large dining room mirror
i started off by cutting 45-degree miters in pine 1x5s to fit around the 16"x 60" mirror cutting a slots in the 1x5s for the mirror to slide into. making multiple passes so it's easier on the tablesaw. used 90-degree angle brackets to assemble the frame. slid the mirror in before assembling the last side. cutting 45-degree miters in the 1.25" square steel tubing. tack-welding the steel frame while it's in place around the wood frame to ensure a tight fit... sanding up to 220-grit, then staining with 2 coats of minwax polyshades espresso, hitting it with #000 steel wool between coats. finishing up the welds (to the best of my ability!) glamor-shot! (go bruins)
using a grinding disc in my angle grinder to smooth out the welds, then hitting it with an 80-grit sanding disc. i should have been wearing a respirator or mask while doing this.. make sure you do if you're grinding metal. to attach the wood frame to the steel frame, i used the same 90-degree brackets as before; however, they're coated with zinc.... ... which emits toxic fumes when welded, so i removed the zinc coating with a grinding disc. welding on the brackets. using a scrap piece of 1x5 to get the spacing right. careful when welding on wood... it tends to catch fire.... fitting it inside the steel frame. it sure was snug... maybe a little too snug, but it worked. i used 5/8" screws in the angle brackets to attach it. drilled some lag screws into studs to hang it. done!
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