home decor wall art painting

you know i think it's pretty safe to saythat i have the most boring room in all of los angeles. white wall, white wall, whitewall, white door, white desk, white boy. today happends to mark the eight month anniversary of living in this apartment, yet my room still remains boring blank and creativity free. you know it'sabout time i do something about this. i just can't let this blank canvas life on.you see this big boring white wall right here. i think i'm just gonna go to ahead and paint it. i really like the color combinationblue, orange, red and black. i'm not entirely sure those colors lookgood together but i like them regardless. my room has four walls.1, 2, 3, 4. wall number one is the wall with my computer so naturally
that's the wall i look at the most so i guess i'll paint that one. i don't want to do anything ordinary. so that means no paintbrushes. but then again how can i paint an entire wall without a paint brush. yess! yess! let's blow this wall to pieces!ready? set? wait, wait, wait, wait. pause. we haven't yet taken the proper safety precautions. there now you can blow the wall topieces. bring in the weapons! yess! finally, a way to express myself throughart the entire universe is my canvas, nothing is holding me back, nothing can stop me now.
what was that? did you run out? except for maybe running out of co2. i'm gonna need another method. i'm just gonna do it. 3, 2, 1! that looks absolutely terrible. let's keep going! 3, 2 ,1! now for the final touch. just so i can leave my mark when i leave this appartement. you guys, i think it's complete. the art is complete! okay, yeah it looks pretty bad. i get it.but you know that's not really the point. even though it looks like rainbow threw up all over my wall i still love it, because it's mine.
the point is the best art in this world is yourart and nobody can mess with that. so go out there, somewhere in this big world and make some art. even if it sucks!
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