jack in the box dining room hours
check this out is the three-story foxfor dink what what is this i'll get us my presenting horn and it's a good thingi installed the secret hatch you simply slide it like so okay then there'sanother secret door right here very story down there second story down hereand third story jake wants to play beyblade hey yo what's going on guys papa jakeand we are back with a brand new video and today we are gonna be doing anotheramazing what are you doing no logan logan stop it stop fuck oh yeah i'mtrying to do the intro can't be shooting me with nerf gun if we're trying to doan intro okay alright logan's logan's
gone full rogue here but guys we areback and today we are gonna be building a three story fox sport that is right wehave done one story we've done two stories but now we are going to where noman has gone before we are going up yeah and i know what youmight be thinking poppa jake why are you not in your room anymore why is thisroom a nerf room well it's because something happened there is literally aghost in this room i'm not kidding i had to move out of this room because thereis a ghost in here there's no way there's a ghost in this room so i'mwalking and he's probably listening to us right now cuz see that little holethere that's a ghost jake that's the
attic there's nothing that comes out ofthere and i can hear him walking around so i said i'm out of here i can't stayin this room but there are ghosts where's your room now i have moved to asecret location where no ghost is gonna find me but anyway guys that is notgonna stop us from building the ultimate three story box sports their likesbasically building the hoover dam logan logan what are you doing on the floorman we gotta go build the biggest three-story box for it i'm not leavinguntil i subscribe you want to subscribe guys logan's not getting up until youtry bunny if you would not hit that subscribe button yet personally i'moffended but second of all you need to
see that subscribe button as well as thelike button because they're literally next to each other it takes two secondsand logan will personally be delivering you all cookies right logan that'sthat's a yes that's a shakin of a yes logan's giving you all cookies belowting we need to go build let's go ok guys so this third story we're goingfull architecture okay this is gonna be the most insane three story box where wehave ever built all of you in the comments of insane topic jake twostories just he's not tall enough and i agree when they made the eiffel towerthey said let's go big when they made i don't know any other tall buildings butthere are a lot of tall buildings out
there and this is gonna be one of themwe're gonna be combining both our box for mcdonald's which kind of looks likean abandoned yeah this place looks broken and we also have our box for playwhich isn't looking too nice either because that's the fun in it okay we aregonna be renovating both of these and i think it's gonna be really awesome tomake a billionaire three-story box for it i mean we already have this ballswhich is pretty heavy without further ado we need to start building this thingall right you know the first ingredient in any box fort lick a nice to play amaster chef would whip up is the sugar logan we're about to bake a cake a boxfor cake that is and we need our
ingredients oh tape it's out here idon't think that's gonna be enough tape we need more tape all right that shoulddo for this 3-story box for we have our tables here from remember the pausechallenge where i got jake to pause holding this really a table no jake andlogan we're making three stories out of plastic tables these things aren't meantto hold your weight and you're right they're not but that's okay because youshould never try this at home we are professionals at using tables asarchitecture yeah guys do not try this at home the second story of the box forit guys i think tables aren't the righttables so they're a little bit different
from the ones that we bought before thisthis looks really a mite brennick going up to the third story on this is gonnabe very sketchy okay so jake there's already a cracking okay i'm up on thethird story i'm like three stories above the ground have a feeling jake okay guysso it looks like logan's gonna be the only one going up a third story loganyou get the third story i'll stay down on the ground level okay all i can sayis don't try this at home so now that we have both the tablesstacked on one another this is well what its gonna look like as ready now thisthing moves so scary it's funny because guys we set this up to show it to youi've never seen them like this normally
we have cardboard over this then we havecardboard up here when you crazy i'm not gonna lie i repeat do not try this athome but this will be the second stories so essentially the first story is goingto the floor the second story we have already built there and then once youcome up the second story you'll then again on the third story be carefuldon't you go any more hey i proved the point ok well let's all time and thenyou know taped in with cardboard i think it'll be a lot lot yeah but it'll bemore sturdy and it'll be better so we have the first story the second storyand the third story and it's all coming together really nicely guys we actuallyput this down scary anymore it's all put
together a very secure wood buildingthat totally is it being held up but some men but we still a lot more to dowe're gonna expand this up have a ceiling we kind of ran out of ceilingspace but all-in-all guys the port is coming together well next step is gonnabe finalizing it and then we get to decorate it with all of our awesome gearis now time to present to you the three story box board what what is this okaythat's my presenting one check this out is the three story box for this thing isan absolute mansion of a ford this might be one of the biggest sports we haveever been a true it is not only three stories not only two stories but it isalso multiple wings looking we have a
left wing it's a mansion story one storytwo and story three all the way up there it's it's so tall let's go inside hereso the door simple jump right in let me in open there's apassword what what's the password telling you man you need to know thepassword is the password papa jake close is the password papa jake rocks yeah allright that's the password come on in guyscheck out this is the main floor here this is you know our chill area wherewe'll be chilling out we got all of our awesome here over here plushy stuff likethis little poetry which i can hold him it's so soft let the viewers feel howsoft that is that's hashtag soft also i
