tribal art home decor

hello and welcome. i am disha. i have always wanted to paint someone's life story on a canvas. and i am fortunate enough to have gotten this one opportunity recently from a person who lives in london she contacted me and she showed mesome warli paintings like this one and this one. and i accepted this opportunity and told her i'll not only paint a warli painting as beautiful as these two but i told her that i would love to depict her life story. it's not that i haven't painted warli earlier what you see here is my first warlipainting and as you can see that figures are not perfect and there are many flawsbut over time it got better and i got the opportunity to paint warli on my client's balcony walls. here you can see
some before and after images. the wallswere quite big and it was truly an amazing experience and i got to learn alot of new things. after this i got an opportunity to joinhands with a group called swacch pune swachh bharat. where i painted thewarli painting on a flyover pillar. if you are in pune you can spot this pillaron solapur highway near noble hospital but then question arises why i am soexcited about this warli painting because it's not just a warli paintingthis time i painted someone's life story on a fabrici got a brief from my client about herself and then i spent hours and hoursconceptualizing what i'll be going to
paint and then i started with drawingthe figures on the fabric and then filling the colors. here's my client's storyand how i depicted it. she was born in chennai india so i painted a huge tree and a peacock that obviously reflect india and this monument is mgrmemorial which is in chennai and below it is my client. then her family moved to canada when shewas a year old here their loved ones are waving goodbye to them and off they goto canada. the monument you see here is cn tower in toronto canada where shegrew up, went to school, made friends and spenther growing years. then her family moved
to montreal when she was seventeen. themonument here is george etienne cartier in mount royal park in montreal, canada,where she graduated and enjoyed the best gift of nature, her youth. then she movedto middle east for four years. since it is famous for desert safari i painted acamel in a desert and my client with her luggageobviously in warli style. then she moved to the us for two years and worked in can see i have painted statue of liberty and people celebrating christmas.that depicts her life in the us. now she has been living in london for five yearsand that's why i painted the very famous london bridge.
she not only works but is also a musicdj in london. she learned carnatic music for 10 years and her life revolvesaround music and that's why i painted this warli human chain. and my client singing in the center. youcan see music notes as well. her passions are around art, she sketches, paints andloves to collect art, she also loves biking, hiking and skiing. her parents still live in canada but areconstantly balancing both worlds and spending time with their mothers wholive in chennai. together they visited ramana ashram last winter.
and to depict chennai here are somefamous things of chennai. meals, filter coffee a village scene and a weaver weaving famous kanjivaram orkanchipuram saree and to sum it up all my client told me that she identifies asa canadian indian and this is how i tried to depict that. here's the entire painting. just to showyou how huge it is let me come in the frame.that's how huge it is. the story started from india and then progressed acrossthe globe. hope you all liked it, leave me
a comment and don't forget to subscribe.bye bye i'll see you in the next video.
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