall he reap what you put outdetermine what you must get back in return so simple so basic so true and somisunderstood if a business is not expanding to the quickl exciting templeof the times it must examine it its contribution is service if a person isunhappy with his income he was to examine and reevaluate his service nowwhom do we serve each service serves a portion of humanity and humanity to anygiven person is the people with whom he or she comes in contact his familyfriends neighbors co-workers customers
prospects employer all those he or shehas chosen to serve everyone everyone with whom we have any kind of contact isto us humanity and to the extent that we servewell our rewards be determined never before in the history of the world havehuman beings been so interdependent it's as impossible to live without servingothers as it would be to live if others were not constantly serving us and thisis good the more closely met this interdependence becomes the greater willbe human achievement we need each other and we literally cannot live without oneanother every time we strike a match drink a glass of water turn on thelights pick up the phone drive our car
put on our clothes take a bath mow thelawn go fishing try making your own fishing sometimewe're being served by other human beings every time you look at your watch you'rebeing served by a great industry and by efforts of thousands of human beings weall seek rewards and we should understand that rewards come in twoforms there are tangible rewards an intangible that is rewards include themoney we earn the home we buy the car we drive the clothes we wear but it alsoincludes our happiness our peace of mind our inner satisfaction the people wemeet and enjoy but remember this whatever it is you seek in the form ofrewards you must first earn in the form
of service to others all attempts tosidestep this law will end in failure frustration and is maintained longenough ultimate demoralization we can see this frustration on every sidewe can see it in the tents strained and nervous faces in the mountains oftranquilizers which are consumed everyday and we can also see it in theslack bovine like faces of those who havefound the whole game too complicated and simply given up surrendered to the pushand pull of circumstances how much of this do you suppose is due tomisunderstanding or ignorance of the simple and wonderful law of nature it'smy belief that a great deal can be
traced to this cause now do youunderstand this law fully understand it intellectually and emotionally if you doyou can chart a wonderful course through life just as the field workers steppedoff a speeding truck just as a child will put its fingers in the way of aclosing door just as a speeding driver discovers he's not gonna make the curvehow many times have you been confounded because you acted contrary to the rulesnot just the rules of man but the rules of nature how many times have you beenin the position of the man who sat in front of the empty fireplace and saidgive me heat and then i'll give you some wood people seem to be divided intothose who understand that the wood must
be put in before they can expect warmthand those who feel they should get warped whether they do anything about itor not or feel they should get maximum heat from too small as the prior wood aperson's discontent can be said to be represented by the distance between whathe or she has and what he or she wants once that which is one that has beenachieved the odds are good that still more will be wanted because that's theway of people are less good that's a healthy sign constructive discontent iswhat gives us are continuing upward spiral of civilization so do this if youhaven't already let's assume you've determined what it is you want lookobjectively at the place in which you
now find yourself consider the distanceseparating you from your goal and determine ways of increasing yourservice so you'll build a bridge across it this puts thinking and creativeactivity in the living it also assures us that our goals can be achieved byindividual effort and in the shortest possible timeone morning i was having breakfast in a restaurant in monterey california one ofthe most naturally beautiful places in the world suddenly i was aware of theyoung people sitting in the booth next to mine it was obvious that they werevery unhappy and the young man they couldn't have been over 25 wassaying well i've tried everywhere but no
one wants to give me a job i guess we'llhave to go back home it was apparent from their attitudes that they wanted tolive on the monterey peninsula but we're about out of money and unable to find ajob but he had said nobody wants to give me a job he wanted someone to give himsomething in this case a job what might have happened if he had turned the wholeidea around what if he had said instead what do i know how to do that will servesome of the people this beautiful part of the world or how can i are we be ofvalue to this community the people here will be happy to supply us with a livingwe need if we can think of some way to serve them if we can think of some wayto serve them what do they need or want
that we can supply do they need ahandyman a first-class housekeeper or both can we wash and wax cars right intheir driveways detail them so that they look like showroom display models that'swhy i pad the paper and a ballpoint pen and start thinking of all the things wecan do different a living here it'll give us time to think of other ways moreprofitable ways but that wash and wax idea might blow into quite a service forthe community but this don't stop there let's think of some more ways we canstart right here to be of service to the people who live here right there in therestaurant instead of being depressed and considering themselves failures theycould have come up with a desmos or ways
in which they could have remained on themonterey peninsula and built a fine business for themselves they didn't needa job they needed to think but they had never thought before it was as foreignto them as speaking perdue there they were to find bright good-looking youngpeople with a world of opportunity beckoning to them was too fine mineand they were gonna go back home no one had ever told them about the gold minesthey carried between their ears do you know how many people would have reactedthe same way these young people had reacted they are most of the people inthe united states or any other country for that matter people will doeverything in the world even turn to
crime before they will think georgebernard shaw once commented i've become rich and famous by thinking a couple oftimes a week most people never think at all the young couple in monterreyconscientious as they were we're not sowing therefore they could not reapthey were putting nothing into the community therefore they can expectnothing in return to sum this seems unfair but it isn't iseminently and wonderfully and abundantly fair our job is to do the sowing that'sour department that's all the rest will take care of itself we've been given theequipment free and clear all we are asked to do is use itunfortunately thinking is not taught in
the public schools or most of theprivate schools for that matter thinking is a subject incredible as itmay seem that is totally ignored a person's world can be compared to a potof ground it exists it's there it has inherent within itself anastonishing potential and is prepared to react to a person's every action in factit must whatever your job happens to be think of it for a moment as this pot ofground in the beginning there's nothing there but earth if a person sits andwatches it nothing will happen to it if a few seeds are tossed on it the rainand the soils natural fertility will combine to reward that person with a fewresults for limited efforts action
reaction it all depends on just what'swanted from this part of earth it's funnest wanted that must first bedecided let's say what's wanted is a beautiful lawn bordered by flowergardens with a big tree and the shade of which he or she can sit one day andeither way so the areas for the garden are marked off the soil is cultivatedsmooth and cleaned of stones and trash the lawn and flowers and the tree areplanted and from this point on anyone observing this part of land can evaluatein a second the amount of service the contribution this person is giving tothe project how can you tell you can tell by seeing what the land is givingback to the person planting the plot is
only the first step we're given the plotthat's all we should be given it's what we do with it that will determine itsdegree of greatness of success it's like the story the preacher who was drivingby a beautiful farm the fields were beautifully cultivated and abundant withwell cared for crops the fences house and brine were clean neat freshlypainted a row of pine trees led from the road to the house or there were shadedlawns and flowerbeds it was a beautiful sight to beholdso when the farmer working in the field got to the end of a road near the roadthe preacher had stopped his car and hailed him when he said god has blessedyou with a beautiful farm the farmer
stopped and thought a moment then hereplied yes sir he has and i'm grateful but you should have seen this place whenhe had it all to himself you see the farmer understood that hehad been blessed with a fine farm but he was also aware that it was his own loveand labour which had brought it to its present state each service is given uponto work a lifetime and the work we've chosen like the farmer will be gratefulif we have the vision imagination and intelligence to build well andsuccessfully upon the seemingly unimpressive land of our beginnings orwe can let it fall into a haphazard condition with no real continuity ofpurpose behind it with unpainted
ramshackle buildings surrounded by weedsand debris it's the same land it's what we do with it that makes the differencethe miracle is there if only were wise enough to see it and to realize that ourfulfillment as persons depends upon our reaction to what we've been given inthinking of ways of increasing air service we books on your specialread what others have found to work well for them listen to these tip cassetteprograms of ours but at the same time think of original and creative ways ofincreasing your service ways that are unique with you and the way you aregoing at it strong for a week or a month and then falling back into old habitsit's just like working for a week or a
month on that pod of ground and thenabandonment before long it'll be no better than beforeit's morning and during the day ask yourself this question how can iincrease my service today knowing that my rewards in life must be an exactproportion to my service i do this every day and you'll have started to form oneof life's most valuable habits horace mann wrote if any man seeks forgreatness let him forget greatness and ask for truth and he'll find both yousee you can cut away all the confusion and complications nagging worries andvague half form fears by returning to the great truths the great laws thegreat vanities on which all success all
accomplishment and which the whole worldis built drive down any street in the country any street in any neighborhoodor farm community in his field at all and you can quickly see what the peopleon that street are doing for the good of the community by observing what thecommunity is doing for them have you ever looked at it that way we can tellby looking at a place of business what it's doing for the community byobserving what the community's done for the place of business is a thriving andgrowing or is it just holding its own or simply go out of business whatever thesituation it's a reflection of its service how well is service whatever itmay be is being accepted by the people
is it meeting their needs at once it'sthe same with families and their places of residence and so i said you coulddrive down any street some streets are lined with beautiful expensive homes orsome neighborhoods are obviously suffering from poverty ramshackle withweeds growing in the yards tin cans and rubble strewn everywhererusted cars it's a reflection of what the people living in those homesbeautiful and expensive or rundown and filthy are doing for them and for thecommunity that's it it's always been a matter of interest to me that inneighborhoods with high unemployment the people they don't seem to have enoughtime to keep the homes and yards tidy
while those working the hardest whilethose doing the most have the cleanest most attractive homes with wellmanicured lawns and flower gardens environment is a mirror of the people inthat neighborhood change the people and the environment will change accordinglyit reminds me the old saying but you are speak so loudly i can't hear what you'resaying one day a man was watching a professional football game on televisionhis five-year-old son tim bothering him so he took a page of the sunday paperwith a full-page airline ad on it showing a picture of the world theplanet earth is seen from space he tore the page up into a dozen pieces and givethem to his son he said here put this
together with a cellophane tape and showdaddy how smart you are then he went back to watching his football game wellthey were surprisingly short time the youngster had the picture all taped backtogether it wasn't very neat but it was a verygood job indeed for one so young hey that's amazing the father said how didyou put that world together so quickly and the little boy said there was apicture of a man on the other side i just put the man together and then theworld was all together the youngster was no doubt surprised by the big warm hughe got that's right son the father said when the man's all together his world isall together two being together is
understanding how things work workinghard won't do it that isn't enough we have to work intelligently how oftenhave we heard someone say my father worked too hard all his life but neverhad anything to show for it it's another way of saying my father may he rest inpeace never quite figured out how things workhe worked hard all his life but it was a job with very limited siron another case it goes like this my father was a very bright person but hekept jumping from one thing to another he was always looking for the pot ofgold at the end of the rainbow but he never stayed with one thing long enoughto work it out
succeeding takes time it takesdedication 100% commitment and creative thoughtwe must keep asking ourselves how can i broaden my service and by so doingincrease my harvest my rewards all right how can we correct the situation when umjames gave us the answer he wrote either some unusual stimulus fills them withemotional excitement or some unusual idea of necessity induces them to makean extra effort of will excitements ideas and efforts in the word are whatcarry us over the dam alright that your goal represents the excitement yourideas and efforts will weigh down the service end of the scale and the rewardsmust and will follow they'll be yours
