refinish dining room table

okay, so i just really wanted to quickly share on my third occasion or trial of vanishing a table how i finally figured out how to vanish it or stain and varnish at the same time without getting brush marks or you know just too much sticky overlapping areas and things like that it's still not perfect but i'm actually really happy with it being my third time. this is the table here there's actually shadow on it currently at the moment and it's drying so there will be like a little bit of marks and things this is not the beast but
it will.. as the stained and varnished sets at it actually dies down. you don't see as many marks on it so it's not perfect, but i figured out how to do it really really really easily and quickly and smoothly. so the reason that i'm actually showing this is because i ended up with lots of brush max and in my paint that the first time. this is what i used i used a foam (can we see that?)... i used a foam roller and this foam roller went on so nice i'll show you in the video because i just propped my phone up and videoed it and then after that going on, and i think i stopped too much between i should have rollered he whole thing, and then quickly
done the whole thing, is i used this this really nice brush, which was monarch ultra fast 15 millimeter wall brush after rolling it on just smoothed it out with this brush, so by using a brush and putting it straight on with a brush last time the varnish was setting in my brush and i was getting tacky areas in brush marks and it just didn't look nice, so this time this has been great! rollered it on brushed it out and the only thing i'd do different when i show you the time laspe is that i'd roller the whole thing and then i'd brush the whole thing so nothing in this brush which has vanish in it sets
really fast. it's just like done anyway, so that's this my tip for today after three attempts of trying to stain and vanish this table, and this is my last try if there's any little drops or anything any markings. i mean it was a secondhand table. well it was given to me. if there's anything wrong with it now it will do it's a home table. it's going to be used it's going to get marks on it but originally was like this white white color which i'll show you the before and after so i'm pretty happy and i just thought i'd share that with you really figured out how to do it really nice, how to varnish nice.
it's got a few but it's better. the stain that i used, or stain/varnish, real quick, was feast watson, colour: jarrah that's all i want to share. thanks for watching. see you later. bye
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