how to recover dining room chairs

how to recover dining room chairs

my name is judy williams representing,and today we are talking about different ways to decorate your dining room. you will noticeon this cushion i have finished it all the way around except on the corner, which isthe most difficult. before i demonstrate the corner, i'd like to tell you to start on theback and staple this back down and then you are going to pull towards the front and youwant a lot of pressure: pull the cushion down really tight. roll it over and staple andjust keep doing that all the way around, all the way. then all these stripes, you wantto make sure you press from the middle like this. make sure your stripe in the middleis straight, and as it works out from the center stripe it is very easy to do. now i'mgoing to demonstrate this corner. you will

see that i just pull this fabric right overwhat was there. and actually i choose this piece of fabric because i put the fabric injust a little short and i want to show you how easy it is. you just press, i'm pressingvery very tight, push it up with my thumbs, and holding it choosing a regular manual could use an electric. you see that i keep pushing and stapling. pushing and stapling.i first use short staples so that they are easy to take out until i get the pattern justthe way that i want it. then on this corner you will notice over here how nicely thatis tucked and it makes a nice look. the curve and tuck is more to the side and not the i'm tucking that under, and again i'm pressing and pulling my fabric. pull it up there andinto the curve and i'm going to hold that.

press it down and staple. it is hard for thosestaples to catch there but, again you just pull, press in, and pull and you can't seeit but, those staples actually came loose, which is what i wanted them to do. again i'mworking my fabric from here. checking if my stripe looks straight to the eye. puttinga lot of pressure on it. pull the staples up to this corner, and i staple it reallywell on the corners. now i'm ready to reinstall my chair cushion.

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