they are yours the moment you realizethe truth as she so sociality reap all the years of your life if you're worriedabout your income or your future you're concentrating on the wrong end of thescale look at the other end concern yourself only with increasing yourservice with becoming great way you are and your income and your future willtake care of themselves don't be the person sitting in front of that emptyfireplace and asking for heat you're asking for the impossible pile in thewood first and the heat will come as a result next time you're off by yourselfin a quiet place contemplate your pot of ground your life and begin to sow theseeds which will yield to a rich and
abundant harvest in william james essayon vital reserves he wrote compared with what we ought to be we're only halfawake our fires a damped our drafts are checked we're making use of only a smallpart of our possible mental and physical resources standing the thing broadlywent on to write the human individual gus lives usually far within his limitshe possesses powers of various sorts routine a bitchfails to use he energizes below his maximum and he behaves below his optima it is our intention that each of thesemessages we built upon a major principle one of the great ideas whichautomatically produces the results we
seek in this message let's talk about aprinciple that never fails following this particular idea gives quality andrichness to life it will also produce a peace of mind that never wavers and theprinciple is integrity like other great ideas against a lot of lip service butit's seldom a true way of life how people love add value a person ofintegrity integrity and everything we do in all of our relationships with othersintegrity and what we say integrity in our work but the word integrity oftenconjures up a person of stern and sober visage who walks the straight and narrowthat's not the kind of integrity i'm talking about i'm talking aboutintegrity with a sense of humor
integrity with understanding integritywith kindness and gentleness but integrity all the same neverexpediency never saying well everybody else is doing it i guess it won't hurtif i do it too but it does hurt if it's wrong and we know it's wrongit does hurt the seed for achievement is integrityintegrity means honesty and the truth perhaps it was best put in the famousline by shakespeare when an hamlet ii as polonius say and this above all to thineown self be true and it must follow as the night the day thou canst not then befalse to any man if we're true to ourselves we cannot be false to anyoneelse if our word to live by his
integrity we have what we need in apinch our sleep is untroubled and were respected wherever we go during thekorean war the chinese come so we're in an american position andcaptured an american general he was subjected to weeks of the worst kind oftreatment brainwashing and questioning he never gave in finally he was toldthat unless he answered their questions he would be executed the followingmorning that night he wrote a letter to his wife and at the end of the letter hesaid tell johnny the word is integrity as it turned out he was not executed andhe was led to repatriated to american forces but thinking he was going to diehe told his son that the word is
integrity integrity means to try as bestwe can to know ourselves to examine ourselves as socrates advised and make atrue assessment of ourselves an inventory of our abilities our talentswhat we want our goals my father go i received a letter from scott d palmer inwhich he said i came across some advice about happiness from my mentor dr. brandblanchard that i published in my newsletter some time back blanchard isone of the greatest men of our century even a few people have ever heard of himhe celebrated his 93rd birthday last year with the publication of his latestbook for reasonable men a biographical book on marcus aurelius ernest renanjohn stuart mill and henry sidgwick
appropriate for blanchard the key virtuethat leads to all the others is reasonableness brad blanchard issterling professor emeritus of philosophy at yale university and on thesubject of happiness he wrote one it is important to happiness not to think toomuch about it the person who continually asks himselfif he's happy is apt to misses end a happiness as aristotle thought is abyproduct of healthful and successful activity bertrand russell who wrote theconquest of happiness remarked that scientists are generally happier thanartists since they're commonly lost in objective tasks and not examining theirown navels what is important is to find
what onedo best generally also the line most useful to others and then to do it withall one's might happiness will come unsought if one seeks it directly onewill be like the discontented old ladies who have want miami hotels number twothe main principle of my ethics is brand blanchard rights to act as to make theworld as much better as possible i've not lived up to it no one has there idisagree with dr. blanchard he has made the world better and so many others buttrying to live up to it he writes involves constantly looking forward tothe consequences of one's actions choosing those that are likely to befruitful and inhibiting action from
impulse many people think of course thatacting on impulse is a requirement of happiness and i agree that impulse mustbe there the stronger the better provided this under control but seekinghappiness directly by blindly following one's impulses is too likely the end inhip edom drugs in the gutter and the distinguished yale professor wrote themost important thing i've learned is the necessity of reasonableness the personwho has the least to regret who does most for his community whose judgmentcarries the most weight and is the most trusted is the person who is steadfastlyand on principle reasonable i don't mean the intellectual who is often animpractical boor i mean the person who
in matters of belief and matters ofaction takes as his principal adjust your belief or decision to the evidenceand he completes his small essay unhappiness by writing there's no onemeaning of life no two lives have the same value the richness of a lifedepends not on the amount of happiness it achieves but on finding out who oneis that is about one's unique combination of powers and thendiscovering through experiment and reflection what course of life willfulfil those powers most completely end of quoteyou'll never get better advice i agree with scott palmer that brand blanchardsterling professor emeritus of
philosophy at yale university in his 93years most of them devoted to study in teaching and observing the human speciesknows what he's talking about and to me reasonableness is another wordfor integrity integrity the truth to the evidence no matter where it leads and iespecially liked his saying the richness of a life depends not only amount ofhappiness of the chiefs but i'm finding out who one is that is about one'sunique combination of powers and then discovering through experiment andreflection what course of life will fullfill those powers most completelywhat are your powers there's something probably several things that you can doespecially well that you must enjoy
doing and which will automaticallyprovide the greatest service to others are you ready to discover it throughexperiment and reflection what course of life will fulfill those powers mustprobably be now that's being true to yourself that's integrity that'sreasonableness as a radio listener wrote to me one day this little we cannotaccomplish as persons if we manage the conquest of inner space being truthfulwith ourselves means taking the responsibility of making the best use ofwhat we have and what do we have we have our underutilized minds our abilitiesour talents and tongue these are our possessions this is really an immenseamount of wealth that belongs to each of
us and it's the investment of our wealthwhich will determine our rate of return our mind our abilities our talents andtime no one can take those away from us we take them with us wherever we go andthey represent our true wealth that's what makes the human being autonomousalthough most people don't know it do you mind me of their horse orelephant that meekly does what it's told are directed to do it's completelyunaware of its own strength it doesn't know how easily it can do what it wantsto do millions of miraculous human creatureslive in tiny prisons of their own fashioning completely unaware of theirpowers to be free to do what they would
most love to do and in so doing reap aharvest beyond their wildest imaginings they are slaves to their ignorance andfollow each other around and around like so many processionary caterpillars hellhave they invested their wealth their minds their abilities their talents andtime they're not even aware of it as with the ownership of wealth of anykind it's left to us to decide what useful make of it we can squander anadult's gone spend it in the helter-skelter hit or miss fashionwithout much purpose or meaning or we can invest it with intelligence andpurpose and receive an abundant return a return which will more than provide forour families all the years of our lives
the choice is ours and it's here thatintegrity comes into the picture but were the only ones from home we cansteal time talent ability and the use of our minds it's making the best use ofwhat we have what we are in the time that's been granted this sounds simplewell truth is always simple and uncomplicated as soon as we properlyinvest our true wealth we place ourselves above competition were nolonger competing we're craving were understanding something with the greatmajority of people have never known heelys the foundation upon which everygreat career has been built in every field so invest in that yellow legal padand a few ballpoint pens in your own
best quiet time start making notes thereare some givens of the success department success has nothing at all todo with the size of the brain the largest brain on record was the brain ofan idiot the smallest the brain of anatole france who won the nobel prizein literature in 1921 some of the world's greatest people in every fieldare or were short bald and fat some tall and skinny some were brilliantlyeducated some had little or no schooling the person destined for greatness is theperson who decides for himself to follow his or her strongest suit but trulysuccessful people all have one thing in commonthey all follow consciously or
unconsciously the law of cause andeffect they're true to themselves although most people will give lipservice to the idea of integrity they're really not at all sure about it whetherthe great majority it's often a matter of expediency if it's expedient to behonest trying they're honest if it's more expedient to realize a quick profitin some way by not disclosing the whole truth or by shaming it a bit well that'sshaded a bit they tend to live on the basis of short-term or even instantgratification they don't see succeeding as a long-range program they don't knowabout what i like to call the unfailing boomerangs every time a person doessomething dishonest whether it's smaller
lives whether it's stealing a pair ofpliers from the plant or embezzling ten thousand dollars he's throwing theboomerang it's the same with small dishonest ease with manipulating thetruth how far the boomerang will travel no one can tell how great a small acircle it will traverse only time will tell but it will eventually inevitablycome around full circle and deliver it's never failing andpainful blow honesty unfailing integrity is good businessin fact mirabal wrote if honesty did not exist we ought to invent it as the bestmeans of getting rich did you know that or believe me is absolutely true and allwe have to do under every circumstance
is ask ourselves is this true is thishonest is this the best i can do and if it is go ahead with a happy realizationthat we've put in motion the right cars and know that the effect will take careof itself i only hope a real success of winning the hearts and minds of thepeople we serve is in helping them in some way unless improving their standardof living but if we're content to give less than our best were actually workingagainst ourselves the average working person in our society is paid for about40 hours a week this leaves 120 hours a week to do as weplease never before in the history of humankind have we had so much free timethat's a hundred and twenty hours a week
if we sleep eight hours every nighttimers as much time as we spend on the job how much is all that time worth wewant our leisure time of course time to relax take it easy recharge ourbatteries but do we need 120 hours for that our greatest enemy has neverchanged and his name is ignorance and the greatest ignorance of all is themistaken belief that we can ever receive more than we truly earn sooner or laterthere will be an accounting every day for good or bad worth throwing theboomerang and just as the punishment always seems to be greater than theoffense the rewards are also out of all proportion to our honest efforts solet's summarize what do we mean by
integrity it means giving everything wedo our very best it means being true to ourselves andevery other person with whom we come in contact this gives meaning and comfortto our leisure time our rest has been earned we know we'll move ahead towardour goals simply because we've become remarkable peoplewe cannot go unnoticed the person of integrity is always needed in everyundertaking it means the willingness to keep an open mind to look for truthwherever it leads all the years of our lives to check things out for ourselvesto weigh what others tell us and make our own judgments it's knowing thatthere's always a better way to do
everything and then a better way stillto do that it's looking for that better way in everything we do it's realizingthat the person who does not read is no better off than the person who cannotread and that a person who does not continue to learn and grow as a personis no better off than one who cannot it means that we must walk with integrityevery day of our lives if we're truly weak the abundant harvest all the yearsof our lives it's realizing that the greatest joy a human being canexperience is the joy of accomplishment remember to think of your life is thatpart of rich soil waiting to be seated you can only return to you that whichyou sow and what do you have to sell you
have great wealth you have a mind youcan think you have many abilities you have talents that you still may nothave explored and you have time time which cannot be saved stopped nor heldback for a second make full use of these riches it's never too late his truth isyour guide integrity as your banner and your product ground will return to youand yours and abundance that will amaze and delight you hem of days come inwhich you find yourself depressed or confusedremember this comment by dean briggs he wrote do your work not just your workand no more but a little more for the lavishing sake that little more which isworth all the rest and if you suffer as
