traditional home decor online india
there is a lot of tech that we use in ourhousehold and is very important. i am not a tech savy person but i recentlypurchased some tech products for home use and i think you all should have a look. this is not a product review video at alland do not expect any technical specifications. they are just my thoughts on how the productsare as they serve a lot of purpose for me. you will find links to purchase all productsof my shopping haul in the description below. all of these are links for the products inindia but i am sure you will find the products in any corner of the world. the first one is a very interesting product.
it is a mechanical flashlight i bought fromamazon. this is a no recharge, no battery light andis powered by hand cranking. drop the handle down and press continuouslyfor some time to automatically generate power and then slide the switch on to make the ledflashlight work. the build quality is not that great but itis a very handy gadget to have if there are frequent power cuts in your area or if youlike trekking or travelling to remote places. you can also use this at home if you do notlike the torch of your mobile or struggle to use the mobile torch when it is needed. it has got 3 small bulbs giving you some brightlight but is not suitable for longer requirements.
given the compact design it will make a goodcompanion and given the price of 86 rupees, it is worth every penny. i always wanted a portable speaker which canbe easily carried anywhere during travel, small parties or gatherings. i tried some options but the problem withmost of them was that either they were too bulky or if they were small, the sound qualitywas not good enough. then i found this one from jbl and it reallysurprised me for the power packed in it. open the package and you will surely lovethe minimalistic design. when you open it, the only things you getare the speaker itself, some instructions
booklets and a mini usb cable for chargingit. it is a sturdy little beast and easy to use. on the top you can find the call connecting/disconnectingkey, the volume up down keys, bluetooth key and the power key. the first thing you need to do is to pressthe power key and a blue light on the front of the speaker can be seen. if the power is low, the color of the lightwill be orange. then press the bluetooth key to switch onthe bluetooth in the speaker. go to your device which is a phone or a laptopand you will find the jbl go speaker in the
bluetooth devices. just connect to it on your device and youare done. now, just play the songs on your device orwatch a movie, the audio output will come from the speaker. you will be really surprised by the soundquality. a really great buddy to watch some moviesor hear your favourite music in the kitchen while you are working. on the side of the speaker you will find themini usb port for charging and an aux port. you can use a 3.5mm cable to connect it toa device with the auxiliary port and use this
as an input directly instead of the bluetooth. on the side also is a mic. now this is a great feature to have becausewhen you are connected to your mobile you can take calls from directly from the speaker. i have tried the mic and it is really goodfor the kid of speaker it is. using the call key on the top, you can receiveor end the calls. this speaker is therefore also helpful inconference calls and group calls. the only thing i didnt like about the speakerwas the blue color because it was the only color i could get in the sale.
as you can see that there are many trendycolors available for this speaker. the list price of jbl go speaker is around2400 rupees and you can get it on amazon for around 2000 rupees. come some festival sale and you can get thislittle speaker for as low as 1700 rupees. next on the list is this usb powered led lightfrom xiaomi. now, this is a very bright light and veryuseful if you have a habit on working late hours on the laptop and feel uncomfortableworking in total dark. connect it to a usb port and you will seethe light getting powered. the good thing about the light is that itis bendable and does not break at all.
you can rotate it any way you want. i love to use it with a power bank becauseit makes a good small table lamp with it. near the usb port, you will find a small switch. long press the switch to turn off the lightor short press it to adjust the brightness of the light. there are five brightness levels to selectfrom. you can use it as a torch with a power bankor just insert it to the usb of your laptop and use it if the keyboard is not backlit. believe me this is a very bright light; oneyou would be very surprised to have.
it is available in two colors, blue and whiteand both are good options. you can order it from the xiaomi website for249 rupees. please beware because you will find a lotof cheaper duplicates on flipkart or amazon but their quality is not that good. i would recommend that you buy this lightonly from the xiaomi official website. next on the list is this hot melt glue gunby stanley. a hot melt glue gun is a must have at homenot just for the diy enthusiasts but generally for any home maker. we all know how useful a glue gun can be tosecure your wooden furniture or even the fabric
cover of your cushions. hot glue guns use hot melt adhesive to glueany surface together. and since they use thermoplastic adhesive,they are a lot more effective than the usual glue. this one from stanley is easy to use and extremelyeffective in securing various different kinds of surfaces. i checked a lot of websites to find the bestone and finally bought this one on amazon. it has a very simple design and is easy touse. connect the cord to the power, insert theglue stick at the back opening of the gun.
now press the trigger and the glue startsmelting and comes out from the front opening. put this molten adhesive on any surface youwant and the job is done. when i purchased this glue gun from amazonthe price was 545 rupees and i had to pay another 100 rupees for the shipping. but i just checked it now and the prices havedropped. you can get it for rupees 494 plus another45 rupees for shipping. a good companion along with the glue gun wouldbe a pack of glue sticks. i purchased this pack of 20 glue sticks fromamazon for around 350 rupees. a free cutter is also available with the packthat i purchased.
last on the list is this power screwdriverfrom black and driver. it is a compact and slim in-line screwdriverfor quick fix and light duty assembly projects. if you like fixing things on your own; thisis a must have gadget. the great thing about this screwdriver isthat it has a spindle lock for manual use if desired and for greater control when startingand finishing screws. it is powered by 4 double a batteries whichcan easily be added to the chamber at the back of the device. the 4 alkaline batteries are provided in thepackage. the good news is also that you get 14 piecesaccessory bits and you can see that these
cover almost all types of screws that youhave to wind or unwind. adding a bit to the screwdriver is simple;just fit it in the groove. you get two buttons on the sides of the screwdriverone which rotates the bit clockwise and the other which rotates it counterclockwise. so you can not just add the screws but youcan also use it to unscrew nails when required. believe me, it gets the job done very welland i can surely vouch for the quality of the product by black and decker. you will get this on amazon at a jaw droppingprice of 799 rupees and i think this is worth every penny.
friends this was my list of gadgets i purchasedrecently. i believe that every home maker, every housewifeshould have these gadgets. what do you say? is your list different? please let me know in the comments sectionbelow and let’s try to see what do we all think of technology beyond mobile phones.
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