how to refinish a dining room table

how to refinish a dining room table

now i'm about to demonstrate how to stripa finish off of a piece of furniture. it's a bit echoey in here, but that's because we'rein the spray room, which sucks all the air towards this filter, keeping all the dust,the particles of paint thinner and paint, any kind of floating materials that can bein the air, going in one direction to keep the dust off the piece and to keep it safein the room, to breathe. other precautions are, a respirator, gloves, and safety glasses.the things we'll be using to do this process are paint thinner, paint remover, a wire brush,steel wool, sandpaper, and some rags. this piece of furniture has flaking finish. inplaces it's completely worn out. in other places you have dirty build-up. we're goingto remove all that. the first thing we'll

attack is the flaky paint, 'cause that's theloosest, and the easiest thing to remove. we'll do that using a wire brush, being carefulnot to mar up the wood. when you're using a wire brush of any sort on anything flaky,it's best to wear safety glasses and a respirator. once you've used your wire brush to removeany loose paint, then it's time to go to the next step. what we'll go to next is theseareas where the stain is still fairly well-attached, but it's worn away in the surrounding area.this will be the next easiest thing to remove. after you're done wire brushing the chair,use some compressed air to blow any dust off of the chair. the next step is to remove anyactual build-up that's not able to be removed with the wire brush. we're going to be usingtwo things. we're start using paint thinner,

and then if we need something stronger, we'lluse some of this paint remover. i just tried using paint thinner with a rag. that didn'tseem to be enough, so i stepped it up to the steel wool. that also doesn't seem to be enough,so now i'm going to try using this paint remover, which is a much stronger solvent. if thereseem to be areas that the paint remover and the paint thinner both will not remove dueto deeper staining, then you might need to take..get a little more aggressive and usesomething like a cabinet scraper to scrape back areas. and then, reveal a little morefresh wood. for demonstration purposes, i'm going to go ahead and stop here, but whenyou're working on yours at home, just keep doing the same process all over the entirechair until you get results that seem to appear

to be like this.

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