you must and if you doubt as you must doyour work put your heart into it of the sky will clear and then out of your verydoubt and suffering will be borne the supreme joy of life all kinds of studies have been made withregard to factors which motivate people to live as they do we've already coveredenough ground in this program to establish the fact that people areresponsible for their personal lives barring some act of god or government totest rafi a war that might intervene to change things permanently or temporarilyfor example a lot of my friends many of the big good friends of mine were killedduring world war two when they were in
their 20s and 30s the lives of othershave been unalterably modified by injury or serious illness but for most of us wehave our health which is the natural inclination of all nature and we haveour lives to live sometimes believe it or not that's the personal handicap itoften takes the physically handicapped to demonstrate for us the unlimitedpossibilities that exist as an option for those willing to set goals and staywith them until they're achieved while the healthy among us often take the pathof least resistance i think was bell veck when he had the chicago white soxwho said i don't want the natural athlete i want a guy who'll go after thehide ones it's the people in this world
willing to go after the hide ones whoachieve greatness they're motivated there's that word again they'remotivated to give the last ounce of themselves and the achievement of theirgoals now let's look at some facts of life only about 5% of the people achieveunusual success during their lives these are the people who earn larger incomeslive in better neighborhoods in better larger homes have better education morethe good things of life and make a correspondingly larger contribution totheir communities they tend to speak better english and send their kids tobetter schools there are always exceptions to any rule that there aremany exceptions for this 5% rule i know
a man who said of one of the largestbest-known companies in the united states who can hardly put ten wordstogether in their proper order if one during the english language werea misdemeanor he'd be on death row yeti has mansions yachts private jets theworks why with no more than perhaps a sixth grade education on the apparentdetermination to us you astray avoid any improvement to itas this man and his family enjoyed such spectacular financial success answer heknows how to serve the people his organization serves millions ofpeople every day of the week he's worked hard all of his life to build the greatorganization he heads and he's done a
fine job of it so he can buy threemillion-dollar yachts and pay cash for them and when he wants to go someplacein a hurry there's his gulfstream three warmed up and ready for him when hischauffeur takes him to the airport but most people in that top 5% but theearlier description many of them are not rich by the standards of our megamillionaire friend but they're in the top 5% of american incomes they're setfor life and they as a group tend to enjoy themselves very much they play abetter game of golf or tennis than most of the country's hackers and they lovetheir lifestyles now a child is born in the united states the odds because ofthe statistics we've been talking about
are 95 to 5 that he will not be borninto this top 5% like most children he'll soon take his environment forgranted let's assume he's a boy although it works the same way for a girl it willsave my heavy to say he or she all the way through this interesting example hegrows up accepting his environment his world and his world is his environmentas it is without giving it a single thought his environment becomes anatural part of it everything about his environment is a conditioning factor thespeech of his parents and relatives and neighbors becomes his speech while helearns in school will have very little effect on it that's why he had grown-upmen and women who have gone through the
american school system saying suchthings as ain't and where's it at they didn't learn those locations in schoolthey were the habitual patterns of speech they heard in their environment iknow an attorney who still says whereas it at any one speech habits are animmediate tip-off as to his upbringing the only reason mind tend to be rathergood is because from the time i was a small child i wanted to be a writer andwords were of great interest to me words are the tools of a writer's trade in agood writer will have a decent infant or women tend to keep them well-oiled andshiny i was the only person in our family so affected the rest had otherinterests education not being one of
them if the statistics were reversed itwould be wonderful if 95% of the people were successful to the degree the 5% arethe odds of a child being raised for the right group would be reversed but that'snot the case so a typical young man or a young womangrows up to mirror his or her environment he thinks as they think hetakes that light for granted all the people he loves are in that groupit's his group too and if he doesn't come across some unusual motivationalong the way he'll become an indistinguishable part of it he doesthat because it's the perfectly natural thing to do their goals or the lack ofthem become his goals a nice house on a
nice street a steady job of some kind agood steady and come a good wife and good kids so the story goes he operateson minimums all the years of his life he never except while playing sports orgetting ready for a date as a young man gets out of low gear it is necessary inthe united states this country's so affluent so vital and so perennial ebooming that people don't have to shift in the second or third gear in order tomeet average requirements and neither do most of the people throughout the worldknow should they have to if they don't want to his wife while their childrenare small is the hardest-working human being in our society she has noeight-hour day or five day a week system
she worked 16 hours a day seven days aweek and according to a recent survey if she had to do it all over again she'dthink twice about it more than 50% of her number also hold down a regularpaying job she didn't know about the 5% either no one ever said to this youngman or this young woman now look here there are two verydistinct groups of people in our society they're in different layers of thissocio-economic pyramid and here the parent or teacher was sketched a pyramidnow there's the top 5% who live and work in this top setin here and the prison would have drawn a line under what represents the top 5%of the pyramid now here's what we called
the great middle class of america it'sdivided into two main groups the upper-middle class another line would bedrawn on the pyramid and the lower middle class the united states has thelargest middle class of any country in the world and then down here at thebottom these few lower layers these are the people who because of a thousandperfectly good reasons need to be helped by all the rest of us they havedifficulty coping many of them were too old or sick to help themselves we havesome 25 million functional illiteracy and so on so these young people wouldsee very clearly their options it would be made clear to them that theyhave the freedom thank god and our
forefathers to choose they have theoption if they so choose to live and work on virtually any layer of thatpyramid and it should be pointed out to them that the higher up on that pyramidyou climb the better the view the fresher the air the smaller the cloudnow that's important to know but it takes more effort to climb higher on apyramid it's much easier to settle for these lower layers you don't have tolearn so much and so on now the pair of the teacher might continue we live righthere at this level on the pyramid and then the parent or teacher might sayit's not in the higher levels but it's certainly not in the lower levels eitherit's where i wanted to be your mother
and i've been quite happy here well ihope you get the picture wouldn't it be wonderful if we would be shown that whenwe're about 12 or 13 wouldn't it be great to know we had that option and tosee that pyramid well this program is for the people who want to be in the top5% and it has a great deal of what we need to know to get into and stay in thetop 5% and while getting into the top 5% may be ones goal is good remember thatlike any destination on planet earth there are a million ways to get thereany road will do any calling will do if we go about it the right way you can getrich hauling garbage and many have already them so it's a vital service tothe commute
but you have to go about it in a certainway this young man now that we've brought is likely to the picture thisfine young woman because of their past environment their conditioning comeunder the statistics of average americans because they live their livesin an average way but of course they're not really average people with the rightmotivation they could become very uncommon people and do very uncommonthings they could render much greater service to their community and reap amuch more abundant harvest as a result if they knew what we're talking about onthis program now what are the odds that they will ever come across dr. brandblanchard's advice about happiness do
they know what happiness is and where itcomes from as either of them ever truly explored his in her potential strongpoint what is it that your original genetic pattern makes you especiallyqualified to do young men and young woman what do you most want to do whatbrings you the greatest joy do you know your rewards all the years of your lifewill be determined by the extent of your contribution your service to others doyou know why some people have paid twenty thousand dollars a week whileothers have paid the minimum wage bill cosby earned twelve million dollars in1986 you know why it's because of the people he serves there's an investmentbanker in los angeles who earns about 40
million dollars a year do you know thatas far as is known there's no limit of endings what would you like to earn howabout a thousand a week that's fifty two thousand a year or twice that that's notall there is for living by enemy is far from it but it does pay the bills and ifyou earn an income in the upper five percent of the population there you arein that top 5% of the pyramid that the sun hits first as the earth does itsdaily rollover act and the sun is still shining on it later in the day when therest of the plane is dark it's nice up there and shooting for it will bring outthe best that's in you you'll do more for others you will make a greatercontribution you'll give more to
charities you will help moreso how about it there's a talk i'd like to give the young peoplesomeone said stir discontent among them but i would provide that discontent isthe greatest motivator of them all and it's responsible for every great boomthe humankind from running water in the inside toilet to the supermarket alittle discontent is a good thing especially when it's discontent withourselves the effective environment is an incalculable powerful force thedeepest craving of young people is to be liked by their fellow studentsacceptance and esteem and the eyes of their contemporaries is their deepestcraving so they begin to do what the
other kids are doing and the other kidsbegin doing what they're doing and everyone acts just like everyone elsethey dress alike they talk alike they laugh at the same things even when itisn't funny it's at this critical age that they begin to play not follow theleader that would be all right the game they play is called follow thefollower day after day week after week month after month year after year theseyoung wonderful impressionable people conform to one another they never askare the people to whom i'm conformed and qualified to lead me it's belongingthat's important belonging to the group and that's the subtle trap that getspractically everybody if we don't break
out of that trap sooner or later we'llend limit millions no billions do it's astonishing how many adults would everbreak out we see them in that 50s and 60s still playing to the wrong crowdstill trying to be one of the boys do you remember what willy loman said inarthur miller's great play death of a salesman he said the important thing isto be liked willy loman never grew up you never knew who he was his story as amodern tragedy has always been a tragedy it's the story of a mob that's why somany young healthy women are smoking today it's their way of going counted onwhat they know is the intelligent thing to do it's their small and very pitifulrebellion
when a person has no identity of his orher own that person will seek to find that identity in a larger group that'swhen joining groups of various kinds is so popular in that way we get a badgeunlabeled that tells us what we are now we're properly labeled this is not tosay that successful men and women do not belong to organizations they certainlydo and they make major contributions to their organizations but they don't needthe organization for identity they're quite aware of who and what they are andif their organizations did not exist they would be successful independentperformers in society they would never feel lost successful people followindependent paths this is the important
point to remember at some point in theirlives they break away from the crowd and start on a path of their own that's theadult the intelligent thing for a human creature to do in striking off on anindependent path they're not necessarily aloneit's just that they joined a much smaller group of like-minded people theycan't take the whole crowd into that top 5% the ancient romans had their circusmodern americans have their television it's far superior to the old romancircus and they don't even have to leave the comfort of their living rooms it'strue that there are many wonderful things on television and an eclecticapproach that is selecting those
programmes in which you're reallyinterested makes sense but the ins of families have the television sets on allday they've mesmerized by it and when one thinks of what they could be doingwas some of that time it makes one realize that it's much easier to win oneof the best things about getting in that top 5% is that as we get older life neednot become less interesting for us or more laborious we become more productiveas we approach our sixties and seventies and often many years beyond and it'snice to grow older with all the goodies of life it's more comfortable one canspend ones winters in florida or somewhere south of the equator and onesummers in the cooler healthier climates
