pier one dining room chairs
hey guys welcome back to my channel orwelcome if you are new in today's video i'm going to show you how i redecoratedmy living room for under $50 recently i've been going through my whole housedecluttering and redecorating on a really small budget and i wanted toshare a few of my ideas with you guys today so let's go ahead and get on intothe video alright so before we begin i wanted to show you what my living roomlooked like before and here's what it looks like now just a quick overview sostarting off over here we have this console table that came from pier oneabout 8 years ago or so but i think they still carry this same style so if theydo i'll make sure to link it in the
description box below but we just keepour playstation on top and then over in this corner i put a lamp that i think igot from home goods about 5 years ago and then underneath just to give it alittle bit more height i added two books that's a really good motivational bookthe power of habit if you're looking for one i also have this lemon mint leafcandle right in front of a boxwood fake plant that i got from the target dollarspot about a year ago inside of an old little pot that came from walmart a longtime ago over here we have our fireplace with our tv above underneath the tv onthe mantel i have this clock that came from target many years ago on top ofsome old vintage books that were my
grandmother's next to a old book andthat my mom had in our house when i was growing up inside this little alcovethat is originally made to keep like your cable box and that kind of stuffi just put some old vintage books in there i thought it looked really cooland added some color to the room next to that i have this picture frame that camefrom target a couple years ago and then this plant on top of another vintagebook so over here underneath the window i have this bench that we use to storeall of our dvds originally came from bed bath & beyondand its original color is this kind of dark leather but it's just getting kindof old and dingy and i really wanted to
brighten up this space underneath thewindow so i decided to cover it with a bleached drop cloth and then on top ofthat i just have this a fuzzy pillow that came from home goods a couplemonths ago moving on to the center of the room we have these two chairs it'sjust me and my boyfriend right now so we just kind of minimized a lot of ourfurniture we used to have a sofa and all that kind of stuff in here but it justfelt really crowded so we've just really pared down to these two chairs thischair was originally a multicolored stripe chair that was a hand-me-downfrom my dad i actually just made a diy no-sew slipcover for it if you'reinterested in learning how i made this
slipcover i'm going to be posting avideo later this week on how i did that so make sure you are subscribed so youdon't miss out next to the chair we have this side table that was a hand-me-downfrom my dad's it's kind of cold it actually pulls out and has cup holderswhich is really nice and we just keep our remotes inside and then behind thatare a few magazines over here we have this chair that we actually got for freeoff of craigslist i'm not crazy about how it looks and i'm thinking that i'mgoing to recover it as well but on top of this chair we just have this fuzzyblanket with a little bit of red which i thought tied in some of the red accentsbehind these two chairs if we just have
our bar stools which i repainted usingchalk paint sometime next week i'm also going to be posting a video on some ofmy tips for chalk painting and distressing furniture make sure you aresubscribed if you want to see that video so in this corner we just keep our dog'sfood in this trash can with a little dog bone on it we got that from petco just acouple months ago underneath this window i have this old little side table thatwas a hand-me-down from my mom's which i distressed on top we just have to jadeplants i like jake plants because they symbolize wealth and prosperity andgood luck i'm also going to have this piece featured in my how to chop painttips video coming out soon but this is
just a hand-me-down piece of furniturefrom my mom on top of that i have this planter that my grandmother gave me theni have this little buddha inside to bring good luck and another jade plantjust in a old planter that i think i got from my grandmother sauce i placed thaton top of this clear stand that actually goes with a serving dish that i had inmy kitchen over here i have this antique chair which was my great-grandmother'sand these two picture frames inside the picture frames i just have a map ofparis i thought the colors went really well with the room i got this mapprobably like 20 years ago and also on top of the chair i just have thissheepskin throw that came from ikea here
is my desk which i also painted withchalk paint and distressed the desk was originally my dad's when he was incollege and he gave it to me when i went to college on top of the desk i havethis gold mirror that my mom gave me and then this little painting that i paintedmyself and i just added a little bit of fabric that i picked up from walmart forsome added color above my desk i have this shelf that came from home goodswith two picture frames both from target a ginger jar from ebay and a few booksthat i've collected over the years and then in this last corner i just have alamp from walmart and a plant also from walmart and a planter from walmart whichi painted with some leftover chalk paint
so the only things that i actuallypurchased to redecorate my living room where the materials i needed to recovermy chair and then the paint to paint my furniture the paint only cost 20 bucksand then the materials through cover my chair cost about $25 so all inall i was able to redecorate my whole living room using stuff i already hadand only spending about 45 or 50 dollars at the end of the day so i think it'spretty successful for that small of a budget let me know what you guys thinkdown in the comments below i'd love to know if you are new make sure yousubscribe and let me know in the comments below so i can say hello also ijust wanted to give you a quick reminder
that i have a giveaway going on rightnow which i'll link in the description box below if you haven't entered thatalready make sure you do because i'll be announcing the winner this wednesday sobe on the lookout for that as well thank you guys so much for watching and untilnext time bye
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