don't know why we have the master chiefhelmet in here i guess in case our base gets raided you can put that on overhere moving in to the kitchen we have pappa jake's kitchen dilla foodthere's just a cloth and a coffee maker because logan alright normally when i'dbe cooking in here i close the door because when i cook it's extremelysecret how i make my food technically we can make anything in here because wehave uber eats but this is the kitchen guys but you're not here for the kitchenyou're here for all the fun stuff like the third storey alone before we getthere you got shown the second storey okay well yeah i guess the second storeyit is so this is the second storey of
the box port obviously we have three butthe sweet thing about the second storey you can come up here and right behindlogan is one of my favorite places this entire box for oh yeah not only is it aball pit but it's also an emergency escape exits so if you need to jump downhere from the second-story you actually just exit right over the back there guysyou just chilling it's like oh it's just another part of the box work you don'trealize just how high up we i mean that's the ceiling the ceiling isliterally right and you have a speaker yeah we got you blast music through herewhich is pretty sweet so this is the third storey it's kind of just like achill area right now but we also have a
window so you can look outside and thenpretty much you can just kind of like chill here you know maybe read a bookmaybe relax guys just to give you some perspective i'm over six feet tall rightnow jake is all the way up dude you suck yo way down man 1 2 3stories i'm literally touching the ceiling withmy hat this is insane where you goinglogan you didn't know this but i installed a secret hatch you probablywondering papa jake you said there was a west wing where's the sleeping quartersguys this is only half of the box fourth we need to show you the rest of it itlooks like just a normal format painting
but it is covering our secret hatchedthe rest of the box for our sleeping quarters as well as our armory are allhidden in case of evil raccoons jake we're inside there are no raccoons neverknow where a raccoon was gonna be there could be one under your bed at all timesokay and it's a good thing i installed the secret hatch so you simply slide itlike so and check this out guys so this is our secret nerve armory so insidehere underneath the three stories of box fort is where we keep all of oursupplies in gear so it's a little bit of a small space it's a little tiny goteverything in here that we could need you know someone starts attacking it wealso got some extra nerf guns in here
and our power up our mind case we needto wear this for shielding i'm actually gonna bring this into the next room dothis this is really sweet i gotta show you guys this iron man helmet personallyi wouldn't want to sleep underneath three stories of the box for it's kindof weird thinking that logan could literally be up there and i'm all theway down here but if you come on over here there's another secret panel checkthis out this opens like that into our secondaryroom which we can also close the door out there so if we want to be like supersecure someone could literally come in here and have no idea we're closing thesecret door now we are fully secured and
all hidden inside our secret armoryunderneath the three stories and then we have a second secret room over in hereso long if you wanna come in here okay almost and what's prettylike nice in here yeah but looking this isn't you in thefinal part all right this isn't even where we're sleeping there's anothersecret door right here guys this is so cool i'm like completely hidden if youguys saw the front of the floor there's no way you would know where we areif the nerf war broke out i mean even it's like a nuclear war broke out wecould just literally chill in here no once we're in this turbulence it's niceit's a room do that which is fun i get
it but that's not all all right you openup the third secret door into our sleeping pod check it out guys our fullyequipped and decked out sleeping quarters this is where you sleep in thethree-story box port i'll do that some cozy big wake up wake you're in thesleeping order hey guys this is the super secure ultimate place that youwant to be sleeping we've got our sleeping bags in here we've got oursleeping mat extra comfy pillows and on top of that we have our own tv with anxbox hooked up to it so we can play fortnight or do really anything in itdick dick what's this little hole but we do not go near that hole okay that is asecret hole we're not gonna go in here
but guys this is pretty much the threestory box for i mean this thing is so big it took us this much time just toshow the place off that's how crazy big this is okay well we've been buildingall day so i'm pretty hungry and ready for dinner well logan why don't youchill here start setting up for night and i'll go back to the kitchen and whipus something up all right now that we are back in the kitchen it is time tomake the most delicious food now any proper chef starts with the perfectingredients today i will be using an iphone 10 with this i can make any foodi want i simply go on my phone pick what i want and voilait'll be here in two minutes that's
cookie two hours laterall right guys papa jake has whipped us up some food i even packaged it all fromour kitchen i got us some sandwiches so you made this from scratch i did i madeeverything you see here completely from scratch inside our box for kitchen forour 24 hour challenge so here you go logan here is yourokay you made this that myself we had some fresh fish in there i whip that upwith some nice bread a you can cook the bread in her oven well it looks likeit's time for us to dig into our food so we're gonna eat this and we'll updateyou guys in a little bit once we finish dinner because i think then we're gonnahave our epic beyblade tournament what
are you doinglogan i just woke up i went for a nap oh but before we can do anything else wedid promise everyone that we would have a beyblade tournament and everyone knowsthat i always win the beyblade tournaments jake you're not gonna winthis time this time okay yeah value jake what are you doing i'm an iv come on mani don't know if he talks like that yeah i don't be your perfect guy come on ican't see anything so jake don't well we're back in the main room well dj papajake has got something to wake you up check you this first story down theresecond story down here and third story jake wants to play beyblades all rightwell i got my blue beyblade you've got
your orange beyblade here's yourlauncher so get ready to rip all right guys here we go in three two one let around two three two one right off thebat three two one ha i looks like i just destroyed logan'sbeyblade i'm leaving jake i'm leaving i'm goinginto the ball pit i'm never coming back hey how's it going all right guys we aregonna end today's video hope you guys enjoy a 3-story box board it gives someideas on what we should turn this into let us know down below in the commentsif you haven't already smack that subscribe button smack that like buttonbut we will be seeing you guys next time
for another
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