and one can enjoy all the benefits ofthe good life but perhaps most importantly of all one can say i gave itmy best and i'm not through yet it's been a wonderful experience this thisholiday on earth and i've enjoyed it very very much now let's see what we cando with the rest of it yes i think it's actually easier to win there's lesscompetition up there where the view is so much better in the air is so freshand clean and it's almost never too late or with a purpose a worthy goal and themotivation to reach those upper layers on the pyramid a person can travelfarther in a few years that he might otherwise struggle in the lifetime
like most writers when i see something iwrote 10 years ago i invariably see ways it could have been improved i didn't seethose possibilities 10 years ago but it's easier to see them today it meansi've grown as a writer that i'm better then i'm a more effective writer todaythan i was 10 years ago i'm worth more today and if i continue as i have beendoing i'll be much better and worth a lot more 10 years from now before theatomic age chemistry professors used to say that a person's worth from astrictly chemical standpoint was about $32 on the going market in recent yearsthis view as undergone a startling change scientists now calculate that ifthe electronic energy in the hydrogen
atoms of your body could be utilized youcould supply all the electrical needs of a large highly industrialized countryfor nearly a week a dupont scientist said that the atoms of your body containa potential energy of more than 11 million kilowatt hours per pound theaverage person by this estimate is worth about eighty-five billion dollarsmoreover the electrons in the atoms of your body are not just particles ofmatter they're waves of living energy and thesewaves will ripple out and spread themselves in patterns of light and asthey move they sing if you had the proper hearing aid you could hear agreek flow bridging with the waves of
neighboring atoms and they not only singthey shine if you stand in front of an infrared television camera in acompletely dark room the screen will show you from top to toe as a glisteningradiating gleaming form in short you're a whole lot more than meets the casual iadd to all us the fact that to try to reproduce your mind mechanically withmany billions of dollars and you begin to see yourself for what you really arean amazing infinitely valuable creature and not only are you immensely valuableas a human being you're unlike any other human being who ever livedor ever will live you are unique how what are you selling all is for allhuman beings are priceless but the
payments tangible and intangible theyreceived from life vary greatly the purpose of this message is to help youdecide just what you're worth as a human being right now on the market in today'ssociety and what you intend to be worth save now five years from now in the lastanalysis every person is in reality in business for himself or herself in thatthey're building their own lives regardless of who happens to write theirpaycheck so for the purpose of this particular message i'd like you to thinkof yourself as a business let's say a corporation you hold the office ofpresident of this corporation and that you're responsible for its success orfailure you and the members of your
family are stockholders in yourcorporation and it's your responsibility to see that the value of the stockincreases in the years ahead your family has evidenced faith in youand it's your responsibility to prove their faith is justified this is the jobof any employed family member now while the operations of a corporation aremultitudinous and complex they can be reduced to four basic functions number 1permanence 2 production 3 sales for research without properfinancing there'd be no production without prevention the company wouldhave nothing to sell without sales it would have to completely stop productionwithout research it could not hope to
keep a breast or ahead of our rapidlychanging times now slide any one of these four vitalfunctions and you have a deformed a crippled company and if you slide itlong enough you'll commit corporate suicide unless you want to cop out forthat average business we discussed finance the money part of the wholething on another cassette for now let's concentrate on research production andsales they are the head hens and legs of acompany we could say that the head head was research the hands take care ofproduction and the legs handle sales cut off any one of these parts and you'releft with a shocked staggering
organization how many wants largecompanies and trade names can you think of which became giants and thendisappeared entirely from the economic scene names which once were worldleaders in their fields and are now holding memories they failed to keep inbalance these four crucial functions what about with six for your personalcorporation research can be said to exist in two areas present and futurethat is the research of a company should be devoted to ways and means ofimproving its present products or services present production and presentsales future research is concerned with ways of means of developing new productsor services new methods of production
and new methods of marketing but whilethis research is going on present production must continue at his higherlevel of sales warrant in short a corporation your corporation has twofactors to consider the present and the future how successful we are in meetingthese challenges will determine our present profits and our future growthnow why are all companies concerned with growth even when they seem to be doingwell today it's because of the law which operates with company is just as it doeswith human beings nothing in the world stands still nothing in the entireuniverse standstill a law of physics goes of body and motion tends to remainin motion until acted upon by an outside
force a company which is growing has atendency to continue to grow in other words just doing things right converselya company which is going backwards or shrinking has a tendency to continue togo backwards or shrink until acted upon by an outside force all responsiblecompany officers know that unless the company is growing it's developing thefirst signs of death well you're the head of your personal corporation andyou should realize that this same law applies to you as welland just for a minute let's take a look at the next 10 years before we do keepthis in mind if anyone had predicted just 10 years ago that we would beliving in the kind of world we have
today he would have been ridiculed nowthis includes everything from our basic industrial technology to the luxuriesand products we take for granted along with at present average income we'rereaching a point in the expansion of human knowledge for our advanced is morethan dynamic its explosive any prediction for the next 10 years is verylikely to be far on the ultra-conservative side but let's take alook at what the experts have to say according to many recent researchstudies the next 10 years of an offer business of the individual unlimitedrewards in the next 8 to 10 years the bulk of spending in the highly developednations will be for things products and
services over and above the necessitiesfar above them the necessities which are food clothing shelter transportation andmedical care i mentioned most of the spending will be for things above andbeyond the necessities this will be the first time this has happened in theentire history of the human race it's estimated the consumer market willexpand 50% and more than x generation is so on astonishing increased soaring intothe hundreds of billions of dollars in the next 30 years alongside everybuilding now in existence a new building must be built and what about researchand development which is the future of our economy today more money is beingspent on r&d in a single year that was
spent during the past 150 years think amoment what does all this mean for you and your own individual company the oneof which you are the president it means your futures are limited if you'll seeyourself in relation to the present in the futurenever before throughout all the centuries of man has a person faced asbright a future as yours our population too is getting a lot smarter educationaladvances during the past 30 years have been remarkable during the next 30they'll probably be amazing the customer is getting smarter every day and ifwe're going to continue to meet his or her demands and sell him or her ourproducts we better get smarter every day
toothe market in the next ten years will be characterized by diversity notuniformity it also be dominated by taste not necessity there'll be a greatincrease in the quality as well as the quantity of consumer choices there aremany signs of the rising birds for the better things in life many millions ofadults are currently interested in f ker our study programs and this number isgrowing by billions each year well that's just a glance of a few of thethings going on around us and what life will be like in eight to ten years noweach of us as president an unquestioned manager of his own corporation candecide what to do about it we can either
grow with it or go backward we cannotstand still even if we'd like to this gives us an opportunity to stand backand look at ourselves and our futures objectively as an intelligent strangermight ask yourself how much am i worth right now today as a corporation what'smy value today to myself my family my company if i were an outside investor astranger when i invest in this corporation a company growing at therate of 10% a year will double in size in about eight years one attention areyou giving to the production of your personal corporation and you grow andimprove as a person at least 10 percent easier of course you can in fact if wego along with the experts estimates a
person can increase his effectivenessanywhere from 50 to 100 percent and more within 30 days our files are filled withreports from people who exceeded their previous performance to an almostunbelievable extent people in management and in production who multiplied theireffectiveness many times students who move from failing grades to straight a'sof the dean's list people in sales who probably could through the propermanagement of their abilities minds and time sell as much of their company'sproducts in a single book as they had previously sold an entire year thinkwhat that means it means being 12 times as effective asa human being and getting back to the
law of cause and effect it means puttingout 12 times as much service which must ben will guarantee our receivingeventually 12 times the real we formerly knew 12 times the rewardremember please if we do twice as much we have to receive twice as much andnothing on earth can keep it from us have the same thing applies to greettriple our effectiveness you and i know this everyone should know it butremember that fully 95% of the people do not know this think of the advantagethis gives us it isn't that we want to take advantage of anyone and we're notbut it dramatically demonstrates the truth of the saying knowledge is poweryou'd be amazed by the great numbers of
people who stopped learning when schoolis over aside from company manuals and such internal literature they repay alittle of anything of real value the introduction to recorded learningpioneered by this company has made substantial gains in destroying rapidlybut as yet has only scratched the surface an ongoing education is vital ifwe're the stay vital there's so much to learn in our school curriculum touchedonly a fraction of it one of the most important subjects is getting along withpeople we can only do things we can only win through people and that subjectisn't taught at all in school the great ideas were talking about on this programis seldom taught in the home and almost
never in school go through our catalogueof programs carefully and one by one you can maintain an effective ongoingeducation program for many years to come it's true knowledge is powerwhat's more knowledge shows on our faces and it's apparent in our speech it helpsus raise our children get along better with our neighbors and fellow workersabove all perhaps it's the greatest motivator in the world as we learned ourhorizons received we realized this more to do and more time in which to do itold myths about getting out of action at age 65 disappear and we realized that aslong as we're learning and teaching and growing it need never stopped and webecome more effective with the passage
of time tomorrow is a brand new day thegreat equalizer no more no less than anyone else onearth can air right now begin to think of ways inwhich you can begin to increase your effectiveness raise your productionknowing that i still doing your automatically presetting your rewardseach day that comes to you beginning with tomorrow offers you a clean brandnew page on which to write the story of your life forget the past it's gonedon't concern yourself with the opportunities you may have missed in thepast this is true of everyone but reach out and take each new day as it comesand ask yourself how can i best use this
day you know we're going to run out ofthem eventually if we waste an hour of productive time every day it adds up toabout two hundred and fifty hours a year that our corporation our plan is shutdown we can earn nothing with the doors closed what is your time worth an hourmultiply this by two hundred and fifty and you can see which is falling awaynow whether your employer pays for this wasted hour and that is unimportant lifewill not pay for men to enjoy every minute of your life be happy now don'twait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future as mygood friend wally amos of famous amos chocolate cookiessays happiness is an inside job think
how really precious is the time you havedisband whether it's at work or with your family every minute should beenjoyed savored a human life is really nothing more than a collection ofminutes hours and days these are the building materials and it's leftstrictly up to us to determine the kind in size structure we build you see aperson has a tremendous advantage over even the largest corporation think ofany large multinational corporation can in double its production in the singleday course not get it double its sales in the single day of course not it wouldlike to but its growth must be a gradual spinny thing because of the interconnecting complexities of operating so
large and organization yet a person candouble triple quadruple his effectiveness in a month or lessit's like comparing the movement of a single scout to the movement of a greatarmy how have you been hemming the four vital functions of thebusiness finance production sales research how much time and effort areyou giving to finance to research the study of your work your career can thisbe improved what about production is there a way in which you could vastlyimprove the way in which you conduct your work in sales how can that beimproved sales is more than selling a product or services the way in which wesell ourselves to everyone with whom we
come in contact is the way we get alongwith our associates our spouses our kids our neighbors and the farm businesshappens to be selling how can we see more people every day you improve theeffectiveness of every part of our contact one extra call a day comes totwo hundred and fifty calls a year how many additional sales could we make withtwo hundred and fifty additional contacts in five years that comes totwelve hundred and fifty calls we would not otherwise have made it's thedifference between being average or above average it's the differencebetween good and great taking this new active approach to life brings peace toour minds absolute security to our
future great new stature as human beingsin this way we can work toward reaching full maturity with this attitude towardlife we need never firm open concern ourselves with its outcome it will beginto become a successful tomorrow and it will pour abundance upon us from therest of our years let's talk about moneymen and women have been concerned about money since the first coin was fashionedin asia minor about 700 bc you might say that money is like good health and thatwere concerned about it to the extent that we don't have it the purpose ofthis message is to get down to the basics to clear the air surrounding theentire subject of money and to do this
i'm going to have to get absolutelyelementary and while you may already know most of the things i'm going to sayi think it's important that we remind ourselves just exactly what money is howmuch of it is enough and how to earn the amount of money you need to live the wayyou want to live now and then the important future years to begin let'sget rid of the old myth once and for all that money is bad or unimportant it isnot bad and it is important it's vitally important it's just as important as thefood and clothes it buys the shelter and affords the education that provides tothe doctor's bills that pays money is important to any person living in acivilized society to argue and split
hairs to the effect that it's not asimportant as other things is absurd nothing will take the place of money inthe area in which money works and that's all there is to itwhat is running money is the harvest of our production money is what we receivefor our production and service as persons and which we can then use toobtain the production and services of others we can quite often accuratelygauge the extent of our production and service by simply counting the amount ofmoney we receive for it you'll hear people say money won't bringhappiness the earning in possession of money hasbrought a lot more happiness than has
poverty money is a wormhole and healthychildren is birthday presents to the college education if the trip abroad andthe means to help older people and the less fortunate we're not saying thatpiling up a lot of wealth is important what we're saying is that money isimportant because it's the only reward which is completely negotiable and canbe used by everyone look at it this way a diamond is more valuable than a lumpof coal yet that's exactly what a diamond was at one time and just as alump of coal could be transformed into one of the world's most valuable gems ahuman being can vastly increased his or her own value to the world try toremember this formula the amount of
money we receive will always be indirect ratio to the demand for what we do our ability to do it and thedifficulty of replacing us a highly skilled human being is worth more moneyin our economy than a person who is not highly skilled and who can be easilyreplaced now this is not to say that one person is any better than the otherperson or more important remember that in this message we'll be talking aboutmoney nothing else a janitor is just as important as a human being as a brainsurgeon but the amount of money they'll earn will be proportional to the demandfor what they do their ability to do what they do and the difficulty ofreplacing them a person to be trained to
clean and maintain the building in a fewweeks and replacing the person is not difficult a brain surgeon spent manyyears learning his profession often at great personal sacrifice and anextremely high cost and he cannot be easily replaced as a result the surgeonmight burn as much money in an hour as a janitor might earn in a year and theseare extreme cases used to show the relation of income to demand skill andsupply and this is as it should be this is why there are a few limitations on aperson within his or her company in industry their incomes will be an exactproportion to the demand for what they dotheir ability to do what they do and the
difficulty of repricing them that's whythe whole idea of trying to get something for nothing is ridiculous andwon't work a top jockey will learn a great deal of money every year whichwill represent about 10% of the winnings of the horses he rides you might sayriding a horse serves no useful purpose but the demand is there useful or notit's the same with a star in show business is her income will veryaccurately reflect the demand for what he does now that's why preparation forlife is so important luck has been defined as we've mentioned as whathappens when preparedness meets opportunity a great opportunity willonly make the unprepared of the
unqualified appear ridiculous for everyone of us opportunities are all around us our ability to see them will dependin large part on how well we've prepared ourselves the honey you stack up in thisregard wirelessly sound elementary you'd be amazed at the number of people whowant more money but don't want to take the time and trouble to qualify for itand until they qualify there's no way on earth for him dermot it's like theperson who wants a good-looking figure but that's what exchange eating habitstonight tends to the world's population the average north american is alreadyrich as a greater difference between the standard of living of most of theworld's population and our average
worker than there is between thestandard enjoyed by our average worker and the richest person in our societyour working people have just about everything the wealthiest have onlysmaller they have a home car often two of them radio tv savings account debtsthey're just smaller their food is as good and just as plentiful their bedsare just as comfortable their homelessness as warm in the winter theyhave exactly the same amount of time and just as much maybe more freedom theirlife expectancy at birth is about 75 years for the rest of the world on theaverage it's less than 60 with only a fraction of the world's population we inthe free world have half the world's
total money income we have more thantwo-thirds of all the automobiles on the planet so we're talking about moneylet's understand that we're already rich as a people now how much do you want howmuch money do you need to live the way you want to live to accomplish the goalsyou've established for yourself most people think they want more money thanthey really do and set off for a lot less than they could earn if they wentabout it the right way the world will pay you exactly what you bargained forexactly what you earn but not a penny more you remember that old poem thatdoes i bargained with life for a penny and life would pay no war well that'sabout it we'll receive not what we idly
wish for but what we just the earn ourrewards will always be in exact proportion to our service if you don'tlike your income you must devise ways and means of increasing air service yourservice must come out of you your mind your abilities in your energy a strongperson cannot make a weak person strong but a weak person can become strong onhis or her own by following a specific course of action for a sufficient lengthof time and the person who's already strong can become a lot stronger it'sthe same with this business of money people who refuse to do more thanthey're being paid for will seldom be paid for more than they're doing you mayhave heard someone say why should i
knock myself out for the money i'mgetting now it's this attitude which more than anything else keeps people atthe bottom of the economic pile they don't understand that only as we grow invalue as persons when we receive the increased income we see if we try tostand still in our work in millions do we never know the rewards know the joyof accomplishment in the personal satisfaction and peace of mind whichcome only to the person of unusual achievement the two distinct steps wemust take first we must decide how much money we really want the exact amountonce this decision is made the second step is to forget the money andconcentrate on improving what we now do
until we've grown to these size thatwill fit and naturally earn the income we seekonce we're fully qualified for the amount of money we decide to earn we'llsoon find ourselves earning and we'll also discover that with our new powersand abilities it's not more difficult perhaps even less difficult then whatwe're now doing for the money we're now learning ask yourself how much money ami perfectly willing to earn realizing that the amount i earn will be an exactproportion of my skills the demand for what i do have the difficulty ofreplacing me there are really three amounts of money people should decideupon one the yearly income we want to
earn now or in the near future theamount of money we want to have in a savings and or investment account andthe amount of money we want as a retirement income whether we ever retirefrom active work or not now it's here that most people make a very seriousmistake they never decide on any of these threeamounts of money if you will decide on these three amounts and if you'll writethem on a card to carry with you or put somewhere where you can review it fromtime to time you'll automatically have placed yourself in that top 5% we weretalking about you have a plan for your future a blueprint for a futurefinancial accomplishment you'll know
where you're going and if you're seriousabout it you will certainly get there you see the trouble with people is notin achieving their goals they can do that alright it said not setting goalsthat people get the trouble they leave it the chance and find out sooner orlater and to their sorrow that chance doesn't work that they've missed theboat it's estimated that only 5% decide are the money they'll earn and then growas persons into the size of the incomes they seek to the stake their lives theirfortunes and their futures in their own hands as they should and accomplishtheir goals right on schedule all the years of their lives you can dothe same thing and you can do it
starting right now there are two kindsof people where money's concerned there's the majority who cut back ontheir wants to fit their incomes and there are those free spirits in theminority who make their incomes fit there once now which is best for youyou've got to decide that ben franklin gave us the secret to wealth he saidroad to wealth lies in augmenting our means or diminishing our warrants eitherwill do but the quickest way the wealth is to do both at the same time when youwrite down the yearly income you mean to earn you no doubt know whether or notit's average for the work you're in or above-average the chances are goodthat's a figure you'll decide upon will
be above average perhaps quite a bitabove average that's good they'll ask yourself who in my line ofwork is now earning that kind of money if you know you have a good idea whatyou have to do in order to earn it this is exactly how men and women movefrom the ranks in the positions of top authority with corresponding incomes nowi have no way of knowing your line of business but regardless of the businessyou're in it needs new leaders men and women that come up in the years aheadeverything is expanding getting larger and with the increase in size of scopethe most desperate need is for the dedicated evil person who can learn thelead to lead the field and to lead
others as well some of the topexecutives in the nation today were once accountants shipping clerks strugglinglawyers service station attendants salespeople in the field sales clerksmailroom clerks stenographers mechanics you can't think of a position from whichpeople have not climbed to the top now understand what i'm going to say andit'll bring you in yours everything you want it's not the job it's the personit's not your present circumstances which count but the circumstances youmake up your mind to achieve that are important the only limit on your incomeis you and the income you decide upon it can be achieved within the framework ofyour present work industry a profession
where you already have a start and aplace if not there it can be found somewhere else all you need is to planthe roadmap and the courage to press on their destination know in advance thatthere will be problems and setbacks but knowing also that nothing on earth canstand in the way of a plan backed by persistence and determination with theincome written down that you intend to earn spend a part of each day thinkingof ways in which you can increase your service nothat you have only to manage this and the income will take care of itselfsince the money won the world is more than you're now receiving your part ofthe bargain is to find ways of
increasing your service until the gaphas been bridged and more than bridged look at your card with the three amountswritten on it by setting a financial goal you're demonstrating faith you'llfind that you begin to become what others call lucky you'll begin to getgood hunches and ideas you take far more interest in everything about your workin your company you'll see opportunities in your work and environment you'venever noticed before in fact you'll soon discover you're no longer the sameperson you'll care less about how others are doing their jobs and concernyourself more with the manner in which you do yours by your example you'llinspire others to do their jobs better
have faith in yourself and the quietfirm in the knowledge that you can and will accomplish your goalsknow that the answers you seek will come to you in their own time if you want tokeep looking for them above all realize that money cannot be sought directlymoney like happiness is an effect it's the result of a clause in the collinsesvaluable service keep money in this proper place it's the servants ofnothing more it's a tool with which we can live better see more in the world togive our youngsters the education they need and the good start in life it's themeans to a happy carefree retirement in later years money is necessary to modernlife but keep it in its place you need
only so much food to enjoy good healthyou really need only so much money to live comfortably securely and well toomuch emphasis on money reverses the whole picture you then become theservant and the money the master as someone once put it it's good to havemoney and the things money can buy but it's good to to check up once in a whileand make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy every personshould know happiness in his or her work and home and prosperity these things canand should be yours play this message as often as you can during the next weekfix your plans firm in your mind and relaxkeep cool and calm be as serene as you
possibly can be you have nothing toworry about right now you may have no idea at all how the additional incomeyou seek is going to come to you know how you're gonna save the amount youwant in a savings account or how you can possibly arrange for the retirementincome you've decided upon that isn't important remember that the only reallyimportant thing is that you know what you want if you do you will become youmust become what you think about be realistic about your financial goals oras you reach them you can then set higher goals try to jump too far toosoon can often result infusion tension worry take your growth in sensiblelogical steps remembering that the big
thing is that you know what you want andthat you realize your rewards will match your service that is that you mustdevise ways and means of actually becoming the person who is worth theamount of money you've established for yourself now a person may be worth morethan he or she is getting for a while but the two will match up they have toin fact unless a person is worth more than he or she is receiving well theycan't move ahead they're receiving all they're worthand it all gets back to the great law that controls everything in the universecause and effect the cause must precede the effect or the effect cannot occurthis is why people who try to get
something for nothing are only foolingthemselves and earning the disillusionment and frustration theymust one day read you can have what you want you need only make up your mind i'm sure you'll agree we acquire theskills of living successfully through knowledge knowledge properly applied ispower and knowledge is available to everybody the degree of a person'signorance will determine his or her place in the world everyone is bornignorant and must for a time live in ignorance but remember there's anyonewho remains sigmund has only himself or herself to blame an illiterate person inour society is in the lowest level of
our social heap and from that startingpoint think once again of society as that pyramid with a broad base graduallyrising to a high point we know that the great majority of people are to be foundin the bottom large layers of this pyramid the higher you go the smallerthe layers at the very peak of the pyramid you'll find the world's mostbrilliant people we may not have the native equipment to reach the topmostpinnacle perhaps although we certainly might but we do control where we willlive between the very top and the very bottom we can most assuredly get intothe top 5% let's say the top five layers of the pyramid and from here we can livewell and successfully all the days of
our lives it isn't that we want to beover anyone it's just having the ambition and good sense to not settlefor anything less to want to live the best we can remember the higher youclimb on a pyramid the farther you can see the fresh of the air and the lesscrowded it becomes another rewarding thing about climbing is that as we climbwe help most of those associated with us to climb to one of the most importantladders leading to the top is knowledge the more we know the higher we can movebut where does a person begin no one person can know everything in fact ourstore of college is growing far too fast foranyone to keep up with it it's like
walking into the library of congresswith its millions of volumes and trying to decide which single book to readfirst knowing that even if you lived a thousand years you couldn't read themall well fortunately the answer this perplexing problem is known a personshould begin with the study of his language and then to his general area ofinterest two steps in that order and can move us right up there on the top of thepyramid first the language in our case englishnot enough people realize that it's our ability to use our language which willdetermine our place on the social pyramid and which will also control to agreat extent the amount of money we will
end during our livesa person may dressed in the latest fashion and presented a very attractiveappearance so far so good but the minute he or she opens his orher mouth and begins to speak he or she proclaims to the world his or her levelon our pyramid shaw's play pygmalion later adapted into the musical comedy myfair lady is an extreme example of what i'm talking aboutour use of the language is the one thing we cannot hide many years ago thegraduating class of a large university was given an examination and englishvocabulary the test scores were graded into groups of five percent each the topfive percent and so on to the bottom at
regular intervals during the next 20years questionnaires were sent to the surviving graduates asking them theiroccupations in commerce and so on without a single exception those whoscored highest 11 cabul airy tests were in the top income group while those whoscored lowest were in the lowest income group we decide just published anarticle by blake clark entitled words can work wonders for you in that hewrote tests of more than 350,000 persons from all walks of life show that moreoften than any other measurable characteristic knowledge of the exactmeaning so a large number of words a company's outstanding successend of quote yes
mentioned the work done in this field bysanest johnson o'connor and gave o'connor's best illustration of theimportance of vocabulary tests were given to executive and supervisorypersonnel in 39 large manufacturing plants the results showed that every oneof the men tested rated high in the basic aptitudes that go with leadershipdifferences in their vocabulary ratings however were definite and dramaticpresidents and vice presidents averaged 236 out of a possible 272 pointsmanagers averaged a hundred and sixty-eight superintendents 140 foremen114 floor bosses 86 in virtually every case vocabulary correlated withexecutive level and income children with
the best vocabularies get the bestgrades in school the salesman in his 50s who was in thebottom 5% in vocabulary worked himself into the top 45% and is now vicepresident of his firm an encouraging fact keep in mind talk went on to say isthat when we master one word we find that we've added several others it's asif the new one is a nucleus of thought around which worldnumerous related ideasthat we now come to understand deliberately learning 10 new words wepick up probably 90 more almost without realizing it you see understanding ourlanguage is the key to studying and learning everything else literallymillions of people are being held back
in life simply because they have nevertaken the time to learn their own language let's face it from the earliesttime as the favorite class of people has always been the educated class they canmake themselves recognized instantly anywhere by the simple expedient ofspeaking a few words our language more than anything elsedetermines the extent of our knowledge you see everything in all the vaststorehouse of knowledge has a name a label these names these words make upthe language the more words we know and can properly use the more knowledge wehave of this you can be sure a person's knowledge and his language go togetherit's almost impossible for one to be
largerthe other before we move to the second point which is knowledge in your fieldof general interest make it a point to acquire books that will help you improveyour vocabulary you'll find them valuable additions for your library andan enormous help in your career in addition to vocabulary effective englishusage is important this entails learning the parts of speech what they mean howthey should be used to construct sentencesthis too is a reflection of your present knowledge right now mentally rateyourself on your use of the language would you say your rating would beexcellent good fair or poor if you rated
yourself excellent you're the top 1/10of 1% of the population if you said good you're definitely inthe top 5% if you rated yourself fair get a good book on english at yourbookstore and study it and if you rated yourself as poor take a home study orknight course in english many excellent courses are available impress on youyoungsters the importance of knowing their language the importance of speechmore people speak english now than any other language on the planet with thepossible exception of chinese english literature from trusted elliot fromshakespeare and hemingway is the richest and most extensive on earth so whenyou're studying english just studying
one of the world's greatest the mostinteresting subjects if you think you don't have time to study listen to whatlois shores has to say about this he said each of us must find his own15-minute period each day for reading it's better if it's regularthe only requirement is the world to read with it you can find fifteenminutes no matter how busy the day that means you'll read half a book a week twobooks a month twenty a year and one thousand in areading lifetime it's an easy way to become well-read and it takes just 15minutes a day now let's get to our second area of study our generalinterest everyone has something in which
he or she is interested more thananother subjects this is true of the salespersondr. architect executive or student reading in this area is for profit andwe should read for pleasure as well once we have a regular program going along toimprove our knowledge of our language we should begin a systematic study of thefield which interests us most and which will help us reach our goal just thatmuch sooner i received a letter from one of my radio listeners a woman saying itwas her ambition to write poetry there was a telephone number on her letter soi called her i asked her how long she'd been studying poetry and what kind of acollection of published poetry she had
she told me she didn't have a singlebook on poetry and had never read it as a study i mention this because it's sooften the case people will say they want to do a particular thing but a bit ofquestioning quickly reveals then it's a whim not a real and important golf ifwe're interested in boating we subscribed to boating magazines andusually have a collection of books on boating stories of the sea a collectionof the works of conrad and we usually know damn to the bilge pumps and mooringlines exactly the kind of boat we want i know because i have such a collection ialso have a wonderful collection of books on english including poetry greatfiction the great books several
excellent dictionaries and a number ofbooks our writing and style and mistakes to avoid our company has published ontape cassette one of the finest programs on vocabulary building ever put togetherand you can listen to it and repeat the words as you drive your car othermotorists might think you're a bit batty but you'll be learning in the best waypossible by listening and repeating a fine vocabulary of the english languagemost languages can number their words under 200,000 the english language hasmore than 600,000 and is still growing every day none of us can learn them allalthough professors of english come very close incidentally the number 2 personin the country in the use of this
language is the corporation presidentand that's no accident our ability to translate our thoughts and ideas intowords in a powerful and effective way is inextricably linked to our growth in thebusiness or any other organization in addition to english each of us shouldhave a good working knowledge of world history and especially the history ofour own country in the history of the idea of human freedom the mediums ofamericans don't know how truly fortunate they are to be able to openly criticizetheir government and its leaders to be able to bring suit against publicofficials to call an attorney of their choice in case of arrest and be judgedby a jury of their peers did you know
that the spy's is known there has neverbeen a sentence of innocent in the soviet court if you go to trial inrussia believe me you're guilty and you're gone to prison or a work camp inhundreds of countries you could be subjected to torture without recourse mywife and i were talking to a couple of south africa some years ago a couple andthey said to us with feeling my god when the plane lands in the united states youcan smell the freedom most americans believe it or not don't know anythingabout the idea of personal liberty nor how difficult it was to come by nor howprecious it is nor do they have the foggiest notion of their true optionsand opportunities i think a good
personal library is essential it shouldcontain good books and a dozen or so excellent tape cassette programs thetape cassette is the greatest idea for learning since the invention of theprinting press is effortless it's so effective when you listen to the humanvoice you're learning the way you learned most of what you know is themost natural way to learn and while a book is often read only once tapecassettes can be listened to over and over again months and years writer andperhaps most importantly they can be listened to while doing other thingswhile dressing in the morning while driving the car while having a snack orat the dinner table so that the entire
family can soak up some informationthose without a good library and they don't even build bookshelves in americanhomes anymore unless they're specified by an architect they're seriouslyhandicapped team is so much of the fun the joy of learning the things we wantto learn books and cassettes are not an expenseitem they're an investment and as far as we know the best investment on earththey pay dividends out of all proportion to the small cost and not just inpleasure and knowledge but in cash in income as someone who's written booksextend our narrow present back into the limitless past they show us the mistakesof the men and women before us and share
with us recipes for human successthere's nothing to be done which books and let me add tape cassettes would nothelp us do much better to try to live without constantly expanding ourknowledge as to close our eyes not just to the whole purpose of life but to thefacts of life as well never before has the world will so rapidly as it's movingtoday we must make up our minds to move with it to stay up with it to grow andprosper with it or just fall by the wayside not just because it's the bestway to our goals but because it's the way to really enjoy living as theskillful sailor enjoys the sea so often a person will live in the shallows fromforce of habit or because those around
him are wasting their time withoutrealizing that only a thin screen of reeds separates him from the fine deepocean beyond he or she can sailed any chosen port if the time has been takenin the effort expended to build a good boat now let me make an important pointa person who knows where he or she is going and who's made up his or her mindto get there is going to make the grave regardless of education if an educationis necessary to the accomplishment of the goal while he or she will get itnothing in the world can take the place of persistence and determination i thinkit's important to succeed in every department of our lives and becomingwell educated is one of the most vital
what good is a large material success ifa person has remained too ignorant to enjoy it or to administer it dumbestrecap knowledge is power the more i knowledge the more power wecan exercise over our lives and our futures think of human society is apyramid composed of layers beginning with the broad baseand narrowing to a pinnacle at the top pick the place on the pyramid you'regoing to shoot for and start climbing since there's far too much knowledge forany one person to assimilate what can we start first with our language and nextwith our general area of interest to subjects which can keep us growing andinterested for the rest of our lives
remember that our language is the onething we cannot hide except by silence let's bring it up to the point where itcan do the job for us we wanted to do to the surprising extent our ability to useour language in the extent of our vocabulary will determine our income inour future use our excellent cassette programs in vocabulary building andspend at least 15 minutes every day reading something not only interestingbut calculated to stretch your mind a little more remember that a mimestretched by a new idea and never again return to its original dimensions it'sestimated that the average person adds only five new words a year to his or hervocabulary that's not nearly enough for
this damage we should add that many aweek many popular magazines published features which will help you in thisarea and finally realize that graduating from school is just the beginning thecommencement of our days and years of learning for with wisdom will comekindness and patience love understanding and success as a person it's never toolate to begin we've talked about the definition ofsuccess as the progressive realisation of a worthy goal the purpose of thismessage is to tell you of a wonderful way to keep realising to keep achievingyour goals one half throw another in the years ahead a goal sometimes seems sofar off in our progress often appears to
be so painfully slow that we have atendency to lose heart it sometimes seems we'll never make the grade and wecome close to falling back into old habits which while they may becomfortable now lead to nowhere well it's a way to beat this it's been usedsuccessfully by many of the world's most successful people and it's beenadvocated by many of the greatest thinkers it's to live successfully oneday at a time a lifetime is comprised of days strung together into weeks monthsand years us reduce it to the lowest common denominator a single day and thenstill further to each task of that day a successful life is nothing more than alot of successful days put together it's
going to take so many days to reach yourgoal if this goal is to be reached in the minimum of time every day must counti think of a single day as a building block with which you're building thetower of your life just as a stonemason canput only one stone in place at a time you can live only one day at a time andit's the way in which these stones are placed which will determine the beautythe strength of your tower if each stone is successfully placed thetower will be a success if on the other hand they put down in a hit-or-missfashion the whole tower is in danger now this may seem to be a rather elementaryway of looking at it but i want to make
it clear and it's a good and logical wayof looking a human life alright then let's take itone day at a time and the time we wake up in the morning till we drop off tosleep that night keeping our goal in mind as often as possible now each dayconsists of a series of tasks tasks of all kinds and the success of the daydepends upon the successful completion of most of these tasks now if everythingwe do during the day is a success that is done in the best fashion of whichwere capable we can fall asleep that night in the comfortable knowledge thatwe've done our very best that our day has been a success that one more stonehas been successfully put into place and
this is the way to really live do eachday all that can be done that day you don't need to overwork or a rush blindlyindia work trying to do the greatest possible number of things in theshortest possible time don't try to do tomorrow's or next week's work todayit's not so much the number of things you do but the quality the efficiency ofeach separate action that counts the quality of what you do gradually you'llfind yourself increasing the number of tasks and performing them all much moreefficiently to get the habit of success and that's why successful people go fromone success to another because it's a habit with them to get the habit ofsuccess you need only to succeed in the
small tasks of each day this makes asuccessful day enough of these and you have a successful week month year andlifetime this is why i say success is not a matter of luck far from it it canbe predicted and guaranteed that anyone can achieve it by following this planalmost before you realize that you'll have achieved your goal and looking backyou realize that your success was not attributable to any one day week ormonth but rather it was the consistent unrelenting successful succession ofsingle days that dread the drink this is the way a skyscraper home where a humanlife is successfully built one successful day at a time and each daycomprising a collection of successful
tasks one successful task at a timein order to advance to the place you've chosen two things are necessary one thatyou keep your eye on your core and two that you continue to grow from thestandpoint of competence and effectiveness don't get impatientdon't let the hundreds of little distractions which each day try to getyou off course bother you pay no attention to them shake them off andface deadly on the track concentrate on each task of the day from morning tonight and do each as successfully as you can know full well that if each of yourtasks is perform successfully or at least the greater majority of them yourlife has to be successful there's no
other answer there's no way to avoid itthe men and women who are certain to advance are the ones who become too bigfor the jobs and who have a clear concept of what they want to be who knowwhat they can become what they want to become and who are determined to be whatthey want to be remind yourself at this time that people become exactly whatthey make up their minds to become are you too big for your present job if it'sobvious to you that you are it's obvious to others you know people are not givenpromotions as a rule they promote themselves by becoming too big for theirjobs and by making up their minds exactly what bigger and better job orincome they're shooting for and this is
done by taking one day at a time onetask at a time during each day but how do we separate the important tasks fromit unimportant did you ever hear the single idea for which a man was paid$25,000 and it was worth every penny of it the story goes that the president ofa big steel company had granted an interview to an efficiency expert namedivy lee lee was telling his prospective clients how he could help him do abetter job of managing the company when the president broke in to say somethingto the effect that he wasn't at present managing as well as he knew how he wenton to tell ivy lee that what was needed wasn't more knowing but a lot more doinghe said we know what we should be doing
now if you can show us a better way ofgetting it done i'll listen to you and pay you anything within reasonask well the event said that he could give him something in 20 minutes thatwould increase his efficiency by at least 50% he then handed the executive ablank sheet of paper and said write down on this paper the six most importantthings you have to do tomorrow well the executive thought about of them and didis requested it took him about three or four minutes then lee said now rememberthose items in the order of their importance deal under the company wellthat took another three or four or five minutes and then lee said now put thepaper in your pocket and the first thing
tomorrow morning take it out and look atitem number one don't look at the others just number one and start working on itand if you can stay with it until it's completed then take item number two thesame way and number three and so on till you have to quit for the day don't worryif you've only finished one or two the others can wait if you can't finish themall by this method you could not have finished them with any other method andwithout some system you'd probably take ten times as long to finish them andmight not even have them in the order of their importance do this every workingdaily went on after you've convinced yourself of the value of this systemhave your men try it try it as long as
you like and then send me your check forwhatever you think the idea is worth the entire interview hadn't taken more thana half hour in a few weeks the story has it that the company presidents and ivlead a check for $25,000 with a letter saying the lesson was the mostprofitable from a money standpoint he never learned in his life and it waslater said that in five years this was the plan that was largely responsiblefor turning what was that a little-known steel company into one of the biggestindependent steel producers in the world one idea the idea of taking things oneat a time in their proper order of staying with one task until itsuccessfully completed before going on
to the next of living one day at a timefor the next seven days try the $25,000 idea in your lifetonight right on a slip of paper the six most important things you have to dothen number them in the order of their importanceand tomorrow morning go to work on number one stay with it till itsuccessfully completed then move on to number two and so onwhen you finished with all six yet another piece of paper and repeat theprocess you'll be astonished and delighted that the order it brings intoyour life and at the rate of speed with which you'll be able to accomplish thethings that need doing in the order of
their importance now this simple buttremendously effective method will take all the confusion out of your life youwill never find yourself running around in circles wondering what to do nextremember a should do to live the best you can one day at a time you need notworry about tomorrow or the next day or what's going to happen at the end of themonth one day at a time handle successfully will carry you over everyhurdle it'll solve every problem you can relax in the happy knowledge thatsuccessful tasks make successful days which in turn build a successful lifethis is the kind of unassailable logic no one can argue with it will work everytime for every person the reason for
writing down what you consider only themost important things to do is obvious handling each task during the daysuccessfully is important to the degree of the importance of the tasksthemselves doing a lot of unnecessary things successfully can be pretty muchof a waste of time make certain that the tasks you take the time to doefficiently our important tasks tasks which move your head steadily towardyour goal so often youngsters from school worry about a passing grade youthink of all they'll have to do before the end of the school year followingthis course of action they can stop worrying completely and count onexcellent grades freshmen in high school
and college are frequently plagued bydoubts as to whether or not they'll be able to successfully complete the fouryears ahead and graduate for you seemed like such a long time to them almostforever and this thought sometimes leads to a sort of giving up a fear of failureit was the great harvard teacher and psychologist william james who said ineffect but not students worry about the success of their efforts if they will doeach day as best they can the work which is before them they willwake up one day to find themselves among the competent people of their generationstudent junior executive home maker senior executive or professional thisplan works for everybody
it removes doubt fear and worry andbrings order into our lives all any of us needs to do is face each day as itcomes in good cheer knowing that we have only to succeed today to guarantee ourfuture in this way we'll move steadily ahead growing more competent moreconfident with the passing of everyday others may seem to suddenly shoot upfaster and possibly fall much farther and operating spritzen fits but it's tothe steady that the rewards are eventually paid st. edmund of canterburywas right when he said work as though you would live forever but live asthough you would die tomorrow now try writing down the six mostimportant things you have to do tomorrow
then number them in the order of theirimportance we do this first thing tomorrow morning tackle number one staywith it till it's completed if something should force its delay move on to numbertwo but take them in order and finish them in order as best you can try not toget sidetracked by people or things and successfully accomplishing each task ofyour day beside my typewriter i have glued to the wall a great saying byernest hemingway he said write as well as you can and finish what you startthere's nothing mysterious or capricious about achieving outstanding success it'scompletely within our individual control and is absolutely predictable it'ssimply a matter of doing certain things
a certain way every day and that's allthere is to it as long as you've got that goal to work toward there's novalid reason on earth why you should not become really successful in your fieldyour home life and your community remember that everything in the entirelimitless universe operates on the law of cause and effect there are noexceptions to this nothing happens by accident for every result is acause you have want me to take care of the cause the effect will always withoutexception take care of itself good cause good effect no cause noeffect that cause bad effect it's as reliable as the rising of the sun thisbusiness of living one day at a time the
best we can there's an almostunbelievable cumulative effect for good for success and the things we wantsometimes when we see a bricklayer starting on a building and putting thefirst brick in place was struck by the size of the job he has ahead of him butone day almost before we realize it he's finished all the thousands of bricks arein place each one vital to the finish structure each one sharing its portionof the load and so should be the days of a human life and will be proud and happywith the finished product all businesses all organizations fromthe smallest of the very largest neither leader they have the committees thereasha lines of command and perhaps a
widely dispersed group ofsemi-autonomous divisions but the overall company in each of its divisionsmust have strong and able leadership contrary to popular belief you do notraise morale in an organization it filters down from the top the attitudesof the people working in any organization will always reflect theattitude of the leader and finally this leader will always be found to be justone person the man or woman on the white horse i'm sure you're aware that eventhe largest and oldest companies with many thousands of employees and hundredsof management people will when they find themselves in trouble or not doing aswell as they should seek out one person
and placed him or her in the position offinal authority the whole company the board of directors and perhaps thousandsof stockholders all look to this one person for leadership and success thecase of chrysler and lee iacocca is an excellent example incidentally we havemr. iacocca on the tape cassette program and it's excellentone of you find a successful going concern whether it's a gas station asupermarket a school club pta or a well organized home you'll find behind itssuccess an outstanding leader this is the most valuable person in society inindustry he or she makes the wheels turn the entire economy work this is theperson who's been responsible for the
growth of nations and their position inthe world the employer of millions the dreamer the planner and the troc tohim/her is something that other people watch you'll find this person workingearly in light and we're not working she is usually thinking and planning wayback during the depression of the 1930s the phrase most often heard by employerswas i'll do anything just give me a job millions were unemployed thousands ofbusiness firms had closed their doors and outside employment offices longlines of people stood waiting for any kind of work it was during this time inlong beach california crowded to overflowing with thousands who hadmigrated there looking for work when
there wasn't enough work to go aroundfor the permanent residents it seemed that a friend of mine made aninteresting discovery he found that he could go to work almost anywhere hechose now amazing as this may sound it was absolutely trueit dawned upon him one day that the business establishments of various kindswere just as anxious to succeed as were the people looking for work the ownersand managers of these businesses were worried and concerned over the hardtimes which had descended upon the country and a great many of them werelooking for someone to come to their aid the person who would somehow show up andsolve their business problems but all
they heard was people asking for workand saying i'll do anything these people were asking for a paycheck from acompany which was very likely teetering on the brink of financial ruin itselfand so science appeared in windows all over the land reading no help wantedthis was a negative form of advertising and one that kept the plaintiff hordesaway from the door it also hurt business well this friendof mine decided to become a part of the solution instead of a part of theproblem and his method was simple and it worked like a charm he selected the kindof business he felt he would like to work in and in which he could build acareer he then devoted a month to
finding out all he could about thatparticular business he talked to other people in the same line he heard theirproblems and what they felt was wrong he talked for hours asking questionsprobing about what they felt was needed and so on he went to the publiclibrarian read everything he can find on that industryand then we began to think of ways and means by which this business might beimproved when he was ready and finally made his call on the company for whichhe had decided to work instead of asking for a job he said to the boss somethinglike this i believe i know of several ways in which your business can begreatly increased and i'd like to talk
to you about them well here he wasselling the one thing on earth in which his prospect was most interested thefact that he knew a good deal about the business now permitted him to talkintelligently he took a positive attitude expressed a willingness topitch in and help with the business on the sounded profitable footing and ofcourse that's right he got the job minions out of work and asking for jobsbut one man who found a way to be of help what had he donewell first he had specialized in selected one line of work and decidedthat that was where his future would be now he had to prove himself and he didthe jack of all trades and master of
none was the man who suffered during thedepression people who knew what they were doing and where they were goingsailed through those depression years just like a lied ship sails through astorm it wasn't as comfortable as it could have been but at least thecrossing was a success at least they didn't found her and thousands ofbusinesses actually grew larger and prospered during the depression the bestway for you to develop the security that lasts a lifetime is to becomeoutstanding at one particular line of work look at it this way regardless ofeconomic ups and down was the industry of which that line of work is a partwill continue to operate it won't shut
down completely as long as you're in thetop five percent of the people in that industry you know you'll always be indemand you'll be wanted to need it not just where that industry is concernedbut were you and your family are concerned also the man or woman whobecomes truly outstanding at what he or she does has the world on a string he'sthe person of confidence and peace of mind is the person who's quietly awareof his or her ability and intimate knowledge of his or her job inparticular industry use the homemaker or student who's atthe top of the group they've got it made and they him everybody else know it askyourself this question and i now such a
person without deep inside you know theanswer if you answered yes you're among the most fortunate people and in one ofthe smallest and most elite groups on earth if your answer is no it can't beturned into a yes in a surprisingly short time the first step is to make onereally big and important decision it's a decision the great majority of peoplenever make and suffer as a result failing to make this decision keeps aperson from ever really getting on course or clarifying his or her goals ifyou make the decision i'm now going to recommend you can take a deep breathgive a comfortable sigh of relief fix your eyes firmly upon your target and goto work relaxed comfortable insuring the
knowledge that the success you seek willbe yours the great steel magnate andrew carnegiewould ask the formula for success answered put all your eggs in one basketand then watch that basket let's see frankly realistic who getslaid off work during an economic slump well what gets thrown over the side whenthe ship is in danger of going down everything not absolutely essential tothe operation of the vessel and the safety of its passengers and it's thesame with a business or any other organization it has to be that way withthe corporation its main purpose is to remain in business forever as long as itremains in business it can provide a
needed product or service protect theinvestment of those who have faith in it and provide jobs for those who areessential to its continuity of operation it's the duty of management to protectthe firm and the people who depend upon it just as it's the captain's duty to doeverything in his power to keep his ship sailing all a person needs to do is makecertain that he or she is a vital part of the business or organization thosewho insist on remaining spare gear those who do no more than they must in orderto squeak by those who say i'm not going to do any more than i'm paid to do mustexpect to be yes and when things get too rough forsafety nobody particularly the captain
likes to see cargo thrown over the sidebut if it'll help save the ship there's nothing else to do that's why people arelaid off it has nothing to do with management and labor relations orpersonalities and in the long run is best for everyone since one smoothsailing as again we reached additional employment can again be made availableso each of us must decide whether we want to be part of a cargo or a memberof the crew it said that millions suffer today from a malady called pana phobiapana phobia means literally fear of everything it's an uneasy feeling afeeling of insecurity that generally manifests itself as a sort of a lump offear that settles right behind the belt
buckle especially i've said the eveninglisten on monday mornings there's nothing you can put your finger on it'sjust a an apprehension a feeling of foreboding and this extremely unpleasantcondition is said to result from the unspoken but realized fact that we'regetting credit for more than were actually doing or that we're doing lessthan we could be doing it's the perfectly natural and normalunderstanding deep within each of us that there's something basically wrongabout getting praise that's not earned or if you're an employee being paid forsomething you're not doing as well as you possibly can if we have pantophobiarunning doesn't do any good we find it
follows us on vacation and around thehouse and yard on weekends it's inside us and no matter how fast the jet weboard or how exciting the television program we're watching soon we're awareof it again now there's a simple cure for this malady it's to throw ourselvesnot out of a window but into activity into our work it's the decision to beworth more than were being paid only in this way can we grow it's over balancingthe scales in the service we give knowing that our rewards have mustfollow as a natural result anyone who'll be honest with himself or herselfrealizes that he or she has been happiest and most satisfied after havingsuccessfully completed the difficult job
a leader is a person who can help andlead others if the conscientious mother who wantsher children they grow up knowing the rules for success than happiness it'sthe father who shows by example at any job worth doing is worth doing well it'sthe student who studies to learn not just to get a grade who has a mind ofhis or her own and sets the pace for his or her fellow studentsit's the farmer whose farm sets an example in his area and the smallbusinessman or woman whose business continues to grow and prosper with thepassing years it's the employee who has the good sense to realize that one getsmost out of any job by giving loyalty
and dedication to the firm that pays hisor her wages a leader is any person who realizes the importance of becoming abigger and better person with the passing of every day week and month aleader takes the responsibility of his or her own growth a planner a thinker adoer each of us can become such a leader in our own area of activity it's notdifficult and in the long run it's easier for us and honest than what atfirst may appear to be the easier of two courses simply fix your eye upon yourgoal visualize it with every ounce of your beingenjoy the prospect of it and courageously set out toward it maintaina cheerful helpful attitude toward
everyonewhy shouldn't you be cheerful since you know you'll achieve everything you'veset your heart upon become a kind of sponge for information which will helpyou on your way you don't have to waste years making the mistakes others havemade before you'll be surprised at how quickly you reach your goal but don't beimpatient know and have faith that what should come to you will come to you atthe right time everything in the world works on the side of the person whoworks with nature's laws and above all if you should forget everything elseremember that everything about you everything you will ever have noexperience in any way operates as a
result of law law that is true andunchanging the law of the stars and of the balance of the world as emersonwrote let him learn the prudence of a higher strain let him learn thateverything in nature even dust and feathers go by law andnot by luck and that what he says he reaps look about you take stock of yourpresent situation because there's nothing more nor less than the result ofyour past sowing are you happy with it is it what you want then you know whatyou must sell today and tomorrow and the next day and then the sowing rest in thecalms serene and cheerful certainty that having sown you will then reap the richresults that come automatically all the
years of your life the abundant harvestnow this is earl nightingale reminding you that success as a human being inmodern society does not come naturally it requires the conscious utilization ofourselves in the service of others we have our minds our genetic possibilitiesa certain amount of time and our free will we belong to the world minoritythat lives in a free society we can become whatever we seriously make up ourminds to become as possible because whatever we seriously decide to do isnaturally linked to our genetic possibilities a person with little or noaptitude for science will never decide to become a scientist a naturally shyand retiring person will never apply for
a job in sales or if he does it'll soonget out of it each of us has his or her own inner voice emissary for doers thatiron string that vibrates within us each of us wants to succeed during a holidayon earth and each of us should but we don't succeed in groups we succeed orfail as individuals the mead the field program you've heard on these tapecassettes contains the best basic information and the great ideas we needto each whatever goal we seriously choose listen to these tapes oftenyou'll be astonished to discover how much you missed with your first andsecond listening and there's a very good reason why this happens as we listen toa message an idea will catch our
interest and we concentrate on it for afew seconds or longer now while we are thus engaged wemiss what's being said during the time were concentrating on that idea it'slike lifting the toner i'm on a record now the next time we won't stoplistening when that idea appears and we will really hear consciously for thefirst time what immediately follows think of this program and the othernightingale content programs you order in the future as your partners insuccess you can always refer back to them you'll find yourself delighted bythe new enthusiasm and excitement you'll experience as you bring new meaning newrewards into your life thank you
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